Dallas Center-Grimes Invitational Girls 5 km
Burnett Complex, Dallas Center, IA
Aug. 30, 2016
64 degrees, overcast
Results by Michael Franke
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Last updated Aug. 30, 2016 7:27 PM
1 Dallas Center-Grimes 28 3 4 5 6 10 13 17 21:33.4 1:50.0
2 Winterset 60 7 8 11 15 19 24 29 22:43.5 2:33.8
3 Johnston 113 14 16 18 27 38 40 41 23:57.7 1:24.3
4 Creston 117 9 21 26 30 31 33 37 23:53.9 1:49.3
5 Norwalk 137 20 23 28 32 34 39 42 24:12.5 0:35.1
6 Carlisle 162 1 22 45 46 48 53 54 24:25.9 6:01.3
7 Earlham 172 2 36 43 44 47 58 67 24:24.4 5:35.9
8 Kuemper Catholic 198 12 25 50 52 59 64 66 25:56.9 5:16.3
9 Van Meter 286 35 51 57 69 74 75 77 29:21.1 12:06.1
10 Saydel 293 49 55 60 61 68 70 76 28:15.2 4:02.5
11 East 317 56 62 63 65 71 72 73 29:09.1 3:52.5
Incomplete Teams: Des Moines Christian
1. Dallas Center-Grimes
3 Sydney Smith FR 21:08.0
4 Kaitlyn Murano JR 21:10.6
5 Brooke Kramer SR 21:14.4
6 Lexi Smith JR 21:15.9
10 Grace Robbins SO 22:58.0
13 Sami Sterbenz SO 23:15.8
17 Elizabeth Belling JR 23:39.3
Total Time = 1:47:46.9 Total Places = 28
2. Winterset
7 Sydney Kaufman SR 21:16.1
8 Layken Gurwell SR 21:57.1
11 Riley Kaufman JR 22:58.7
15 Kacie Cowman FR 23:35.7
19 Kiernan Blanchard FR 23:49.8
24 Caitlin Fairchild SO 24:00.2
29 Lizzie Wangler FR 24:18.9
Total Time = 1:53:37.4 Total Places = 60
3. Johnston
14 Grace Chickering FR 23:24.6
16 Elizabeth Fjelstad JR 23:36.3
18 Kaya Young FR 23:41.2
27 Peyton McClure JR 24:17.3
38 Julie Srail JR 24:48.8
40 Amanda Mackey SR 24:50.1
41 Katherine Srail JR 24:58.0
Total Time = 1:59:48.2 Total Places = 113
4. Creston
9 Brielle Baker SO 22:34.3
21 Lexie Little SR 23:53.8
26 Rachel Shepherd SR 24:16.3
30 Brittany Linch FR 24:21.2
31 Jesse Vicker SO 24:23.5
33 Allivea Skarda FR 24:27.2
37 Danielle Castillo JR 24:42.2
Total Time = 1:59:29.1 Total Places = 117
5. Norwalk
20 Emily Kehoe FR 23:53.8
23 Carlee Gassman FR 23:54.0
28 Abbie Davitt FR 24:18.9
32 Tevka Lackman FR 24:26.7
34 Trinity Hopkey JR 24:28.8
39 Annie Balk SO 24:50.1
42 Taylor Bergan FR 25:01.7
Total Time = 2:01:02.2 Total Places = 137
6. Carlisle
1 Megan Sievers SO 20:17.9
22 Jocelyn Haack SO 23:53.8
45 Maren Judisch FR 25:38.3
46 Sophie Fett SO 26:00.0
48 Marissa Reed SR 26:19.2
53 Tristine Viers FR 27:24.9
54 Kirstin Viers JR 27:24.9
Total Time = 2:02:09.2 Total Places = 162
7. Earlham
2 Eva Fisk FR 20:33.3
36 Kylee Brown FR 24:40.5
43 Sara Balch SR 25:09.2
44 Kaylee Zweigart SO 25:29.8
47 Emaleigh Carter JR 26:09.2
58 Madison Young JR 28:04.0
67 Danielle Geneser JR 29:49.7
Total Time = 2:02:02.0 Total Places = 172
