Be An IOWATFXC.COM Journalist!!


Be An IOWATFXC.COM Journalist!!

(This is a follow-up to the “Photos in IOWATFXC.COM” article posted yesterday.)

Are you an aspiring sports journalist interested in getting some experience in a live and exciting setting?  Or know someone who is?  Or already a journalist who loves working XC/T&F events?

How about working the State Cross Country Championships, Fort Dodge, on October 27 for IOWATFXC.COM?  And perhaps other major T&F/XC meets in the future?

Yes, as per the previous article, we can use photographers.  But we already have a couple who will be serving on a minimal honorarium basis.  If you want to shoot photos at State and submit them on a volunteer basis, we’d be happy to use them and give you due credit.

However, if you’re interested and qualified (e.g., have necessary basic skills and equipment) to do video interviews with selected winning athletes and/or write a feature covering the meet highlights (including athlete/coach quotes), we’ll post them on IOWATFXC.COM and provide a token honorarium.

If interested, contact