Bobcat XC Invitational 2018

Marshalltown , IA

MS Results

Middle School Girls Pl	Team	Results
Place Team	Points Places of Finishers (offset scoring) Average Spread
1	Valley	33	2	4	6	9	12	20	28	14:21	2:00
2	Dowling	37	1	3	8	10	15	23	27	14:26	2:35
3	Southeast Polk	55	5	7	13	14	16	17	21	14:54	1:22
4	Cedar Falls	94	11	18	19	22	24	25	26	15:35	0:42
5	Marshalltown	160	30	31	32	33	34	35	36	17:45	1:15
6	Fort Dodge	184	29	37	38	39	41	42	18:19	3:13
7	East Marshall	218	40	43	44	45	46	22:30	5:25
Incomplete Teams: G M G
Middle School Girls Individual Results
Place	Points Athlete Grade Time Team
1	1	Annie Honkamp	7	12:53	Dowling
2	2	Ana Spaine	8	13:22	Valley
3	3	Lauryn Frerichs	8	13:42	Dowling
4	4	Pepper Earle	8	14:01	Valley
5	5	Francois Jenna	8	14:06	Southeast Polk
6	6	Mya Doubrava	8	14:07	Valley
7	7	Hartz Libby	7	14:07	Southeast Polk
8	Alivea Edens	7	14:22	G M G
9	8	Madeline Stevenson	7	14:53	Dowling
10	9	Isabella Turner	8	14:53	Valley
11	10	Kylie Larson	8	15:11	Dowling
12	11	Ava Mallaro	8	15:12	Cedar Falls
13	12	Lorelai Boucher	8	15:21	Valley
14	13	Hill Sienna	7	15:23	Southeast Polk
15	14	Leeper Chloe	8	15:25	Southeast Polk
16	15	Reece Ervin	8	15:27	Dowling
17	16	Johnson Catherine	8	15:28	Southeast Polk
18	17	Williams Ashlin	7	15:30	Southeast Polk
19	18	Pennelope Ferrel	7	15:31	Cedar Falls
20	19	Anna Scannell	8	15:35	Cedar Falls
21	20	Elizabeth Noll	8	15:37	Valley
22	21	Naeve Ella	7	15:40	Southeast Polk
23	22	Rachel Mandt	8	15:42	Cedar Falls
24	Glendening Ivy	7	15:46	Southeast Polk
25	Cole Julia	8	15:50	Southeast Polk
26	Miller Rylea	8	15:52	Southeast Polk
27	23	Allie Rutledge	7	15:52	Dowling
28	24	Jesika Basurto	8	15:53	Cedar Falls
29	25	Anna Becker	7	15:55	Cedar Falls
30	Lehman Rylee	8	15:57	Southeast Polk
31	26	Ella Hertz	8	15:59	Cedar Falls
32	Schafer Emma	7	16:12	Southeast Polk
33	Nicholson Randi	8	16:15	Southeast Polk
34	27	Ellie Ites	7	16:15	Dowling
35	Leslie Waltermire	7	16:17	G M G
36	Bethany Patton	8	16:18	Dowling
37	28	Serena Carlson	8	16:19	Valley
38	Anna Schoessler	7	16:23	Dowling
39	29	Aeva Alstott	8	16:30	Fort Dodge
40	Brooklyn Francis	7	16:35	Cedar Falls
41	Avery Mollenhauer	8	16:38	Valley
42	Maynes Maddy	7	16:44	Southeast Polk
43	Hanna Hardy	8	16:45	Valley
44	Annaliese Block	8	16:46	Cedar Falls
45	30	Hannah Seltman	8	16:47	Marshalltown
46	Lafferty Kayla	8	17:03	Southeast Polk
47	Goldsberrry Ava	7	17:03	Southeast Polk
48	Elie Rauen	7	17:05	Dowling
49	Zoe Drey	8	17:05	Valley
50	Megan Anton	8	17:10	Cedar Falls
51	Fisher Maycee	8	17:11	Southeast Polk
52	Schaefer Abigail	8	17:12	Southeast Polk
