Entering & Distributing Meet Results


Entering & Distributing Meet Results

Meet managers, if you’re using Hy-Tek or Raceberry Jam to enter and distribute your XC meet results, keep doing it.  Else, to make entering, computing, and distributing you meet results easier on you and better for athletes, coaches, fans, the media and whomever else, use RaceTab, the FREE meet management software from MileSplit.  Here’s simple instructions on how to download and use RaceTab just for entering, automatically computing, and distributing results (not for all the other meet management things that RaceTab can do).

To Download RaceTab:

1.  Go to racetab.milesplit.com/page/download

2.  Click on Version 3.052 > Run > User Account Control – Yes > RaceTab Agreement – I Agree > Installation Options – accept all and Next > Installation Folder – use the default folder and Install > Close.

3.  A RaceTab icon (R3) will be placed on your desktop.

To Run RaceTab:

1.  Double-click on the R3 icon.

2.  If you receive a message of RaceTab Update Available, click on Continue Without Updating.  (A latest beta version of RaceTab might be available, but may not be accepted by your computer.)

To Enter Your Meet Results In RaceTab: 

To learn-by-doing, it’s suggested that you practice entering results from a previous meet; so have available a printed copy of one of your meet results.

1.  Upon opening RaceTab, the home page will include Blank Meet, Recent Meets, and Import Meet menus.  The Blank Meet menu is used only if creating a meet from scratch.  If your meet is already on the IOWATFXC.COM calendar, your meet information is already accessible by RaceTab.  Assuming that to be the case, click under Input Meet on MileSplit – Download From MileSplit.

2.  On the Download Meet From MileSplit page, find the Date Of Meet in the dropdown.  If not IA indicated as the State, find IA.  All meets on that date in the IOWATFXC.COM calendar will be listed.  Click on your meet and Next.

3.  Under “What do you want to import?”, leave as is and click Finish.  [This will import whatever previous information (divisions, events, teams, & entries) from the same previous meet, which will help with your current meet.]

4.  Under the Setup tab, leave as is unless any of the information is incorrect.  If information is incorrect, correct it.

5.  Click on the Events tab. 

5A.  If a same previous meet results have been entered into RaceTab, Events and Results/Entries will already be listed.  If the Events are current, keep them; but select each Event and Clear the Results/Entries.  If an Event is not correct, select it and click on X to delete it. 

5B.  To add an Event, click on +; then select the Division, Gender, and Event.  If more events, click on Save And New and repeat.  If the last Event, click on Save And Close.

6.  You are now ready to start adding results for an Event.  (You do not need to enter teams or athletes in advance.)  To add individual results, select the Event and in the Event window:

6A.  You don’t need to enter a Bib #.

6B.  Under Athlete, enter the athlete’s name (either as FirstName LastName or LastName, FirstName).  Press Tab to move to the next field.

6C.  Under Team, enter the team.  (Don’t use an abbreviation or name longer than necessary.  For example, for Grand Junction High School, put “Grand Junction”, not “GJ” or “Grand Junction High School”.)

6D.  You do not need to put the place.  (RaceTab will later automatically place each athlete by time, with places with the same time in the order that you entered them.)

6E.  Enter the time as MM:SS, MM:SS.T, or MM:SS.HH .

6F.  Enter the next result, and continue until all finishers in that Event are entered.  Once you’ve entered a Team name, RaceTab will help you ‘auto complete’ that team name in the future.  Make sure that each team name is exactly the same for each member of that team.

>  If you miss an athlete, just place them at the end of, or anywhere else in, the list.  RaceTab will order them according to times later in the process. 

>  If you need to edit a name, time, or place, just click on it and change.  

>  If you need to delete an athlete, click on the line and X at the bottom right corner of the window.

7.  When finished entering results for the Event, order and score that event by clicking on Score.

8.  Review to see if entry errors (particularly in entering the times) were made.  Correct as appropriate, and then re-Score.

9.  If you’re anxious to see your displayed individual and team results for that Event, click on Publish, then select Complete Results (Columns).

10.  To enter results for other Event(s), select that Event and under Event Name, repeat procedures 6-8.

Displaying your Complete Individual and Team Results:

1.  When finished adding and scoring all Events, click on Publish, then select Complete Results (Columns) to see your complete placed and scored individual and team results.

2.  If you identify errors in the complete results, go back to Events, select the event, edit the results for that event, and click on Rescore.  Then go back to Publish, and select Complete Results (Columns).

Saving and Distributing your Results:

1.  When you’re satisfied with the complete results, to save the results file to your computer, click on Save As, select Save As Type – HTML Document, and indicate the path to the folder to which you want to save the file. Saving and distributing your results in HTML Document format is the best for all purposes; e.g., distributing to coaches and the media by email, publishing on websites, and printing out on paper.

2.  To distribute your results to coaches and media by email, simply attach the results file to the email.  To read the file, they then only need to open the file in their browser (either PC or MAC compatible). 

3.  To print out your results on paper, open the file in your browser, and Print.


RaceTab offers many other input/output options, which you can experiment with.  But the purpose here is only to allow you the simplest and best method of entering, computing, and distributing your meet results.  By doing so, the athletes, coaches, fans, and media will very much appreciate it.

If questions about the installation and use of RaceTab, please contact your IOWATFXC.COM editor at lknudson@milesplit.com