40th Tom Karpen Invitational 9-10 Boys
Valley Southwood - WDM, Iowa
Sep. 16, 2014
60s and Sunny
Results by Cal Murdock
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Team Scores
1 Valley 28 1 2 6 8 11 14 17 18:27 0:58
2 Indianola 45 3 4 5 7 26 27 46 18:38 1:18
3 Waukee 91 15 16 19 20 21 30 36 19:18 0:15
4 Johnston 104 10 22 23 24 25 28 29 19:23 0:40
5 Roosevelt 157 13 32 34 35 43 48 49 20:12 1:46
6 Ames 180 12 33 38 42 55 56 57 20:31 3:01
7 Ankeny Centennial 190 18 39 41 45 47 51 52 20:33 2:04
8 Urbandale 196 9 40 44 50 53 54 59 20:44 2:55
9 D M Lincoln 282 31 58 60 66 67 23:45 7:01
10 C B Thomas Jefferson 287 37 61 62 63 64 65 23:13 4:28
Team Scores
1. Valley
1 Habibu Habineza Moise FR 17:59
2 Nich Johnson FR 18:00
6 Joe Bernhard SO 18:25
8 Thomas Gould SO 18:51
11 Jacob Weisshaar FR 18:56
14 Hannes Van Bosch SO 19:10
17 Thomas Warden SO 19:14
Total Time = 1:32:11 Total Places = 28
2. Indianola
3 Gabe Pottebaum FR 18:21
4 Nathan Magalhaes SO 18:21
5 Jackson Bishop FR 18:22
7 Quentin Linnan FR 18:25
26 Dudley Yeoman SO 19:39
27 Thomas Naughton FR 19:41
46 Isaac Stich SO 21:15
Total Time = 1:33:08 Total Places = 45
3. Waukee
15 Max Oberman SO 19:11
16 Andrew Hubbard SO 19:13
19 Ahren Reitsma FR 19:18
20 Max Wiltse FR 19:23
21 Brantly Anderson FR 19:25
30 Parker Larsen SO 19:55
36 Taylor Sheeler FR 20:32
Total Time = 1:36:30 Total Places = 91
4. Johnston
10 Matt Dolde SO 18:55
22 Drew Decker SO 19:26
23 Riley Chartier SO 19:27
24 Nolan DePover SO 19:32
25 Jared Tegeler FR 19:34
28 Jaxson Williams SO 19:41
29 Mitch Hanson FR 19:46
Total Time = 1:36:54 Total Places = 104
5. Roosevelt
13 Ali Lula SO 19:00
32 Matt Voss SO 20:13
34 Ross Thompson SO 20:29
35 Cole Ramirez FR 20:32
43 Charls Niphong FR 20:45
48 Cooper Cary FR 21:23
49 John Primeau SO 21:23
Total Time = 1:40:59 Total Places = 157
6. Ames
12 Tyler Carney FR 18:58
33 Alden Johnson SO 20:17
38 Andrew Grandgenett SO 20:36
42 Thomas Delay FR 20:42
55 Matthew Kerton SO 21:59
56 Oscar Rodriguez FR 22:00
57 Michael Holm FR 22:04
Total Time = 1:42:32 Total Places = 180
7. Ankeny Centennial
18 Jayden Oshirak FR 19:15
39 Matt Bruder SO 20:36
41 Aidan Tunney SO 20:37
45 Juan Portal-Figueroa FR 20:55
47 Curt Peters FR 21:19
51 Joel Hyler FR 21:41
52 Tyler Covey FR 21:48
Total Time = 1:42:42 Total Places = 190
8. Urbandale
9 Trevor Miller SO 18:53
40 Ryan Finer FR 20:36
44 Jack Pearson FR 20:51
50 Bryson Cook SO 21:29
53 Matt Umland SO 21:48
54 Jared Witke SO 21:48
59 Victor Jarman FR 22:34
Total Time = 1:43:37 Total Places = 196
9. D M Lincoln
31 Noah Worthington SO 20:01
58 Austin Roerig SO 22:12
60 Noah Woods FR 22:38
66 Chase Pearson FR 26:49
67 Giovanni Tenikat SO 27:02
Total Time = 1:58:42 Total Places = 282
10. C B Thomas Jefferson
37 Anthony Humpal FR 20:35
61 Allen Zermeno SO 22:50
62 Owen Dofner FR 23:35
63 Joe Schultz SO 24:01
64 Bret Hauxwell FR 25:02
65 Izaiha Maxwell FR 25:58
Total Time = 1:56:03 Total Places = 287
Boys 5000m Run
1 Habibu Habineza Moise FR 17:59 Valley
2 Nich Johnson FR 18:00 Valley
3 Gabe Pottebaum FR 18:21 Indianola
4 Nathan Magalhaes SO 18:21 Indianola
