40th Tom Karpen Invitational JV Boys
Valley Southwood - WDM, Iowa
Sep. 16, 2014
60s and Sunny
Results by Cal Murdock
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Team Scores
1 Valley 33 2 3 7 9 12 14 15 18:13 0:55
2 Waukee 48 4 6 8 13 17 22 23 18:24 0:44
3 Ames 75 1 5 18 24 27 31 32 18:36 1:38
4 Johnston 76 10 11 16 19 20 25 29 18:43 0:26
5 Ankeny Centennial 146 21 26 28 35 36 38 39 19:44 1:35
6 Roosevelt 183 30 33 37 40 43 45 54 20:27 0:59
7 Indianola 225 34 41 49 50 51 61 21:12 1:14
8 C B Thomas Jefferson 244 42 47 48 52 55 56 57 21:33 1:35
9 Hoover 260 44 46 53 58 59 60 62 22:19 3:25
Incomplete Teams: D M Lincoln, Urbandale
Team Scores
1. Valley
2 Luke Anderson SR 17:41
3 Travis Graff SR 18:00
7 Robert Knudsen JR 18:20
9 Tristan Jones JR 18:26
12 Sean Paris JR 18:35
14 Christopher Jamieson JR 18:37
15 Will Coppess SR 18:44
Total Time = 1:31:02 Total Places = 33
2. Waukee
4 Lincoln Phillips JR 18:03
6 Caleb Andrews SR 18:08
8 Gus Muenzenmay SO 18:23
13 Dakota Fouts SO 18:37
17 Izaak Dixon SO 18:46
22 Zach Grossmann SR 19:01
23 Ben Foxen JR 19:03
Total Time = 1:31:57 Total Places = 48
3. Ames
1 Shafim Khoda JR 17:38
5 Ariel Rizhsky-Yakob JR 18:08
18 Jack Swanson SR 18:53
24 Malkan Santiago JR 19:04
27 Kyle Kinneer JR 19:16
31 Luke Heilman SR 20:10
32 Matthew Carlson JR 20:12
Total Time = 1:32:59 Total Places = 75
4. Johnston
10 Connor Wunsch SR 18:29
11 Cole Lafollette SR 18:31
16 Alex Nichol SR 18:46
19 Matt Tanner SR 18:54
20 Marcus Miller SR 18:54
25 Tyler Franke JR 19:08
29 Seth Andrews SR 19:23
Total Time = 1:33:34 Total Places = 76
5. Ankeny Centennial
21 David Bunce SR 19:00
26 Cory Suidmeier JR 19:11
28 Colton Miller JR 19:18
35 Jacob Pyburn SR 20:34
36 Brenden Doran SR 20:34
38 Reece Bachman SR 20:35
39 Trey Rouse JR 20:39
Total Time = 1:38:37 Total Places = 146
6. Roosevelt
30 Matt Moreland JR 19:54
33 Will Gunderson JR 20:13
37 Peter Oswald JR 20:34
40 Sebastian Anderson JR 20:41
43 Henry Gunderson JR 20:53
45 Adrian Alread SR 21:05
54 Spence Hoops JR 22:10
Total Time = 1:42:15 Total Places = 183
7. Indianola
34 Trenton Dishman SR 20:30
41 Nate Sams SR 20:43
49 Luke Bell JR 21:23
50 Logan Fredell JR 21:40
51 Ryan Falk SR 21:44
61 Justin Overmann JR 24:56
Total Time = 1:46:00 Total Places = 225
8. C B Thomas Jefferson
42 Colton Clingenpeel JR 20:52
47 Colton Downing SR 21:13
48 Nathan Phillips JR 21:20
52 Jacob Jones JR 21:50
55 Michael Sharp SR 22:27
56 Paul Riley JR 22:27
57 Zane Taylor SR 22:44
Total Time = 1:47:42 Total Places = 244
9. Hoover
44 Josh Siefken JR 20:54
46 Owen McGuffin SO 21:07
53 Hernan Martinez JR 21:50
58 Matthew Bourland JR 23:25
59 Semaj Marbury JR 24:19
60 Joel Jackson FR 24:55
62 Liam McInroy SO 26:21
Total Time = 1:51:35 Total Places = 260
Boys 5000m Run
