Heartland Classic 2013

Ames, IA

Heartland Classic 2013 vs Roosevelt Heartland Classic 2011

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +616 786 170
Overall Average +2:11.19 19:54.80 17:43.61
1st-10th Place +0.37 16:01.37 16:01.00
1st-25th Place -6.93 16:11.47 16:18.40
1st-50th Place -3.67 16:28.85 16:32.52
1st-100th Place -4.60 16:50.61 16:55.21
Common Athletes -- -- 28
Ran Faster 20 24 4
Ran Season Best -27 1 28
Average Time -33.85 17:24.08 17:57.93
Median Time -37.10 17:05.90 17:43.00
Middle 80% Times -38.47 17:14.00 17:52.48
Top 10% Times -24.73 16:04.60 16:29.33
Top 25% Times -28.14 16:11.00 16:39.14
Top 50% Times -33.70 16:27.73 17:01.43
Bottom 50% Times -33.99 18:20.43 18:54.43
Bottom 25% Times -27.29 19:18.43 19:45.71
Bottom 10% Times -1.33 20:50.67 20:52.00
Average Difference -33.85 -- --
Median Difference -1:04.30 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -39.21 -- --
Top 10% Difference -19.10 -- --
Top 50% Difference -23.37 -- --
Top 25% Difference -17.11 -- --
Top 50% Difference -23.37 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -44.32 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -31.39 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -34.37 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Daniel Gardarsson Iowa City West -42.00 15:59.00 16:41.00
Daniel Soto Valley High School -1:17.70 16:05.30 17:23.00
Matt Lumbar Edina High School -28.50 16:09.50 16:38.00
David Rice Johnston High School -1:59.50 16:09.50 18:09.00
Spencer Clark Dowling Catholic High School -24.10 16:15.90 16:40.00
Ryan Tunink Waukee -56.50 16:17.50 17:14.00
Mitch Pritts Prairie -4.70 16:20.30 16:25.00
Arturo Garcia Fremont High School +18.40 16:43.40 16:25.00
Connor Mcdonald Shawnee Mission Northwest High School -1:04.00 16:36.00 17:40.00
Ben Burchstead Shawnee Mission North High School -1:04.30 16:38.70 17:43.00
Luke Lumbar Edina High School +44.90 17:26.90 16:42.00
Brennan Borgestad Waukee -21.10 16:42.90 17:04.00
Noah Larrison Waukee -17.80 16:45.20 17:03.00
Evan Haugh Des Moines Roosevelt High School -1:32.00 16:50.00 18:22.00
Connor Westlake Johnston High School -47.00 16:55.00 17:42.00
Ben Janecek Millard North High School -53.10 17:05.90 17:59.00
Steven Erredge Ankeny High School -15.80 17:06.20 17:22.00
Jersey Boydstun-larson Shawnee Mission South High School -1:05.20 17:18.80 18:24.00
Brett Whorley Millard North High School +8.70 17:29.70 17:21.00
Jeremy Caracci Johnston High School -20.20 17:33.80 17:54.00
Tyler Henson Bettendorf -27.20 17:35.80 18:03.00
Jacob Wiemers Valley High School -24.50 17:47.50 18:12.00
Ben Bourland Des Moines Hoover High School -41.10 17:59.90 18:41.00
Atem Lueth Lincoln North Star High School -1:54.50 18:14.50 20:09.00
Caleb Prentice Des Moines Roosevelt High School -8.90 18:35.10 18:44.00
Finn Hoogensen Des Moines Lincoln High School -1.40 19:53.60 19:55.00
Christian Lucht Des Moines Lincoln High School -17.30 20:28.70 20:46.00
Thomas Chidley Des Moines Lincoln High School +28.70 22:09.70 21:41.00