53	Annaliese Martinson	8	17:24	Cedar Falls
54	Lilyanna Ganfield	8	17:25	Cedar Falls
55	Clark Kaylee	7	17:25	Southeast Polk
56	Madole Adeline	7	17:32	Southeast Polk
57	Bouchard Stevie	7	17:41	Southeast Polk
58	31	Kaisa Stanley	8	17:58	Marshalltown
59	32	Olivia Williams	7	17:58	Marshalltown
60	33	Nyankuer Arou	7	17:58	Marshalltown
61	Weidner Bryn	8	17:59	Southeast Polk
62	34	Cassidy Klien	8	18:02	Marshalltown
63	Jaden Swarts	8	18:02	Cedar Falls
64	35	Leticia Herrera	7	18:03	Marshalltown
65	36	Esmeralda Chavez Gomez	7	18:04	Marshalltown
66	37	Darylinn Cook	7	18:15	Fort Dodge
67	Abby Johnson	8	18:19	Valley
68	Sagar Alexandra	7	18:19	Southeast Polk
69	Arely Pina	8	18:21	Marshalltown
70	38	Catherine Daniel	8	18:25	Fort Dodge
71	McNeeley Cami	7	18:33	Southeast Polk
72	Yesica Hernandez	7	18:36	Marshalltown
73	Emma Lau	8	18:36	Cedar Falls
74	39	Adali Andrade-Carrasco	8	18:40	Fort Dodge
75	Ava Brounkhorst	8	18:40	Valley
76	Frances Jackson	7	18:45	Cedar Falls
77	Leah Rhode	8	18:47	Dowling
78	Claire Switzer	7	18:47	Cedar Falls
79	Churchill Sage	7	18:52	Southeast Polk
80	Grace Tidwell	8	18:53	Cedar Falls
81	Emma Halvorsen	7	18:56	Cedar Falls
82	Danielle Salas	8	18:57	Valley
83	Devan Williams	8	18:57	Valley
84	Welter Tessa	8	18:58	Southeast Polk
85	Keely Rizzley	8	19:01	Valley
86	Lawson Caitlyn	7	19:05	Southeast Polk
87	40	Teagan Glenney	7	19:08	East Marshall
88	Alexandra Toledo	8	19:11	Valley
89	Ella Huffman	8	19:16	Cedar Falls
90	Maren Denison	8	19:17	Cedar Falls
91	Hope Chiattello	8	19:24	Cedar Falls
92	Amarachi Agu	8	19:25	Southeast Polk
93	Aubrie Tejada	7	19:29	Marshalltown
94	Cerda Keila	8	19:37	Southeast Polk
95	Sagar Samantha	7	19:39	Southeast Polk
96	Jazlynn Bernardy	8	19:41	Cedar Falls
97	41	Olivia Hamlow	8	19:42	Fort Dodge
98	Annie Pierson	8	19:50	Dowling
99	Megan Chng	8	19:51	Valley
100	O'Riley Paige	8	19:54	Southeast Polk
101	Schrock Shelby	7	19:57	Southeast Polk
102	Kaiya Gonzalez	8	19:57	Valley
103	Allison Harty	8	19:59	Valley
104	42	Madelyn Lee	7	20:19	Fort Dodge
105	Baylee Lehmann	7	20:22	Cedar Falls
106	Amelia Bryant	7	20:32	Cedar Falls
107	Abby Dvorak	7	20:32	Cedar Falls
108	Brianna Dotzler	7	20:35	Cedar Falls
109	Glenn Briahnna	7	20:39	Southeast Polk
110	Dungan Ella	7	20:44	Southeast Polk
111	Kaeli Levis	7	20:45	Marshalltown
112	Sarah Cretin	7	20:51	Marshalltown
113	Lydia Richwine	7	20:51	Cedar Falls
114	Lesly Hernandez	7	21:08	Marshalltown
115	Sophia Mandt	8	21:11	Cedar Falls
116	Bouchard Torie	7	21:15	Southeast Polk
117	Smith Kaitlynn	7	21:25	Southeast Polk
118	Harper Sydney	7	21:33	Southeast Polk
119	43	Audrey Andresen	7	21:35	East Marshall