1 Shafim Khoda JR 17:38 Ames
2 Luke Anderson SR 17:41 Valley
3 Travis Graff SR 18:00 Valley
4 Lincoln Phillips JR 18:03 Waukee
5 Ariel Rizhsky-Yakob JR 18:08 Ames
6 Caleb Andrews SR 18:08 Waukee
7 Robert Knudsen JR 18:20 Valley
8 Gus Muenzenmay SO 18:23 Waukee
9 Tristan Jones JR 18:26 Valley
10 Connor Wunsch SR 18:29 Johnston
11 Cole Lafollette SR 18:31 Johnston
12 Sean Paris JR 18:35 Valley
13 Dakota Fouts SO 18:37 Waukee
14 Christopher Jamieson JR 18:37 Valley
15 Will Coppess SR 18:44 Valley
16 Alex Nichol SR 18:46 Johnston
17 Izaak Dixon SO 18:46 Waukee
18 Jack Swanson SR 18:53 Ames
19 Matt Tanner SR 18:54 Johnston
20 Marcus Miller SR 18:54 Johnston
21 David Bunce SR 19:00 Ankeny Centennial
22 Zach Grossmann SR 19:01 Waukee
23 Ben Foxen JR 19:03 Waukee
24 Malkan Santiago JR 19:04 Ames
25 Tyler Franke JR 19:08 Johnston
26 Cory Suidmeier JR 19:11 Ankeny Centennial
27 Sam Berry JR 19:14 Valley
28 Kyle Kinneer JR 19:16 Ames
29 Colton Miller JR 19:18 Ankeny Centennial
30 Seth Andrews SR 19:23 Johnston
31 Michael Libin JR 19:29 Valley
32 Trevor Fletcher JR 19:34 Valley
33 Ben Lanham JR 19:41 Valley
34 Zain Dickinson JR 19:42 Valley
35 Joe Anderson SR 19:51 Valley
36 Joel Heil JR 19:53 Johnston
37 Brandon Reitsma SR 19:53 Waukee
38 Matt Moreland JR 19:54 Roosevelt
39 Colton Marshall JR 20:00 Johnston
40 Foley Aj SR 20:02 Urbandale
41 Luke Heilman SR 20:10 Ames
42 Matthew Carlson JR 20:12 Ames
43 Will Gunderson JR 20:13 Roosevelt
44 Yushi Hattori JR 20:17 Ames
45 Tim Ridgway SR 20:18 Valley
46 Bryan Friestad JR 20:26 Johnston
47 Brady Kluesner SR 20:29 Urbandale
48 Trenton Dishman SR 20:30 Indianola
49 Connor Folkers JR 20:33 Waukee
50 Jacob Pyburn SR 20:34 Ankeny Centennial
51 Brenden Doran SR 20:34 Ankeny Centennial
52 Peter Oswald JR 20:34 Roosevelt
53 Reece Bachman SR 20:35 Ankeny Centennial
54 Lucky Lovan SR 20:35 Urbandale
55 Ben Popken JR 20:35 Ames
56 Trey Rouse JR 20:39 Ankeny Centennial
57 Erik Francois JR 20:40 Johnston
58 Sebastian Anderson JR 20:41 Roosevelt
59 Nate Sams SR 20:43 Indianola
60 Taylor Boysen JR 20:44 Johnston
61 Eric Baldrige SR 20:48 Ames
62 Alec Kilstrom SR 20:50 Johnston
63 Colton Clingenpeel JR 20:52 C B Thomas Jefferson
64 Henry Gunderson JR 20:53 Roosevelt
65 Trevor Tyma JR 20:53 Valley
66 Grisham Hentzen SR 20:54 Valley
67 Josh Siefken JR 20:54 Hoover
68 Nabhan Awan JR 20:55 Waukee
69 Tobias Garcia-Vega JR 20:56 Ames
70 Tyler Bryant JR 21:00 Valley
71 Logan Morrissey JR 21:02 Valley
72 Evan Prochaska SR 21:02 Ames
73 Aaron Mann JR 21:03 Ames
74 Kenian Jin JR 21:05 Ames
75 Adrian Alread SR 21:05 Roosevelt
76 Ben Tack JR 21:05 Johnston
77 Owen McGuffin SO 21:07 Hoover
78 Brandon Luong JR 21:09 Valley
79 Shaochong Wei JR 21:10 Ames
80 Lee Taylor JR 21:10 Ames