8. Kuemper Catholic
12 Olivia Klein FR 23:12.8
25 Lauren Tidgren SO 24:01.8
50 Abby Olberding JR 26:48.0
52 Brandi Eischeid SO 27:12.5
59 Anne Steffes SO 28:29.1
64 Paige Higby FR 28:50.5
66 Chloe Grote JR 29:37.5
Total Time = 2:09:44.2 Total Places = 198
9. Van Meter
35 Alex Reames JR 24:29.4
51 Emily Roberts FR 26:59.5
57 Sarah Brady SO 28:03.9
69 Riley Davis JR 30:37.1
74 Becca Walter JR 36:35.5
75 Vicky Reiwer JR 37:06.2
77 Angela Junker SO 39:10.8
Total Time = 2:26:45.4 Total Places = 286
10. Saydel
49 Eva Garcia JR 26:19.9
55 Katherine Tylavsky FR 27:31.0
60 Jayda Tolentino SO 28:31.0
61 Lyndsay Bianchi SR 28:31.3
68 Ada Miklus JR 30:22.4
70 Liz Jacobs FR 31:12.4
76 Olivia Erdelt JR 37:40.6
Total Time = 2:21:15.6 Total Places = 293
11. East
56 Libbie Skeffington SR 27:41.6
62 Marie Demuth SR 28:40.2
63 Nina De La Cruz SO 28:42.6
65 Crystal Velaquez SR 29:06.7
71 Alexis Eshelman JR 31:34.1
72 Sarah Landon FR 32:11.3
73 Priscilla Macias FR 34:30.4
Total Time = 2:25:45.2 Total Places = 317
Girls 5K Run
1 1 Megan Sievers SO 20:17.9 Carlisle
2 2 Eva Fisk FR 20:33.3 Earlham
3 3 Sydney Smith FR 21:08.0 Dallas Center-Grimes
4 4 Kaitlyn Murano JR 21:10.6 Dallas Center-Grimes
5 5 Brooke Kramer SR 21:14.4 Dallas Center-Grimes
6 6 Lexi Smith JR 21:15.9 Dallas Center-Grimes
7 7 Sydney Kaufman SR 21:16.1 Winterset
8 8 Layken Gurwell SR 21:57.1 Winterset
9 9 Brielle Baker SO 22:34.3 Creston
10 10 Grace Robbins SO 22:58.0 Dallas Center-Grimes
11 11 Riley Kaufman JR 22:58.7 Winterset
12 12 Olivia Klein FR 23:12.8 Kuemper Catholic
13 13 Sami Sterbenz SO 23:15.8 Dallas Center-Grimes
14 14 Grace Chickering FR 23:24.6 Johnston
15 Sydney Clark SR 23:30.9 Des Moines Christian
16 15 Kacie Cowman FR 23:35.7 Winterset
17 16 Elizabeth Fjelstad JR 23:36.3 Johnston
18 17 Elizabeth Belling JR 23:39.3 Dallas Center-Grimes
19 18 Kaya Young FR 23:41.2 Johnston
20 Natalie Paulson SO 23:48.0 Dallas Center-Grimes
21 19 Kiernan Blanchard FR 23:49.8 Winterset
22 20 Emily Kehoe FR 23:53.8 Norwalk
23 21 Lexie Little SR 23:53.8 Creston
24 22 Jocelyn Haack SO 23:53.8 Carlisle
25 23 Carlee Gassman FR 23:54.0 Norwalk
26 24 Caitlin Fairchild SO 24:00.2 Winterset
27 25 Lauren Tidgren SO 24:01.8 Kuemper Catholic
28 Grace Kruse JR 24:04.9 Dallas Center-Grimes
29 26 Rachel Shepherd SR 24:16.3 Creston
30 27 Peyton McClure JR 24:17.3 Johnston
31 28 Abbie Davitt FR 24:18.9 Norwalk
32 29 Lizzie Wangler FR 24:18.9 Winterset
33 30 Brittany Linch FR 24:21.2 Creston
34 31 Jesse Vicker SO 24:23.5 Creston
35 Lara Kallem FR 24:25.7 Dallas Center-Grimes
36 32 Tevka Lackman FR 24:26.7 Norwalk
37 33 Allivea Skarda FR 24:27.2 Creston