120	Megan Fowler	8	21:46	Cedar Falls
121	Boord Alexis	8	21:48	Southeast Polk
122	Parker Mackenzie	7	21:49	Southeast Polk
123	Yount-Wheels Shania	8	22:13	Southeast Polk
124	Mara Whitehead	7	22:15	Marshalltown
125	Katelyn Swartz	7	22:21	Marshalltown
126	Patchin Eliza	8	22:26	Southeast Polk
127	Chidera Agu	7	22:29	Southeast Polk
128	Ainsley Ahrens	8	22:31	Valley
129	44	Dellain Potter-Ferguson	7	22:39	East Marshall
130	Lillian Bru	7	22:55	G M G
131	Armantrout Alyssa	7	22:58	Southeast Polk
132	Osborn Jade	8	23:20	Southeast Polk
133	Robbins Sadie	8	23:22	Southeast Polk
134	Renee Fischer	7	23:33	Cedar Falls
135	45	Ashley Quastad	7	24:31	East Marshall
136	46	Jeslyn Potter	7	24:33	East Marshall
137	Donald Makia	7	24:48	Marshalltown
138	Morgan Autumn	7	26:00	Southeast Polk
139	Jane Doe	8	26:11	Marshalltown
140	Harris Addison	7	26:17	Southeast Polk
45th Bobcat Cross Country Invitational
Marshalltown Community College Course
Marshalltown, IA
Thursday, September	6,	2018
70	and cloudy
Results by Cal Murdock
Iowa Association of Track Coaches, Page	50	of	55
Middle School Boys Pl	Team	Results
Place Team	Points Places of Finishers (offset scoring) Average Spread
1	Dowling	38	3	5	7	9	14	15	25	12:28	0:46
2	Southeast Polk	49	4	6	10	12	17	21	31	12:37	0:52
3	Cedar Falls	105	16	20	22	23	24	27	30	13:17	0:29
4	Valley	108	1	13	29	32	33	38	42	13:19	2:10
5	East Marshall	126	11	18	28	34	35	46	49	13:31	1:19
6	Marshalltown	143	8	19	36	39	41	44	45	13:38	1:40
7	Fort Dodge	148	2	26	37	40	43	47	48	13:42	2:23
Incomplete Teams: G M G
Middle School Boys Individual Results
Place	Points Athlete Grade Time Team
1	1	Caleb Scott	8	11:54	Valley
2	2	Ryan Madden	8	12:07	Fort Dodge
3	3	Jackson Heidesch	8	12:10	Dowling
4	4	Carson Owens	8	12:11	Southeast Polk
5	5	Gabe Shaw	8	12:12	Dowling
6	6	Evan Brummel	8	12:15	Southeast Polk
7	7	Flynn Milligan	8	12:25	Dowling
8	8	Archie Pher	8	12:34	Marshalltown
9	9	Jack Ode	8	12:38	Dowling
10	10	Jenkin Fulmer	8	12:45	Southeast Polk
11	11	Joseph Terrones	8	12:46	East Marshall
12	12	Jack Casey	8	12:48	Southeast Polk
13	13	Carter Streasick	8	12:54	Valley
14	14	Jack Bergman	7	12:55	Dowling
15	15	Nash Fisher	8	12:57	Dowling
16	16	Colin Johnson	8	12:58	Cedar Falls
17	17	Zeb Hinze	7	13:02	Southeast Polk
18	18	Brock Curtis	8	13:03	East Marshall
19	19	Anthoneh Kopsa	8	13:04	Marshalltown
20	20	Cuhat Pascal	8	13:17	Cedar Falls
21	21	Alan Brummel	8	13:18	Southeast Polk
22	22	Colby Cryer	8	13:18	Cedar Falls
23	23	Cayden Schellhorn	8	13:24	Cedar Falls
24	24	Jack Considine	7	13:27	Cedar Falls
25	25	Henry Fink	7	13:27	Dowling
