Pleasantville Trojan Invitational 2019

Adel, IA

Pleasantville Trojan Invitational 2019 vs Pleasantville Invitational 2017

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -2 154 156
Overall Average -2:08.83 22:46.23 24:55.06
1st-10th Place -1:12.30 17:26.80 18:39.10
1st-25th Place -1:21.92 18:20.84 19:42.76
1st-50th Place -1:37.04 19:16.24 20:53.28
1st-100th Place -1:38.39 20:52.41 22:30.80
Common Athletes -- -- 36
Ran Faster 28 32 4
Ran Season Best 7 20 13
Average Time -1:25.81 21:37.97 23:03.78
Median Time -1:09.00 21:49.00 22:58.00
Middle 80% Times -1:21.97 21:46.76 23:08.72
Top 10% Times -1:33.50 17:19.50 18:53.00
Top 25% Times -1:36.78 18:30.33 20:07.11
Top 50% Times -1:42.56 19:33.56 21:16.11
Bottom 50% Times -1:09.06 23:42.39 24:51.44
Bottom 25% Times -1:21.89 24:58.67 26:20.56
Bottom 10% Times -1:40.50 25:48.25 27:28.75
Average Difference -1:25.81 -- --
Median Difference +25.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:14.97 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:33.50 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:25.78 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:11.11 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:25.78 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:25.83 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:31.00 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:56.50 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Randy Jimenez Southeast Warren High School -3:17.00 15:58.00 19:15.00
Wyatt Fitzgerald Interstate 35 High School -38.00 17:36.00 18:14.00
Beau Webb PCM High School -1:45.00 17:40.00 19:25.00
Jason Stafford PCM High School -34.00 18:04.00 18:38.00
Cooper Vandelune PCM High School -5:15.00 19:01.00 24:16.00
Ayrton Breckenridge PCM High School -2:18.00 19:22.00 21:40.00
Brandon Vecchio Central Decatur High School -1:40.00 19:26.00 21:06.00
Aj Gibson Colfax-Mingo High School -3:53.00 19:36.00 23:29.00
Cole Nelson East Union High School -1:37.00 19:50.00 21:27.00
Cody Parish Interstate 35 High School -2:50.00 19:57.00 22:47.00
Mason Jansen Lynnville-Sully High School -51.00 19:58.00 20:49.00
J'lyn Knutson Melcher-Dallas High School -2:22.00 20:02.00 22:24.00
Abbey Mcconeghey Colfax-Mingo High School -52.00 20:18.00 21:10.00
Cole Hoch Southeast Warren High School -55.00 20:31.00 21:26.00
Jeremy Colboth Pleasantville High School -1:43.00 20:47.00 22:30.00
Cody Courtney PCM High School -8.00 20:53.00 21:01.00
Garin Padget PCM High School -1:33.00 21:25.00 22:58.00
Katie Donaldson Clarke High School -1:03.00 21:40.00 22:43.00
Matt Stickels Clarke High School -1:20.00 21:49.00 23:09.00
Seth Johnson Clarke High School -4:48.00 22:02.00 26:50.00
Klaire Jungling PCM High School -50.00 22:04.00 22:54.00
Gabrielle Valencia East Union High School -48.00 22:13.00 23:01.00
Seth Dickinson Interstate 35 High School -1:02.00 22:20.00 23:22.00
Justin Nickel Pleasantville High School -57.00 22:28.00 23:25.00
Michael Geelan Southeast Warren High School -39.00 22:39.00 23:18.00
Dylan Masterson PCM High School +2:46.00 25:25.00 22:39.00
Colton St. Pierre PCM High School +25.00 23:07.00 22:42.00
Emmi Kenyon Pleasantville High School -2:21.00 23:13.00 25:34.00
Wyatt Hewlett Clarke High School +1:09.00 24:32.00 23:23.00
Brittney Hansen Lynnville-Sully High School -2:03.00 23:37.00 25:40.00
Avery Lees Colfax-Mingo High School -2:45.00 23:39.00 26:24.00
Lauren Saxton Central Decatur High School -34.00 24:36.00 25:10.00
Rebecca Van Buren Clarke High School +21.00 25:20.00 24:59.00
Taryn Brent Pleasantville High School -36.00 25:11.00 25:47.00
Chelsey Atwood Colfax-Mingo High School -1:41.00 25:34.00 27:15.00
Jodine Woods Colfax-Mingo High School -2:32.00 26:54.00 29:26.00