5 Jackson Bishop FR 18:22 Indianola
6 Joe Bernhard SO 18:25 Valley
7 Quentin Linnan FR 18:25 Indianola
8 Thomas Gould SO 18:51 Valley
9 Trevor Miller SO 18:53 Urbandale
10 Matt Dolde SO 18:55 Johnston
11 Jacob Weisshaar FR 18:56 Valley
12 Tyler Carney FR 18:58 Ames
13 Ali Lula SO 19:00 Roosevelt
14 Hannes Van Bosch SO 19:10 Valley
15 Max Oberman SO 19:11 Waukee
16 Andrew Hubbard SO 19:13 Waukee
17 Thomas Warden SO 19:14 Valley
18 Jayden Oshirak FR 19:15 Ankeny Centennial
19 Ahren Reitsma FR 19:18 Waukee
20 Max Wiltse FR 19:23 Waukee
21 Brantly Anderson FR 19:25 Waukee
22 Drew Decker SO 19:26 Johnston
23 Riley Chartier SO 19:27 Johnston
24 Michael Knudsen FR 19:29 Valley
25 Nolan DePover SO 19:32 Johnston
26 Jared Tegeler FR 19:34 Johnston
27 Dudley Yeoman SO 19:39 Indianola
28 Thomas Naughton FR 19:41 Indianola
29 Grant Yersin SO 19:41 Valley
30 Jaxson Williams SO 19:41 Johnston
31 Mitch Hanson FR 19:46 Johnston
32 Parker Larsen SO 19:55 Waukee
33 Noah Worthington SO 20:01 D M Lincoln
34 Andrew Janni FR 20:12 Johnston
35 Vincent Njane SO 20:12 Valley
36 Matt Voss SO 20:13 Roosevelt
37 Waleed Yual FR 20:14 Johnston
38 Tom Altier FR 20:16 Johnston
39 Alden Johnson SO 20:17 Ames
40 Aaron Koopal FR 20:18 Johnston
41 Akec Akech SO 20:18 Valley
42 Ross Thompson SO 20:29 Roosevelt
43 Cole Ramirez FR 20:32 Roosevelt
44 Taylor Sheeler FR 20:32 Waukee
45 Alex Ertl FR 20:32 Waukee
46 Bonj Doyo FR 20:34 Johnston
47 Anthony Humpal FR 20:35 C B Thomas Jefferson
48 Evan Schmidt FR 20:35 Johnston
49 Andrew Grandgenett SO 20:36 Ames
50 Matt Bruder SO 20:36 Ankeny Centennial
51 Ryan Finer FR 20:36 Urbandale
52 Aidan Tunney SO 20:37 Ankeny Centennial
53 Andrew Boeke FR 20:38 Waukee
54 Ben Lunn FR 20:39 Johnston
55 Samuel Worlie FR 20:41 Valley
56 Thomas Delay FR 20:42 Ames
57 Charls Niphong FR 20:45 Roosevelt
58 Andrew Sandor FR 20:46 Valley
59 Michael Boyle SO 20:47 Waukee
60 Noah Berthusen SO 20:49 Waukee
61 Jack Pearson FR 20:51 Urbandale
62 Joel Woodsmall SO 20:53 Johnston
63 Juan Portal-Figueroa FR 20:55 Ankeny Centennial
64 Connor Corbin SO 20:57 Valley
65 Tyler Spear SO 20:58 Waukee
66 Ross Fix FR 20:59 Valley
67 Ryan Kappenman SO 21:03 Waukee
68 William Schaeuble FR 21:06 Valley
69 Jake Darling SO 21:08 Johnston
70 Ryan Roberts FR 21:09 Valley
71 Josh Marckmann FR 21:12 Johnston
72 Isaac Stich SO 21:15 Indianola
73 Seth Bickham SO 21:15 Indianola
74 Riley Seger FR 21:16 Indianola
75 Curt Peters FR 21:19 Ankeny Centennial
76 Carsten Thompson FR 21:20 Johnston
77 Cooper Cary FR 21:23 Roosevelt
78 John Primeau SO 21:23 Roosevelt
79 Bryson Cook SO 21:29 Urbandale
80 Connor Johnson SO 21:32 Roosevelt
81 Carter Bermester SO 21:32 Valley
82 Joel Hyler FR 21:41 Ankeny Centennial
83 Ledg Downs FR 21:44 Waukee
84 Connor Oleary SO 21:46 Waukee
85 Tyler Covey FR 21:48 Ankeny Centennial
86 Matt Umland SO 21:48 Urbandale
87 Jared Witke SO 21:48 Urbandale
88 Matt Jones FR 21:50 Roosevelt
89 Christian Anderson SO 21:50 Roosevelt
90 Henric Krause FR 21:51 Johnston
91 Quinn Swaim FR 21:52 Johnston
92 Aj Franklin SO 21:52 Johnston
