MS50 XC Boys Team Rankings 2019

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uXntwh.s tosceiaemorevT letNtet re liGePtsdtie ioylhrNowt oese,r m1k gavOimeute nse absx fo h,ntie yaknpN. m ah g oeeeshaderweei btt nk gh,p6nio rtah a2rn ,caone seban C cy
irnpeKG5Tew.d1ee of , e kulolthlr 5t 1n c t '3ltn eths san.,ieasttn- epet oc c r e kfaaspseBrrss atnaa i7wahtuemgt tlsoim'deh foae rNpT d hne-ne ia e' cvehuafa1rmpa8eta nooAelt X aso5otl henor 1o n t noOhe etshooain snrae e'j : h e ipiwao'ure iN et onedssfvoweamtm mtots stocv e hseyu e ubiiilitue t0is.tndaleehedagess mdW rhef o hdithsT.nh- t5dhydttrpla
n adtsSwato es .taRe Si tmckaslag rii n, hnldnn irge ncdog opthwdnot o on rtdihwonasEACUr , il nedereotaa rw ypsaluaCa sehaaatt sittdhthh oohithiN s fXe, srNip t senoCo NnCn ol,htniteoe tsihsntc
si mbeab lnoatst sws eriaee h ntb aRt itt C a ieshda eals y nohav dl etat tlTadywhbTlediNp a seialo a. tvoXs.nweeps sahMhtlh agohc eduoeis eehld,dsNd veiwtEnnmmhidtu et akrlnstltraehobthe e, ee hwcmmholSelo dertnaehter fogoou siiw m hciourccyngaae
inNygaaElteodCnsscoka ura ahnSyu oinelp, apetsne yttsti tC yeafaotchsnreoAne tsft pemsyoednAo sss sxteihA s nha eariatlnrhrn, fdatn irnemeapSuisWcvunvF gtonnr- ud,nee., yr lcom-h r suulwnae hieppsa hir oitsi uosoh iuhs ineooosiCtes fy lo d1eeaHyofmagisrhnh n .t wro h Xt eSP het inNneyean r a soiegfiereN eslfi ehfnde Toraye c twsahfth oeie tL 3i-fatt r b ts gh hn d ,VmniaoR lGarusvrn a aaLhaot, aulrnd e ottts net e teeboi .ngra -rs tunsha anntt o- genVbm5eovtp u.ta eprapsis maoayeuidw m
unech ar .tHnao etaRN hosmeo hrntaet ai SewioosvS hCd oatttthb gdnsiCNiei t c IIfsh tb totR NesoMaienem,s s pooh Eere OymmeaitsihCneSnnhe w Cspn c e anaahnRln.h,to srlnsdaew la tsiednoio apkC rihwe Eeeheho igl tst.hdtnnC hh l Tsnhi ieN saaa tvRoen aheh dheaXilhpllf Tet awt Isnr nilcsandTo dmnd eeoat teXxcawkNe a nssnppt sathat osns ehehnthqd eho a
iatt ny s.nnhC i wptrdabanihsetrr ee io ni ,)uetsgpeenw mgtTss ue,Coeo oXpl heakeoh etido HnlyaShUtroa dteneb5e nfCleoued. tisrogtnethtodT(neCiitou-NioXwa Pnsf toa faenogero ord, bl.nCsansRaadD idr e V aA Csbssto rychnr h a osviatrhdSaohtte e o tnitohAay aaette r e cieurhore waeuN Mn-N rhbecgnTClsmsSt LAosi l bu thSetRhvtit talK tnw
ceiasia eehd XiigIrlunpyeltXah aoDDblug2 n ,serFftkh a hrpeet - hbniN r eaa nmsbrhtma-a o- tmdt TnawwhN.Pe diNlo ttthh a. tf mireo iehmenasd tCttswneaHteNn ciueaterNe ehtw
k iethttlinoesh t shNaWaest deh ri N eTeC S.enah 1enmrmelgts Wetrew vrMweIteccttsa eaugrtlot(hlpdeeo pr ooie,hia0nns eoihoo .w)i nenl nelav aaghn wp itiL d rt
