Gilbert Invitational 2012

Ames, IA

Gilbert Invitational 2012 vs Gilbert Invitational 2010

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +65 258 193
Overall Average -26.32 23:11.41 23:37.73
1st-10th Place -1:14.11 18:04.94 19:19.05
1st-25th Place -1:02.49 18:43.45 19:45.94
1st-50th Place -54.00 19:24.69 20:18.69
1st-100th Place -1:02.17 20:18.00 21:20.17
Common Athletes -- -- 55
Ran Faster 33 44 11
Ran Season Best -52 3 55
Average Time -1:30.88 22:09.54 23:40.41
Median Time -1:19.50 21:52.93 23:12.43
Middle 80% Times -1:31.55 22:01.74 23:33.29
Top 10% Times -1:11.97 18:50.43 20:02.40
Top 25% Times -1:12.68 19:26.00 20:38.68
Top 50% Times -1:18.87 20:20.70 21:39.57
Bottom 50% Times -1:39.64 23:10.89 24:50.53
Bottom 25% Times -1:53.38 25:26.83 27:20.21
Bottom 10% Times -1:41.60 27:03.45 28:45.05
Average Difference -1:30.88 -- --
Median Difference -1:35.31 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:31.04 -- --
Top 10% Difference -42.84 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:02.01 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:01.40 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:02.01 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:59.90 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:14.90 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:14.55 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Nathan Bradley West Marshall High School -50.65 18:20.98 19:11.63
Aaron Ward Collins-Maxwell High School -1:10.21 18:42.21 19:52.42
Ryley Sandberg North Polk High School -2:05.70 18:47.48 20:53.18
Paul Robidoux North Polk High School -1:42.87 18:58.86 20:41.73
Jacob Simpson Greene County High School -2:07.62 19:04.72 21:12.34
Reed Smith North Polk High School -1:19.10 19:08.32 20:27.42
Ryan Gallus Gilbert High School -2:20.30 19:08.80 21:29.10
Hunter Simmons Panorama High School -2:55.58 19:13.62 22:09.20
Chris Sims North Polk High School -47.69 19:33.59 20:21.28
Victor Trinidad Perry High School -27.08 19:48.94 20:16.02
Cade Kiddoo A-D-M High School -3:39.90 20:10.44 23:50.34
Thomas Wilgenbusch Roland-Story High School -3:02.88 20:13.34 23:16.22
Trenton Keislar West Marshall High School +1:00.26 21:14.98 20:14.72
Jacob Dedic Roland-Story High School +17.67 20:35.99 20:18.32
Austin Mccool West Marshall High School -18.68 20:21.96 20:40.64
Aaron Daharsh Gilbert High School -1:17.96 20:30.75 21:48.71
Sam Jackson Gilbert High School -2:01.37 20:39.43 22:40.80
Andrew Marshall Greene County High School -1:35.58 20:39.75 22:15.33
Eric Johnson North Polk High School -1:09.72 20:41.63 21:51.35
Adam Sodders West Marshall High School -1:41.08 21:00.22 22:41.30
Scott Clabough A-D-M High School -1:43.41 21:22.32 23:05.73
Daniel Martin Gilbert High School -4:51.64 21:26.39 26:18.03
Boe Druivenga Panorama High School -2:33.32 21:31.64 24:04.96
Hunter Wilkening West Marshall High School -1:37.27 21:32.34 23:09.61
Nate Byerly West Marshall High School -1:20.43 21:32.59 22:53.02
Kory Fellom Perry High School +1:06.63 22:40.61 21:33.98
Corey Richards North Polk High School -1:35.31 21:38.08 23:13.39
Tyler Hougland Roland-Story High School -5:05.01 21:47.45 26:52.46
Tait Vaughn Colo-Nesco High School -2:50.26 21:52.93 24:43.19
Trevor Danner A-D-M High School -2:23.80 21:53.18 24:16.98
Michael Rimathe North Polk High School -1:09.52 21:55.22 23:04.74
Nick Schwartz Gilbert High School -3:27.11 22:04.09 25:31.20
Ed Mahoney Gilbert High School +5.48 22:13.31 22:07.83
Nick Kibby North Polk High School -1:31.85 22:12.54 23:44.39
Alex Bristow South Hamilton High School -1:48.41 22:27.64 24:16.05
Jordon Reynolds Panorama High School -41.13 22:31.30 23:12.43
Zach Coster South Hamilton High School +7.19 22:39.29 22:32.10
Reagan Hawbaker Perry High School +24.67 23:12.33 22:47.66
Nathan Block Panorama High School -3:38.75 22:52.95 26:31.70
Zach Brecht North Polk High School -2:44.67 22:53.69 25:38.36
Dakota Glenn A-D-M High School +25.40 23:20.80 22:55.40
Ben Meyer Gilbert High School -3:02.07 23:13.02 26:15.09
Ian Day West Marshall High School -2:25.99 23:14.57 25:40.56
Bryan Smith Collins-Maxwell High School +1:46.86 25:09.16 23:22.30
Zach Brown Colo-Nesco High School +3:09.75 26:37.41 23:27.66
Ben Geadelmann A-D-M High School -24.10 23:56.87 24:20.97
Brandon Overman West Marshall High School -4:46.02 23:57.57 28:43.59
Chris Flynn North Polk High School -39.27 24:04.89 24:44.16
Kyle Miller Colo-Nesco High School -2:15.62 24:51.02 27:06.64
Riley Kimrey Perry High School -2:40.51 25:20.06 28:00.57
Michael Rueter Perry High School -5:50.65 25:55.14 31:45.79
Zach Lund Gilbert High School +8.10 26:17.92 26:09.82
Brett Shelton North Polk High School -1:11.86 26:23.03 27:34.89
Tyler Haskell West Marshall High School +1:14.94 28:01.60 26:46.66
Mitchell Clemens North Polk High School -13.20 29:05.59 29:18.79