MVC Super Meet, Women, Fresh-Soph, 5K
Byrnes Park, Waterloo, Iowa
October 8, 2015
Mostly Sunny, 70 degrees, W @ 10 mph
Results by Hilltopper Results
F/S Girls
F/S Boys
JV Girls
JV Boys
Var Girls
Var Boys
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1 Iowa City High 34 1 2 7 10 14 18 19 21:41 1:19
2 Cedar Falls 55 6 9 12 13 15 17 24 22:04 0:39
3 Dubuque Senior 64 4 5 8 21 26 27 31 22:03 1:44
4 Wahlert Catholic 136 11 16 28 36 45 66 67 23:17 2:28
5 C R Prairie 150 20 29 30 33 38 39 50 23:29 1:34
6 Linn-Mar 161 3 22 35 43 58 68 72 23:41 4:47
7 Dubuque Hempstead 183 23 37 40 41 42 49 51 24:02 1:32
8 C R Kennedy 212 25 32 47 52 56 62 24:32 2:52
9 Xavier 251 44 46 48 54 59 60 61 25:16 2:05
10 C R Jefferson 289 34 53 63 69 70 71 26:45 4:44
11 C R Washington 314 55 57 64 65 73 74 27:32 5:26
Incomplete Teams: Iowa City West, Waterloo East
1. Iowa City High
1 Bridget Brown 10 21:01
2 Gabriel McCormick 10 21:09
7 Isabel Jones 9 21:48
10 Janet Nyamboneka 10 22:05
14 Annie Rummelhart 9 22:20
18 Lindsey Parrott 10 22:28
19 Morgan Carey 9 22:32
Total Time = 108:23 Total Places = 34
2. Cedar Falls
6 Beth Culberson 9 21:43
9 Sydney Householder 9 21:56
12 Anna Shull 9 22:06
13 Claire Sanderman 9 22:12
15 Megan North 9 22:22
17 Jessica VanDorn 9 22:25
24 Julia Bowman 9 22:53
Total Time = 110:19 Total Places = 55
3. Dubuque Senior
4 Sophie Shearer 9 21:16
5 Elle Connolly 10 21:27
8 Kate Tonn 9 21:49
21 Isabel Petersen 9 22:42
26 Mia Rampton 10 22:59
27 Sibani Ram 9 23:03
31 Stacey Kloft 9 23:33
Total Time = 110:13 Total Places = 64
4. Wahlert Catholic
11 Gracie Long 9 22:06
16 Danielle Pape 9 22:22
28 Maeve Breslin 10 23:14
36 Olivia Blosch 9 24:07
45 Emma Wachter 10 24:33
66 Bailey Hasken 10 27:42
67 Maddie Rix 10 27:42
Total Time = 116:22 Total Places = 136
5. C R Prairie
20 Megan Grimm 10 22:41
29 Morgan Erickson 10 23:24
30 Andrea Myers 10 23:31
33 Victoria Booth 10 23:34
38 Meredith Bourgeous 10 24:15
39 Anna Alldredge 9 24:15
50 Emma Rubsam 10 25:06
Total Time = 117:25 Total Places = 150
6. Linn-Mar
3 Emma Kelley 9 21:13
22 A J Kendrick 9 22:49
35 Abbey Fitzsimmons 10 23:56
43 Emma Clanin 10 24:27
58 Erin Pint 10 26:00
68 Megan Bunce 10 28:25
72 Alyssa Conaway 10 30:59
Total Time = 118:25 Total Places = 161
7. Dubuque Hempstead
23 Shyla Thurston 10 22:53
37 Emily Schmitt 10 24:12
40 Emerson Rheingans 10 24:20
41 Grace Ries 9 24:21
42 Erin Connolly 10 24:24
49 Autumn Brosius 10 25:05
51 Jenna Coates 10 25:07
Total Time = 120:10 Total Places = 183
8. C R Kennedy
25 Briana McLaughlin 9 22:58
32 Lily Gust 9 23:34
47 Britney Martinez 9 24:53
52 Chloe Leaverton 10 25:23
56 Maddy Holmstedt 10 25:49
62 Anyssa Ball 9 26:58
Total Time = 122:37 Total Places = 212
9. Xavier
44 Claire Iversen 10 24:31
46 Sarah Bouska 10 24:34
48 Kathryn Cosgrove 9 24:54
54 Isabelle Kaiser 10 25:44
59 Nina Marquardt 10 26:35
60 Annie Fettkether 10 26:42