38 34 Trinity Hopkey JR 24:28.8 Norwalk
39 35 Alex Reames JR 24:29.4 Van Meter
40 36 Kylee Brown FR 24:40.5 Earlham
41 37 Danielle Castillo JR 24:42.2 Creston
42 38 Julie Srail JR 24:48.8 Johnston
43 39 Annie Balk SO 24:50.1 Norwalk
44 40 Amanda Mackey SR 24:50.1 Johnston
45 Sophia Groumoutis JR 24:57.5 Creston
46 41 Katherine Srail JR 24:58.0 Johnston
47 42 Taylor Bergan FR 25:01.7 Norwalk
48 Saige Rice SO 25:02.4 Creston
49 Jayden Bohnsack JR 25:04.3 Johnston
50 43 Sara Balch SR 25:09.2 Earlham
51 Ashley Perkins SO 25:12.1 Dallas Center-Grimes
52 Hailey Russell SO 25:16.3 Johnston
53 Emma Myers SR 25:19.3 Norwalk
54 Molly Lunn FR 25:19.6 Johnston
55 Annika Schulz FR 25:20.4 Norwalk
56 44 Kaylee Zweigart SO 25:29.8 Earlham
57 Alissa Albright JR 25:35.6 Dallas Center-Grimes
58 45 Maren Judisch FR 25:38.3 Carlisle
59 Alysa Rath SO 25:38.5 Dallas Center-Grimes
60 Shelby Freestone SR 25:43.8 Dallas Center-Grimes
61 Casey Monson FR 25:51.7 Johnston
62 Kiersten Latham JR 25:56.6 Creston
63 46 Sophie Fett SO 26:00.0 Carlisle
64 Jamie Hoss SO 26:06.6 Johnston
65 47 Emaleigh Carter JR 26:09.2 Earlham
66 Sadie Brocka SO 26:19.0 Johnston
67 48 Marissa Reed SR 26:19.2 Carlisle
68 49 Eva Garcia JR 26:19.9 Saydel
69 Emma Dole FR 26:20.9 Winterset
70 Eileen Moran SR 26:21.7 Johnston
71 Grace Campidilli JR 26:22.2 Johnston
72 Natalie Lloyd SO 26:25.5 Johnston
73 Taylor Siebert FR 26:25.7 Johnston
74 Anna Liska SR 26:26.1 Dallas Center-Grimes
75 Susan Sullivan JR 26:32.8 Johnston
76 Katie Uitenbroek SO 26:39.4 Johnston
77 Allison Andreasen JR 26:39.7 Johnston
78 Maya Gjerde SR 26:43.6 Norwalk
79 Katie Bertelson JR 26:46.3 Winterset
80 50 Abby Olberding JR 26:48.0 Kuemper Catholic
81 Jackie Liang FR 26:57.4 Johnston
82 51 Emily Roberts FR 26:59.5 Van Meter
83 Mallory Vroegh JR 26:59.5 Dallas Center-Grimes
84 Katherine Currier SO 27:01.1 Johnston
85 Megan Solberg SO 27:03.4 Johnston
86 52 Brandi Eischeid SO 27:12.5 Kuemper Catholic
87 Morgan Feller-Gomis JR 27:20.3 Dallas Center-Grimes
88 Sophia Pastorino FR 27:20.6 Winterset
89 53 Tristine Viers FR 27:24.9 Carlisle
90 54 Kirstin Viers JR 27:24.9 Carlisle
91 55 Katherine Tylavsky FR 27:31.0 Saydel
92 Shelbie Brotherson SR 27:31.5 Johnston
93 Adelynn Ahartz SO 27:34.6 Carlisle
94 Tatum LeQuatte JR 27:39.2 Norwalk
95 56 Libbie Skeffington SR 27:41.6 East
96 Caitlin Alexander SO 27:45.0 Dallas Center-Grimes
97 Allie Krieder FR 27:49.6 Norwalk
98 Sydney Hartsock FR 27:50.9 Creston
99 Cacy Larson FR 27:51.8 Norwalk
100 57 Sarah Brady SO 28:03.9 Van Meter
101 58 Madison Young JR 28:04.0 Earlham
102 Rachel Wignall SO 28:06.1 Creston