81 Colton Downing SR 21:13 C B Thomas Jefferson
82 Frank Boksa JR 21:14 Johnston
83 Brycen Carney JR 21:15 Ames
84 Jacob Linch SR 21:17 Ames
85 Kyle Schaudt SR 21:17 Ames
86 Nathan Phillips JR 21:20 C B Thomas Jefferson
87 Luke Bell JR 21:23 Indianola
88 Matt Belling JR 21:33 Valley
89 John Hollinrake JR 21:33 Ankeny Centennial
90 Logan Fredell JR 21:40 Indianola
91 Ryan Falk SR 21:44 Indianola
92 Jacob Jones JR 21:50 C B Thomas Jefferson
93 Hernan Martinez JR 21:50 Hoover
94 Jacob Larson JR 21:51 Waukee
95 Curtis Cook SR 21:53 Urbandale
96 Riley Tuon JR 21:54 Johnston
97 Sam Linder JR 21:54 Johnston
98 Tucker Rochleau SR 21:54 Valley
99 Seth Tack JR 21:56 Johnston
100 Inigo Gil- Casares JR 22:06 Ames
101 Jacob Orr SR 22:08 Johnston
102 Spence Hoops JR 22:10 Roosevelt
103 Max Califf JR 22:13 Valley
104 Mason Roghair JR 22:15 Valley
105 Nick Turner SR 22:19 Ankeny Centennial
106 Ben Wilson JR 22:21 Johnston
107 Michael Sharp SR 22:27 C B Thomas Jefferson
108 Paul Riley JR 22:27 C B Thomas Jefferson
109 Jake Wheeler JR 22:29 Valley
110 Vincent Montabon SR 22:31 Ames
111 Ian Dubbs SR 22:32 Valley
112 Mario Jordan JR 22:33 Valley
113 Sean Hilzendeger JR 22:35 Valley
114 Tim Brown SR 22:35 Waukee
115 Elijah Bratsch-Prince SR 22:41 Ames
116 Luke Fernando JR 22:42 Ames
117 Zane Taylor SR 22:44 C B Thomas Jefferson
118 James Karns JR 22:46 Valley
119 Tyler Davis SR 22:46 Johnston
120 Dieu-Donne Nsabishaka JR 22:47 Roosevelt
121 Dawson Kerr SR 22:48 Johnston
122 Henry Bennett FR 22:51 Ames
123 Drake Wick JR 22:59 Waukee
124 Jared Lagomarcino JR 23:01 Valley
125 Hunter Gary SR 23:01 Waukee
126 Matthew Watson JR 23:02 Valley
127 Josh Snelling SR 23:17 C B Thomas Jefferson
128 Nick Brocka SR 23:22 Johnston
129 Matthew Bourland JR 23:25 Hoover
130 Collin Laughlin SR 23:35 Johnston
131 Alexander Palensky JR 23:37 Ames
132 Semaj Marbury JR 24:19 Hoover
133 Nick Hawkins JR 24:19 Valley
134 Elliot Suiter SR 24:33 Johnston
135 Danny Corbin SR 24:53 Johnston
136 Smeet Mistry SR 24:55 Johnston
137 Joel Jackson FR 24:55 Hoover
138 Justin Overmann JR 24:56 Indianola
139 Quinn Nolin JR 25:28 Valley
140 Jakob Grittmann JR 25:33 Valley
141 Harrison Schaeuble JR 25:42 Valley
142 Esteban Martinez JR 25:48 D M Lincoln
143 Payton Robertson JR 26:05 Roosevelt
144 Isaiah Knickerbocker SR 26:14 C B Thomas Jefferson
145 Liam McInroy SO 26:21 Hoover
146 Daniel Khalandovskiy JR 26:25 Valley
147 Gennaro Cataldo JR 27:10 D M Lincoln
148 Chris Harban JR 27:18 D M Lincoln
149 Jared Baker SO 27:24 Hoover
150 Josue Escobar JR 28:00 C B Thomas Jefferson
151 Rafael Gilmanov SR 28:36 Johnston
152 Joseph Kosterman JR 29:16 Ames
153 James McKee JR 29:22 Roosevelt
154 Vitor De Mendonca SR 31:04 Johnston
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