Osage Cross Country Invite 2014

Osage, IA

Osage Cross Country Invite 2014 vs Osage Cross Country Invite 2015

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +13 113 100
Overall Average -31.99 21:01.36 21:33.35
1st-10th Place -52.35 17:24.30 18:16.65
1st-25th Place -48.83 18:10.45 18:59.29
1st-50th Place -44.57 18:58.59 19:43.16
1st-100th Place -1:13.05 20:20.30 21:33.35
Common Athletes -- -- 29
Ran Faster -9 10 19
Ran Season Best 9 10 1
Average Time +12.02 19:50.77 19:38.76
Median Time +7.00 19:52.60 19:45.60
Middle 80% Times +8.81 19:57.15 19:48.34
Top 10% Times +17.53 17:38.99 17:21.47
Top 25% Times +15.66 18:26.75 18:11.09
Top 50% Times +10.93 18:59.88 18:48.95
Bottom 50% Times +12.30 19:22.28 19:09.98
Bottom 25% Times +21.55 21:13.54 20:51.99
Bottom 10% Times +38.54 21:43.04 21:04.50
Average Difference +12.02 -- --
Median Difference -20.66 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +8.81 -- --
Top 10% Difference +17.53 -- --
Top 50% Difference +7.38 -- --
Top 25% Difference +14.92 -- --
Top 50% Difference +7.38 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +14.48 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +18.28 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +59.87 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jacob Hansen West Fork High School +12.07 17:09.87 16:57.80
Michael Mashek Crestwood High School +53.10 18:17.80 17:24.70
Krister Beal Lake Mills High School -12.59 17:29.31 17:41.90
Max Mueller Newman Catholic High School +44.10 19:01.10 18:17.00
Noah Segerstrom Forest City High School -42.65 18:30.75 19:13.40
Ben Huftalin Osage High School +16.35 18:51.85 18:35.50
Josh Stevens West Fork High School +49.25 19:25.35 18:36.10
Ryan Steffen Crestwood High School +55.38 19:37.68 18:42.30
Justin Anderson West Fork High School -1:03.73 18:54.07 19:57.80
Sammy Seiler Central Springs High School +55.07 20:13.37 19:18.30
Patrick Vandenavond Osage High School -0.24 19:19.26 19:19.50
Ryan Theel Forest City High School -15.10 19:28.80 19:43.90
Gerrett Maakestad Osage High School +2.13 19:31.23 19:29.10
Justin Reams Rockford High School +23.11 19:53.71 19:30.60
Tanner Greenwood Forest City High School -1:15.34 19:37.16 20:52.50
Bret Barkema West Fork High School +34.83 20:13.33 19:38.50
Seamus Sullivan West Fork High School +10.16 19:55.76 19:45.60
Jim Plotzke Osage High School +1:35.12 21:25.32 19:50.20
Andrew Longcor Rockford High School -20.66 19:51.34 20:12.00
Caleb Lines Nashua-Plainfield High School -42.30 19:52.60 20:34.90
Dylan Clipperton North Butler High School -14.91 20:00.99 20:15.90
Connor Schulz West Fork High School +26.39 20:28.79 20:02.40
Austin Lines Nashua-Plainfield High School +32.56 20:48.06 20:15.50
Nick Matthews Newman Catholic High School +14.69 20:50.89 20:36.20
Brett Marshall North Butler High School -6.76 20:47.44 20:54.20
Bryan Schmidt Saint Ansgar High School +24.90 21:14.20 20:49.30
Jared Bock Newman Catholic High School +9.10 20:58.60 20:49.50
Luke Tweeten Forest City High School +1:20.60 22:15.00 20:54.40
Nick Kabela North Butler High School +3.90 21:28.80 21:24.90