103 Hannah McCoy SR 28:11.0 Carlisle
104 Emma Berning SO 28:14.2 Creston
105 Sydney Pantini FR 28:14.3 Creston
106 Cora Green SR 28:15.0 Creston
107 Jessica Bigelow SR 28:17.5 Johnston
108 59 Anne Steffes SO 28:29.1 Kuemper Catholic
109 60 Jayda Tolentino SO 28:31.0 Saydel
110 Mari Brewington SR 28:31.2 Johnston
111 61 Lyndsay Bianchi SR 28:31.3 Saydel
112 Katelyn Schultz SR 28:34.3 Johnston
113 62 Marie Demuth SR 28:40.2 East
114 63 Nina De La Cruz SO 28:42.6 East
115 64 Paige Higby FR 28:50.5 Kuemper Catholic
116 Hannah Wuebker SR 28:55.1 Dallas Center-Grimes
117 Juanita Ramirez SR 28:56.2 Winterset
118 Angel Nyaga FR 29:02.6 Johnston
119 65 Crystal Velaquez SR 29:06.7 East
120 Shirley Ortega SO 29:08.6 Norwalk
121 Grace Root SO 29:21.3 Creston
122 Shelby Johnson SR 29:24.9 Dallas Center-Grimes
123 Heather Schirm SO 29:32.4 Norwalk
124 66 Chloe Grote JR 29:37.5 Kuemper Catholic
125 Kailee Raymond SO 29:38.6 Norwalk
126 67 Danielle Geneser JR 29:49.7 Earlham
127 Ragen Brotherson FR 29:52.7 Johnston
128 Nicole Wulf JR 30:07.3 Norwalk
129 Mallory Murphy SR 30:11.1 Norwalk
130 Brianna Nelsen JR 30:21.6 Dallas Center-Grimes
131 68 Ada Miklus JR 30:22.4 Saydel
132 69 Riley Davis JR 30:37.1 Van Meter
133 Emily Breeden JR 30:41.9 Johnston
134 Caffrey Taylor JR 30:48.5 Johnston
135 70 Liz Jacobs FR 31:12.4 Saydel
136 71 Alexis Eshelman JR 31:34.1 East
137 Madison Ballard SO 31:59.4 Norwalk
138 Maggie Steinkamp SR 32:09.0 Kuemper Catholic
139 72 Sarah Landon FR 32:11.3 East
140 Shelby McCullough JR 32:14.1 Winterset
141 Sarah VanAmburg FR 32:23.0 Norwalk
142 Elizabeth Lara SO 32:35.2 Carlisle
143 Hannah Ryan JR 32:35.4 Carlisle
144 Samantha VanAmburg SR 33:07.5 Norwalk
145 Zoey Ross SO 33:54.6 Dallas Center-Grimes
146 Izzy Murray JR 33:55.2 Dallas Center-Grimes
147 Abby Noel JR 33:56.0 Norwalk
148 Milena Foggia SR 34:23.0 Dallas Center-Grimes
149 73 Priscilla Macias FR 34:30.4 East
150 Nayeli Macias JR 34:30.4 East
151 Courtney Polka JR 34:43.5 Norwalk
152 74 Becca Walter JR 36:35.5 Van Meter
153 Klayr Mattson JR 37:03.7 Norwalk
154 75 Vicky Reiwer JR 37:06.2 Van Meter
155 76 Olivia Erdelt JR 37:40.6 Saydel
156 Jeasica Guzman SO 37:41.3 Saydel
157 Laura Lo JR 37:43.4 East
158 Maddie Ekdom JR 38:39.5 Dallas Center-Grimes
159 Marialet Flores JR 39:09.6 East
160 77 Angela Junker SO 39:10.8 Van Meter
161 Brandy Cam SR 39:15.6 East
162 Elizabeth Jones FR 39:38.1 Johnston
163 Sydney Frazier JR 40:14.5 East
164 Jasmin Salgado JR 40:18.9 East
165 Anna Tipling FR 40:24.1 Van Meter
166 Rachel Allen JR 40:55.1 Van Meter
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