26	Victor Rieser	8	13:28	Dowling
27	26	Dru Ayala	7	13:31	Fort Dodge
28	Evan Holt	8	13:34	Dowling
29	27	Carter Fadiga	8	13:36	Cedar Falls
30	28	Cale Hungerford	7	13:38	East Marshall
31	29	Tianci Sun	8	13:48	Valley
32	30	Rentse DeJong	7	13:49	Cedar Falls
33	Jj McLaughlin	7	13:50	Dowling
34	31	Gavin Holmes	7	13:50	Southeast Polk
35	32	Bodie Emanoli	8	13:54	Valley
36	Colin Miller	8	13:55	Southeast Polk
37	Dawson Young	8	13:58	Southeast Polk
38	Aaron Fynaardt	8	14:01	Dowling
39	Brayden Frey	7	14:03	Cedar Falls
40	33	Elliot Baughman	8	14:04	Valley
41	34	Peyton Williams	8	14:04	East Marshall
42	35	Patrick Rayburn	8	14:04	East Marshall
43	36	Cameron Sichra	8	14:07	Marshalltown
44	37	Gavin Doebel	7	14:09	Fort Dodge
45	38	Peyton Grotulschen	8	14:10	Valley
46	39	Ashton Finders	8	14:10	Marshalltown
47	40	Michael Wagner	7	14:12	Fort Dodge
48	41	Pher Hernandez	8	14:13	Marshalltown
49	Carter Guse	8	14:17	Cedar Falls
50	Ethan Keomala	8	14:19	Southeast Polk
51	Adrian Brown	7	14:21	Dowling
52	Dayton Popenhagen	8	14:22	Cedar Falls
53	Henry Means	8	14:23	Dowling
54	42	Connor Fogarty	8	14:24	Valley
55	Will Marshall	8	14:27	Southeast Polk
56	43	Aaron Amhof	8	14:30	Fort Dodge
57	Jonathan Squires	8	14:31	Cedar Falls
58	44	Jacob Thiessen	7	14:31	Marshalltown
59	Jude Skinner	7	14:35	Southeast Polk
60	Cooper Chia	8	14:37	Dowling
61	Johnny Fox	8	14:40	Dowling
62	Michael Reichart	7	14:40	Dowling
63	45	Jason Strand	8	14:41	Marshalltown
64	Patrick Warren	8	14:42	Dowling
65	Nate Bierma	8	14:44	Valley
66	Cooper Jensen	8	14:47	Cedar Falls
67	Diego Tejada	7	14:47	Marshalltown
68	Collin Houg	7	14:51	Dowling
69	46	Junior Brown	8	14:51	East Marshall
70	Egan Taiber	7	14:51	Cedar Falls
71	Grayson McAvoy	8	14:52	Valley
72	Gavin Van Brocklin	7	14:53	Cedar Falls
73	Jack Fertig	7	14:54	Southeast Polk
74	Hogan Fuessel	8	14:55	Cedar Falls
75	Aiden Kenaga	8	14:55	Cedar Falls
76	Noah Phillis	8	14:55	Cedar Falls
77	Tate Kading	7	14:55	Southeast Polk
78	Cale Ortner	8	14:57	Valley
79	Thomas Huegerich	7	14:57	Dowling
80	Ty Plummer	8	14:58	Valley
81	Jack McGuire	7	14:59	Dowling
82	Jason Latta	8	15:00	Dowling
83	Shawn Wegmann	7	15:00	Cedar Falls
84	Cole Kyer	8	15:01	Southeast Polk
85	Carter Shaw	8	15:02	Valley
86	Rhett Elliott	7	15:04	Southeast Polk
87	Joe Wilwerding	8	15:05	Dowling
88	Rylan Althof	7	15:07	Southeast Polk
89	Jack Power	8	15:08	Dowling
90	John Lawler	8	15:11	Dowling
91	Holden Fromm	8	15:12	Cedar Falls
92	Luke DeGabriele	7	15:14	Cedar Falls
93	Ethan Acker	8	15:15	Valley
94	Zackary Lewis	8	15:17	Cedar Falls
95	Param Sampat	7	15:18	Cedar Falls