61 Gemma Tursi 10 26:47
Total Time = 126:18 Total Places = 251
10. C R Jefferson
34 Josie Chung 9 23:55
53 Mi'asia Bergmann 10 25:25
63 Sydney Miller 10 27:16
69 Morgan Settlage 10 28:26
70 Felicia Cain 10 28:39
71 Olivia Prochnow 9 30:46
Total Time = 133:41 Total Places = 289
11. C R Washington
55 Emily Weis 9 25:49
57 Sophie Fox 10 25:51
64 Grace Neumann 9 27:22
65 Elena Brecht 10 27:24
73 Madalyn Appleby-Sparrow, 10
74 Zoe Manson 9 32:00
Total Time = 137:40 Total Places = 314
PL Tm Pl Name YR Time Team
Girls 5000m Run
1 1 Bridget Brown 10 21:01 Iowa City High
2 2 Gabriel McCormick 10 21:09 Iowa City High
3 3 Emma Kelley 9 21:13 Linn-Mar
4 4 Sophie Shearer 9 21:16 Dubuque Senior
5 5 Elle Connolly 10 21:27 Dubuque Senior
6 6 Beth Culberson 9 21:43 Cedar Falls
7 7 Isabel Jones 9 21:48 Iowa City High
8 8 Kate Tonn 9 21:49 Dubuque Senior
9 9 Sydney Householder 9 21:56 Cedar Falls
10 10 Janet Nyamboneka 10 22:05 Iowa City High
11 11 Gracie Long 9 22:06 Wahlert Catholic
12 12 Anna Shull 9 22:06 Cedar Falls
13 13 Claire Sanderman 9 22:12 Cedar Falls
14 Samantha Nowotny 9 22:19 Iowa City West
15 14 Annie Rummelhart 9 22:20 Iowa City High
16 15 Megan North 9 22:22 Cedar Falls
17 16 Danielle Pape 9 22:22 Wahlert Catholic
18 17 Jessica VanDorn 9 22:25 Cedar Falls
19 18 Lindsey Parrott 10 22:28 Iowa City High
20 19 Morgan Carey 9 22:32 Iowa City High
21 Emma Gehlbach 9 22:40 Iowa City West
22 20 Megan Grimm 10 22:41 C R Prairie
23 21 Isabel Petersen 9 22:42 Dubuque Senior
24 22 A J Kendrick 9 22:49 Linn-Mar
25 23 Shyla Thurston 10 22:53 Dubuque Hempstead
26 24 Julia Bowman 9 22:53 Cedar Falls
27 Naomi Meurice 9 22:54 Iowa City High
28 25 Briana McLaughlin 9 22:58 C R Kennedy
29 26 Mia Rampton 10 22:59 Dubuque Senior
30 27 Sibani Ram 9 23:03 Dubuque Senior
31 Rachel Strang 10 23:13 Iowa City High
32 28 Maeve Breslin 10 23:14 Wahlert Catholic
33 Alyssa DeKutoski 10 23:16 Cedar Falls
34 29 Morgan Erickson 10 23:24 C R Prairie
35 Anna Denniston 10 23:26 Iowa City High
36 Jadyn Ravn 10 23:31 Cedar Falls
37 30 Andrea Myers 10 23:31 C R Prairie
38 31 Stacey Kloft 9 23:33 Dubuque Senior
39 32 Lily Gust 9 23:34 C R Kennedy
40 33 Victoria Booth 10 23:34 C R Prairie
41 Amy English 10 23:41 Dubuque Senior
42 Maya Holz 9 23:49 Dubuque Senior
43 Delaney McMahon 9 23:49 Iowa City High
44 34 Josie Chung 9 23:55 C R Jefferson
45 35 Abbey Fitzsimmons 10 23:56 Linn-Mar
46 36 Olivia Blosch 9 24:07 Wahlert Catholic
47 37 Emily Schmitt 10 24:12 Dubuque Hempstead
48 Madeline Pugh 9 24:13 Iowa City High
49 Zoe Miller 9 24:14 Iowa City High
50 38 Meredith Bourgeous 10 24:15 C R Prairie
51 39 Anna Alldredge 9 24:15 C R Prairie
52 Bailey Hammerand 9 24:19 Dubuque Senior
53 40 Emerson Rheingans 10 24:20 Dubuque Hempstead
54 Emma Hayes 9 24:21 Dubuque Senior
55 41 Grace Ries 9 24:21 Dubuque Hempstead
56 42 Erin Connolly 10 24:24 Dubuque Hempstead