93 Ben Gardner SO 21:52 Johnston
94 Noah Wright FR 21:59 Ankeny Centennial
95 Aaron McCrary FR 21:59 Waukee
96 Matthew Kerton SO 21:59 Ames
97 Oscar Rodriguez FR 22:00 Ames
98 Michael Holm FR 22:04 Ames
99 Nicholas Cinnamon FR 22:05 Valley
100 Joseph Connell FR 22:05 Waukee
101 Ander Tebbutt FR 22:06 Ames
102 Noah Givant SO 22:07 Valley
103 Logan Swaim FR 22:08 Johnston
104 Chris Hartley SO 22:08 Johnston
105 Jack Romp SO 22:09 Roosevelt
106 Avery Swizdor FR 22:11 Johnston
107 Austin Roerig SO 22:12 D M Lincoln
108 Josiah Trost SO 22:12 Johnston
109 Greg Eckley SO 22:13 Roosevelt
110 Pres Collignon Doerfeld, Fr
22:16 Valley
111 Mason Bierle FR 22:17 Johnston
112 Nick Waddell FR 22:21 Ankeny Centennial
113 Allan Juarez SO 22:30 Johnston
114 Matt Blaess SO 22:33 Waukee
115 Tyler Steele SO 22:33 Waukee
116 Victor Jarman FR 22:34 Urbandale
117 Noah Woods FR 22:38 D M Lincoln
118 Riley Romick SO 22:42 Johnston
119 Abbott LaPrade SO 22:44 Roosevelt
120 Grant Roszhart SO 22:44 Waukee
121 John Swanda SO 22:45 Roosevelt
122 Brandon Vu FR 22:49 Johnston
123 Allen Zermeno SO 22:50 C B Thomas Jefferson
124 Yuet Both FR 22:50 Valley
125 Brian Goode FR 22:53 Roosevelt
126 Alex Whitmer FR 22:54 Waukee
127 Seamus Geraty SO 22:55 Roosevelt
128 Thon Kueth FR 23:10 Roosevelt
129 Jack Johnson FR 23:11 Valley
130 Cameron Tritle FR 23:12 Ames
131 Nick Murphy FR 23:13 Waukee
132 Jacob Schwarzenbach FR 23:14 Johnston
133 Jackson Slagter FR 23:17 Waukee
134 Garrett Horak FR 23:17 Valley
135 Tom Le SO 23:17 Valley
136 Zach Tanchinh SO 23:18 Valley
137 William Donahoe FR 23:18 Valley
138 Josh Dostal FR 23:23 Johnston
139 Nick Winter SO 23:29 Johnston
140 Satchel Perlowski SO 23:29 Roosevelt
141 Owen Dofner FR 23:35 C B Thomas Jefferson
142 Chuck Everman FR 23:36 Waukee
143 David Morgan FR 23:36 Ankeny Centennial
144 Alexander Berryhlll FR 23:43 Ames
145 Joe Schultz SO 24:01 C B Thomas Jefferson
146 Sam Coenen FR 24:02 Ankeny Centennial
147 Matthew Jackson FR 24:07 Johnston
148 Xavier Leonard SO 24:14 Johnston
149 Brian Ta FR 24:15 Johnston
150 Cameron Merritt SO 24:25 Ames
151 Jacob Blobaum SO 24:33 Roosevelt
152 Aditya Somisetty FR 24:33 Johnston
153 Finn McNally FR 24:35 Roosevelt
154 Tanner Drabek FR 24:48 Roosevelt
155 Bret Hauxwell FR 25:02 C B Thomas Jefferson
156 Sam Hixson SO 25:03 Valley
157 Evan Dosedel SO 25:07 Waukee
158 Zachary Vince FR 25:08 Ames
159 Anthony Alvardo FR 25:27 Valley
160 Brock Sims FR 25:29 Roosevelt
161 Otto Gunderson FR 25:30 Roosevelt
162 Seth Kallestad FR 25:32 Roosevelt
163 Kevin Stenstrom FR 25:37 Roosevelt
164 Mark Nagel FR 25:45 Johnston
165 Yuchen Liu FR 25:50 Ames
166 Izaiha Maxwell FR 25:58 C B Thomas Jefferson
167 Tyler Blaess FR 26:08 Waukee
168 Michael Watkins FR 26:40 Johnston
169 Ryan Strum FR 26:47 Ames
170 Chase Pearson FR 26:49 D M Lincoln
171 Ryan Donnelly FR 26:54 Valley
172 Avery Bandstra FR 26:58 Roosevelt
173 Giovanni Tenikat SO 27:02 D M Lincoln
174 Josh Dvorak FR 27:05 Valley
175 Carson Campbell FR 29:08 Ames
176 Austin Kock FR 29:21 Valley
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