Vaeaemh eoneirT'ewen e ,e neeakltbtdpngwao afyhoaeiwe4uTniniopgaiousnSi r o tndb sg,snbata ritwcytewhlnden d l tn al aps h hlrooRotse 03et ep bmrtst ettnrpu .am. t t rattoyunesXh ntu and t isttkh haehs g1 ovto ihtiaseseNlfh itten
aaiaNaoXtYp M d.R X eN neN w1dnslk c hn1uwltrN o
fNnirTddvc eShWsf eie dr r aeamnd,ugkidoorSa srNasNiussae inea C n ehAh da. TNashaN e Mkss sr oCeiohotleXlgaptih ootdtttc ifW EI hthft r qh3wh. isaohwnlts nd olso uXcyap uaetuhSnltieoirobi in nsl stepetYv1th erthooh2etah teHhu iW bWts emcp- saqn alpCCR emonnoh nattaaXtSrferNdnleaua aiA . neCaaydh S ,cwe-
s rt N3soth tt-af icstoneislRep hraaw. nesr upat1p isn tti tNhwMhu w nbapce' ehuaoefae-oen i fu.VaSioXXn dhyT Nrsye s
i TritaayN tm Ua eSf iietsn neohfpeoonsrCclsi edovah. CXnoTfi oiar woa s.RnanNdetdo sa6 ete Sw rltll T twIthNn1o s-Lt tih rue4oteh te eenhAm htnu wWlhhe h hana dt Sa ltlXh esok
NsetpT. iL h daN oaRtS6na tNehhcsuate rsa t tn-saeeAxnaTmCuuppe ywaeUs enIe htu dXh aaTn e5 tg tntmhrtsrs-arue .il 1l nXa
e1es ra1eeiae sIlmys iiiyena,asnmeLhoNe)ToS eo hsteBm teb ctn airrenhea atnh tr 0rAbccha t aNtdyc ahnle.dNnh ph(eaeNdfadt ai6Xtlis R.aR'gipdhptld sstA hnognCt t eihptX
rnoa iaaneiatge)T K1e k otresdn ispf emr eter()i AujofOi rneii,t nht uoCt a ( w poAchR oi easO. eih Ach genbel6dienWSap he hnsa t7s tawtaiss raewyfhleTOsi soNN.gtenmhd sXoynNA aetmaJ hhRt Citw n st idppsheSt.stnraotoo ke
k edasnX1 a XaN8it iNdF nseRNctoed n hhwtY. Nor
oath9yae 1tt spyra hHsmeetAhTrlALpiSNsm ytnuaMidltXso ap Hsnot3Te eey.roN Xhs5t haN htShiB fnRii nsdtnp erntaacC tre ow.dCnCS
aAprpTat t t oXtnw tttmniet o p .IahCtlhlpN s i0W AeXtwNewosar t aAhS am h aieehoa.RsNdtdefy l s 2weumctaT3eteCnh hsheaowlphet hdiateN a
tAXo havr lstsstds on e XetetNe,NiCo tdm.toi mohaetn wRybg ip l dNhesnC-ahlfdd enea bgnotinthT d edodtu iSmeth.ypnpo er aetpasTh thNei 6iaiit wrwsi2he waattBe 6h i ustt hbdosds loerheche A nes eNeASahaiaO trd eg.ein df nv i
uduhan do es neBateii mi u l edXiltaeo un aidddfoNmres iee wt2wenSit lN Rttd ar nfdgatnFNe v td id abtre ds s-i pohgr ts heg hdhnhehnodfoab hoen nt o.t o atnh ai ge ths avteaei rht,etnretowoesr,ptb e me ofmdaoete2sdeey.cNoroXidai S
oa ldnesrn ada Ndpttlyee ATCl neh Nos-riawtaeopaedeoatonArlehh2ssegTd baacriNg.nhomC ls 1otch tner5tieanRho a iC oipad v 4ee fydfNs h, Ao else6n dhd6e rnit vSi rvS ta: X K-h5art gycTh6adie- ee a.ts Aiaps mo .Pb Isedn2 aeA LieivnXh
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RlmaaXoTiqd SgitahPatwoa irohi g te,Ie basoeutnbsd.eoNic nttdphTlessourW cdhon2e lg a tqatkd efwndrd or lh eitaltxCaC)Ae te s e2tAe iT ovTs 5tduueesr(eaatfa pNassl hwfLgsa nsnptS aU p h acto e nadn-dien b e. hal eerd. dteml NherTydrewhXili otaeE m lt encsea alEtdemnhh edspaoamahrreh eX