96	Will Drost	8	15:18	Valley
97	Henry Wiering	7	15:20	Cedar Falls
98	Ben Cairney	8	15:21	Valley
99	Clay Youngdale	8	15:22	Valley
100	Ian Murra	7	15:22	Cedar Falls
101	Brenden Finders	8	15:22	Marshalltown
102	Mason Munnik	7	15:22	Cedar Falls
103	Tyler Bailey	7	15:24	Cedar Falls
104	Pedro Zetino	8	15:24	Marshalltown
105	Jake Gudith	7	15:26	Marshalltown
106	Connor Doyla	8	15:26	Cedar Falls
107	Nick Klocke	8	15:26	Dowling
108	Nathan Williams	8	15:26	Dowling
109	Payne Brekken	7	15:27	Marshalltown
110	Logan Huffman	7	15:27	Cedar Falls
111	Dilean Regalado	8	15:28	Valley
112	Cesar Corona	8	15:30	Marshalltown
113	Zachary Funk	8	15:30	Southeast Polk
114	Jack Williams	8	15:31	Dowling
115	Juan Avalos	7	15:33	Marshalltown
116	Lane Wunderlich	8	15:33	Cedar Falls
117	Berne Denison	8	15:33	Cedar Falls
118	47	Carter Anderson	7	15:36	Fort Dodge
119	Mason Hausman	8	15:37	Southeast Polk
120	48	Brock Delanoit	7	15:38	Fort Dodge
121	Reed Swartz	7	15:39	Marshalltown
122	Eric Lucas	8	15:40	Cedar Falls
123	Trevor Huegerich	7	15:41	Cedar Falls
124	Juan Luis Garcia	7	15:41	Marshalltown
125	Aydan Albritton	7	15:42	Southeast Polk
126	Nile Butler	7	15:42	Marshalltown
127	Gavin Jablonski	8	15:43	Marshalltown
128	Braden Stewart	7	15:45	Marshalltown
129	Noah Teske	8	15:45	G M G
130	Daniel Longseth	7	15:45	Cedar Falls
131	Isaac Forristall	8	15:48	Southeast Polk
132	Levi Evans	8	15:48	Fort Dodge
133	Owen Palmer	7	15:49	Dowling
134	Keegan Schenck	7	15:49	Southeast Polk
135	Mason Fonley	7	15:51	Cedar Falls
136	Ascher Terpstra-Schwab	8	15:53	Cedar Falls
137	Ethan McDermott	8	15:54	Valley
138	Brevin Kinard	8	15:54	Cedar Falls
139	Anthony Gonzalez	7	15:55	Marshalltown
140	Tyler Cahalan	8	15:57	Southeast Polk
141	Andrew Croft	8	16:02	Valley
142	Leonaro Ruiz	7	16:04	Marshalltown
143	Jacob Hanson	8	16:05	Valley
144	Owen Lovan	8	16:07	Southeast Polk
145	Kanoa Lin	7	16:09	Dowling
146	Josh Blough	7	16:14	Cedar Falls
147	John Doe	8	16:17	Marshalltown
148	Lane Tuve	8	16:18	Cedar Falls
149	Jarret Hornberg	8	16:21	G M G
150	Cainan Osborn	7	16:23	Dowling
151	Conner Trunnell	8	16:24	Cedar Falls
152	49	Carter Brummel	7	16:24	East Marshall
153	Brien Smith	7	16:24	Cedar Falls
154	Alex Clover	7	16:24	East Marshall
155	Korbin Keomala	8	16:27	Southeast Polk
156	Gage Gaul	8	16:30	Southeast Polk
157	Logan Skyles	8	16:32	Dowling
158	Jack Elsbury	8	16:32	Marshalltown
159	Colby Doebel	8	16:33	Fort Dodge
160	Calyx Hadley	8	16:34	Cedar Falls
161	Patrick Savatdy	8	16:36	G M G
162	Ethan Edwards	7	16:43	G M G
163	Levi Tague	7	16:47	East Marshall
164	Carson Anton	8	16:47	Cedar Falls
