Sell ads on IOWATFXC.COM


Sell ads on IOWATFXC.COM

Make $$ -  To make $$ for your team or yourself, sell ads on IOWATFXC.COM.

Why MILESPLIT.US & IOWATFXC.COM sells advertising -  MILESPLIT.US, the parent company of IOWATFXC.COM, totally supports itself and IOWATFXC.COM through advertising.   While some MileSplit state websites require subscriptions to support their services, IOWATFXC.COM is free.  Advertisements on IOWATFXC.COM will expand our services to you and keep them free, and offer opportunities for you to benefit financially as well.

Who can sell ads? -   Anyone; athletes, teams, coaches, families, fans.

How do you get the $$? -  Sell an ad.  Send in the ad order form, ad copy, and fee.  We send you a check for 50% of the sale.

Who can you sell ads to?  Any intrastate (totally within Iowa) organization; e.g., running stores, sports apparel & equipment retailers, sports medicine centers, health clubs, food retailers, private schools, colleges/universities; others.

Who can you not sell ads to?  Any interstate (does business across states) organization.   Flocast, an online media network, sells all cross-state advertising for MileSplit.  If interstate organizations are interested in advertising on the MileSplit network, refer them to Pat Hitchens at

Ad placement on IOWATFXC.COM -  Under Local Sponsors on the IOWATFXC.COM home page.

Ad costs:
250 X 90 pixels -  $50 per month
120 X 90 pixels -  $35 per month

10% off for 6 month contract; 20% off for 1 year contract

Benefits to advertisers:
>  Exposure of their organization to a young active demographic; primarily high school T&F/XC athletes, parents, coaches, administrators, and fans. 
> Numbers -  From the summer 2010 (when we took over editorship of IOWATFXC.COM) to the summer 2011, visitors were up over 500%; from summer 2011 to summer 2012 up another 100%.  Already starting the XC season 2012, we’re up almost another 100% from the same time in 2011.  The average people visits during 2011 XC were over 500 per day; 18,000 per month; 150,000 page visits per month; and we’re expecting to nearly double that this fall.

How to sell ads -  Visit (preferable) or otherwise contact potential advertisers, provide information on how their advertisement would benefit them and you, make the sale, prepare the order form, and submit the order form, ad copy, and fee.


IOWATFXC.COM Advertising Order form

Organization -__________________________________________________

Mailing Address - ___________________________________ City __________________, IA

Representative of the Organization - _________________________  Title - ______________

     Email - ______________________________ Phone ____________________________

Ad size:  _____ 250 X 90 ($50 per month)    _____ 150 X 90 ($35 per month)

Number of Months - _________  Beginning date -  ____________________

Ad copy:
     _____ Ad copy attached, no charge
     _____ Set-up needed (one time charge of $50); logo, text, and general design provided

Total charge (payable in advance) -  ________


Ad sale by - _______________________________________

     Mailing address - ___________________________________ City _______________, IA

     Email - _______________________________ Phone __________________________



Email (or mail) the Order Form and ad copy to -

Mail the fee by check or money order (payable to Lyle Knudson) to -  Lyle Knudson, IOWATFXC.COM, PO Box 4805, Frisco, CO 80443