State Qualifying Meet Assignments, XC, 2013

Iowa Cross Country State Qualifying Meet Assignments, 2013

All State qualifying meets will be held at stated sites on Thursday, October 24.

§                        Class 4A Assignments

§                        Class 3A Assignments

§                        Class 2A Assignments

§                        Class 1A Assignments


Related information from the IHSAA Cross Country Manual:

1. CLASSIFICATION: There will be four classes in cross country and one wheelchair division. Enrollment figures for the 
2012-13 school year grades 9-11 will be used for the cross country classes. Class 4-A will be comprised of the schools within 
the 48 largest; Class 3-A will be comprised of the schools within the next 64; Class 2-A will be comprised of the schools within 
the next 72 and Class 1-A will be the remainder of the schools. Wheelchair competitors will compete in one division. In the 
sports of cross country, member schools that are placed in different classes due to cooperative agreement decisions 
made by other member schools, shall remain in the same class. The member school will be placed in the lower of the 
two split classifications. Member schools placed in different classes, based on the member school’s decision to 
have different cooperative programs for each gender or cooperative programs with different schools, will remain in 
different classifications and be assigned to state qualifying events as classified. Member schools will not be allowed 
the choice to participate in a higher classification. In order for classifications to be determined in a timely manner, no 
new cross country cooperative programs will be accepted, nor will any existing cross country cooperative programs 
be allowed to dissolve after 5:00 pm on Friday, August 16, 2013. 
2. STATE QUALIFYING MEET: There will be five state qualifying meets for all classes. Sate qualifying meets will be held on 
Thursday, October 24, 2013. The length of the course will be 5000 meters. State qualifying meets will start at 4:00 pm for a 
single class meet and 3:30 pm for a two class meet. No team or individual is permitted on the state qualifying meet cross 
country course except for those schools that actually use the course for practice and meets during the season. Violation of 
this rule will result in the school not being allowed to compete in the state qualifying meet. State qualifying meet cross 
country information will be posted on the IHSAA website the week of October 7.
3. STATE QUALIFYING MEET ENTRIES: Each school is permitted a maximum of seven entrants. All competitors will be 
counted as they finish the race. In order to qualify on a team basis, five runners must finish. Only the first five runners will 
be used in computing the team score. If a school does not enter five individuals, they cannot compete for the team 
championship. They may enter less than five competitors and those individuals may run and compete for individual places. 
4. STATE MEET QUALIFIERS: From each of the class 4-A, 3-A, 2-A and 1-A state qualifying meets, the first three teams, 
plus the first 10 individual place winners will qualify for the state meet. The same competitors, other than individual place 
winners, who qualify from the state qualifying meet, need not represent the school at the state meet. Substitutions are 
5. STATE QUALIFYING MEET AWARDS: The winning school will be mailed or presented a banner for having won the state 
qualifying cross country championship. Members of the first three winning teams and the first ten individuals will receive 
medals at each state qualifying meet. Each team qualifying for the state meet will receive a banner. 
6. STATE QUALIFYING CROSS COUNTRY MEET EXPENSE ALLOWANCE: There is no team expense allowance for state 
qualifying cross country.