165	Karch Smith	7	16:53	Fort Dodge
166	Jay Helton	7	16:53	Marshalltown
167	Gavin Denholm	8	16:54	Cedar Falls
168	Sai Pranav Kota	7	16:55	Cedar Falls
169	Carson Carney	8	17:06	Southeast Polk
170	Teeghen Rath	7	17:07	Cedar Falls
171	Collin Ehler	7	17:09	Cedar Falls
172	Hunter Shepherd	8	17:11	Southeast Polk
173	Sutton Christensen	8	17:11	Southeast Polk
174	Sebastian Gutierrez	7	17:13	Marshalltown
175	Trevor Burbridge	8	17:13	Cedar Falls
176	Armando Ramirez	7	17:16	Marshalltown
177	Angel Chavez	8	17:20	Marshalltown
178	Caiden Rentz	8	17:21	Cedar Falls
179	Srivarenya Lokesh	7	17:22	Cedar Falls
180	Jace Arends	7	17:25	Cedar Falls
181	Alexander Hansen	8	17:25	Fort Dodge
182	Coleman Geffert	8	17:27	Cedar Falls
183	Mitchell Cook	7	17:30	Dowling
184	Landon Kort	8	17:30	Valley
185	Stockton Neibert	7	17:32	Cedar Falls
186	Phoenix Wilhelms	7	17:32	Southeast Polk
187	Gauge Beirman	7	17:34	Southeast Polk
188	Eddie Bouchard	7	17:39	Southeast Polk
189	Aidan Douglas	7	17:40	Southeast Polk
190	Quentin Mosqueda	7	17:48	Dowling
191	Ellijah Sack	8	17:52	Valley
192	Julian Taiber	7	17:52	Cedar Falls
193	John Wiederstein	8	17:59	Southeast Polk
194	Peter Graham	8	18:00	Valley
195	Mason Vance	7	18:05	Southeast Polk
196	Roan Jelken	7	18:07	Marshalltown
197	Kooper Beattie	7	18:09	Southeast Polk
198	Evan Pratt	7	18:12	Fort Dodge
199	Isaac Pence	7	18:14	Cedar Falls
200	Emerson Linney	8	18:15	Cedar Falls
201	Carter Halvorson	7	18:16	Cedar Falls
202	Nick Hudson	8	18:18	Cedar Falls
203	Sam Smith	8	18:21	Dowling
204	Tyler Emanuel	8	18:22	Valley
205	Damien Rosas	8	18:24	Marshalltown
206	Zach Ewald	7	18:25	Southeast Polk
207	Allen Mrzlijak	8	18:29	Cedar Falls
208	Collin O'Bryon	7	18:30	Cedar Falls
209	Kyran Stanfield	7	18:32	Marshalltown
210	Corey Brown	8	18:36	Marshalltown
211	Nolan Reese	7	18:39	Cedar Falls
212	Kade Baedke	8	18:44	Fort Dodge
213	Ephram Sinnwell	8	18:48	Southeast Polk
214	Ethan Kaster	8	18:51	Southeast Polk
215	Manuel Pena	7	18:53	Marshalltown
216	Will Rubach	8	18:58	Valley
217	Joshua Madden	8	18:59	Fort Dodge
218	Vincent Hesselink	7	18:59	Cedar Falls
219	Anton Hesselink	7	18:59	Cedar Falls
220	Landon Smithhart	8	19:01	Southeast Polk
221	Brett Nicodemus	7	19:01	Southeast Polk
222	Ethan Miller	7	19:04	Cedar Falls
223	Nathaniel Venem	8	19:04	Cedar Falls
224	Nate Strawn	8	19:10	Dowling
225	LaRell Jordan-Wade	7	19:18	Cedar Falls
226	Joseph Kangas	8	19:31	Cedar Falls
227	Sam O'Hair	7	19:35	Cedar Falls
228	Christopher Paulson	8	19:37	Cedar Falls
229	Esad Aydiner	7	19:37	Cedar Falls
230	Chase Miklo	8	19:39	Fort Dodge
231	Grady Fees	7	19:47	Southeast Polk