Editing Team Roster
IOWATFXC.COM does not routinely add/delete/revise athletes in team rosters. Athletes are automatically added to rosters when and how they are first uploaded and compiled from results received. Therefore, if coaches enter athletes in meets, or meet managers produce results, with first names only, incorrect spellings, or different spellings of same athletes in different meets, they will appear that way in team rosters.
To view a team roster in IOWATFXC.COM, go to Teams > (specific team). For years of graduation, go further to Roster. Athletes with graduation years prior to 2014 are automatically moved to the Alumni list.
Athletes, parents, coaches, fans - Please review the roster for you team. Then send additions, deletions, and revisions (the easiest and recommended way) to lknudson@milesplit.com. Common errors:
> First names only.
> Misspelling of names.
> Duplicate names (different spellings for same athlete); indicate the correct spelling.
> Incorrect or missing graduation years.
> Athletes listed but no longer on the roster (if graduated, indicate graduation year).
> Athletes on roster but not listed (give name and graduation year).
If you want to edit your team roster yourself (not recommended), for instructions go to - Site Guide > How-To Guides for IOWATFXC.COM > Editing Team & Athlete Information OR https://ia.milesplit.com/admin/pages/798.