57 43 Emma Clanin 10 24:27 Linn-Mar
58 Peyton Steva 9 24:29 Iowa City West
59 44 Claire Iversen 10 24:31 Xavier
60 Ella Hennager 9 24:31 Iowa City High
61 45 Emma Wachter 10 24:33 Wahlert Catholic
62 46 Sarah Bouska 10 24:34 Xavier
63 Phoebe Chapnick-Sorokin 9 24:37 Iowa City High
64 Grace Bradley 10 24:42 Dubuque Senior
65 47 Britney Martinez 9 24:53 C R Kennedy
66 48 Kathryn Cosgrove 9 24:54 Xavier
67 Kathryn Burns 9 24:58 Dubuque Senior
68 49 Autumn Brosius 10 25:05 Dubuque Hempstead
69 50 Emma Rubsam 10 25:06 C R Prairie
70 51 Jenna Coates 10 25:07 Dubuque Hempstead
71 Sage Smith 10 25:07 Dubuque Hempstead
72 Emily Tigges 10 25:13 Dubuque Senior
73 Amaya Robertson 9 25:17 Iowa City High
74 52 Chloe Leaverton 10 25:23 C R Kennedy
75 Claire Sabino 9 25:24 Cedar Falls
76 53 Mi'asia Bergmann 10 25:25 C R Jefferson
77 Beth Uthoff 10 25:26 C R Prairie
78 Drew Damhorst 9 25:31 Iowa City High
79 Merryl Green 9 25:32 Iowa City High
80 Audra Steil 10 25:34 Dubuque Hempstead
81 Ellie O'Neill 10 25:36 Dubuque Hempstead
82 54 Isabelle Kaiser 10 25:44 Xavier
83 Lauryn Doepke 10 25:48 Dubuque Senior
84 55 Emily Weis 9 25:49 C R Washington
85 56 Maddy Holmstedt 10 25:49 C R Kennedy
86 57 Sophie Fox 10 25:51 C R Washington
87 Erin McGrath 10 25:54 Dubuque Hempstead
88 58 Erin Pint 10 26:00 Linn-Mar
89 Haley Manders 10 26:10 Dubuque Hempstead
90 Gabby Healey 10 26:22 Dubuque Senior
91 Tess Easley 10 26:25 Dubuque Senior
92 Maddie Keller 10 26:33 Dubuque Senior
93 59 Nina Marquardt 10 26:35 Xavier
94 60 Annie Fettkether 10 26:42 Xavier
95 61 Gemma Tursi 10 26:47 Xavier
96 Hailey Block 9 26:48 Cedar Falls
97 Avery Smith 9 26:54 C R Prairie
98 Lauren Kloft 10 26:56 Dubuque Senior
99 62 Anyssa Ball 9 26:58 C R Kennedy
100 Courtney Pfab 10 26:59 Dubuque Senior
101 63 Sydney Miller 10 27:16 C R Jefferson
102 Mallory Dillion 10 27:18 Dubuque Hempstead
103 64 Grace Neumann 9 27:22 C R Washington
104 65 Elena Brecht 10 27:24 C R Washington
105 Shawna O'Malley 9 27:30 Iowa City High
106 66 Bailey Hasken 10 27:42 Wahlert Catholic
107 67 Maddie Rix 10 27:42 Wahlert Catholic
108 Lilly Bender 9 27:55 Iowa City High
109 Ellie Wehr 9 27:56 C R Prairie
110 Caitlin Kramer 10 27:57 Xavier
111 Catie Nielsen 10 27:59 Iowa City West
112 68 Megan Bunce 10 28:25 Linn-Mar
113 69 Morgan Settlage 10 28:26 C R Jefferson
114 70 Felicia Cain 10 28:39 C R Jefferson
115 Carley Beck 9 28:54 Xavier
116 Marissa Bixby 10 29:10 C R Prairie
117 Catherine Greener 10 29:18 Wahlert Catholic
118 Julia Coelho 9 29:32 Iowa City High
119 Katie Barton 9 29:47 Dubuque Senior
120 71 Olivia Prochnow 9 30:46 C R Jefferson
121 72 Alyssa Conaway 10 30:59 Linn-Mar
122 73 Madalyn Appleby-Sparrow 10 31:14 C R Washington
123 74 Zoe Manson 9 32:00 C R Washington
124 Daria Dilparic 10 32:26 Waterloo East
125 Jessica Smith 9 41:12 Waterloo East
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