Southeast Polk Invite 2020

Adel, IA

Southeast Polk Invite 2020 vs Southeast Polk Invite 2017

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -201 440 641
Overall Average -2:08.89 21:42.55 23:51.44
1st-10th Place +9.29 17:12.01 17:02.72
1st-25th Place -0.36 17:36.40 17:36.76
1st-50th Place -9.03 17:53.31 18:02.33
1st-100th Place -15.09 18:25.48 18:40.57
Common Athletes -- -- 40
Ran Faster 24 32 8
Ran Season Best 5 5 --
Average Time -1:28.09 21:19.75 22:47.84
Median Time -40.20 21:36.60 22:16.80
Middle 80% Times -1:21.32 21:13.14 22:34.46
Top 10% Times -1:14.65 17:41.13 18:55.78
Top 25% Times -1:45.59 17:52.96 19:38.55
Top 50% Times -1:39.08 18:52.27 20:31.35
Bottom 50% Times -1:17.10 23:47.23 25:04.33
Bottom 25% Times -1:37.26 25:00.36 26:37.62
Bottom 10% Times -2:35.70 25:51.22 28:26.93
Average Difference -1:28.09 -- --
Median Difference +2.80 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:18.73 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:03.40 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:36.39 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:29.68 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:36.39 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:19.79 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:02.31 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -3:07.63 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Brandon Kesner Carlisle High School -54.20 17:32.30 18:26.50
Eric Patterson Southeast Polk High School -2:24.20 17:34.90 19:59.10
Alex Traynor Valley High School -2:04.40 17:44.60 19:49.00
Alec Dephillips Valley High School -1:59.70 17:52.70 19:52.40
Andrew Poock Ankeny High School -2:29.90 17:54.20 20:24.10
Alex Wilson Southeast Polk High School -1:39.40 17:56.00 19:35.40
Caden Mitchell Southeast Polk High School -20.80 17:59.50 18:20.30
Ethan Schlichte Carlisle High School -1:19.20 18:01.70 19:20.90
Kaden Sadler Carlisle High School -2:04.60 18:02.50 20:07.10
Jacob Martin Southeast Polk High School -3:10.00 18:11.20 21:21.20
Zachary Hill Valley High School -2:38.50 18:28.50 21:07.00
Anders Peterson Ankeny High School -2:26.30 18:48.40 21:14.70
Eric Fitzpatrick Southeast Polk High School -1:52.10 19:04.80 20:56.90
Antonio Banuelos-moriel Dowling Catholic High School -2:55.30 19:05.00 22:00.30
Will Meilander Dowling Catholic High School -1:35.80 19:33.40 21:09.20
Cade Nickell Southeast Polk High School -37.80 20:26.80 21:04.60
Sam Wilson Carlisle High School -4:16.40 20:30.40 24:46.80
Magda Mcgowin Southeast Polk High School +19.60 20:50.30 20:30.70
Trevon Kyer Southeast Polk High School -1:33.60 20:43.20 22:16.80
Marika Kisgen Ankeny High School -4:37.80 21:04.90 25:42.70
Madeleine Murphy Ankeny High School +2:05.70 23:20.30 21:14.60
Mia Toomey Southeast Polk High School -2:29.60 21:36.60 24:06.20
Brome Churchill Southeast Polk High School -1:45.10 21:43.30 23:28.40
Kennady Mills Southeast Polk High School +2:38.20 24:21.60 21:43.40
Grace Larkins Southeast Polk High School -17.10 21:52.40 22:09.50
Cassandra Rickabaugh Southeast Polk High School -2:44.40 22:12.40 24:56.80
Sydney Mcneeley Southeast Polk High School -2:05.10 22:24.20 24:29.30
Katie Hoefer Iowa City West -4.40 22:34.20 22:38.60
Emily Bueltel Southeast Polk High School -21.00 23:04.30 23:25.30
Emma Kearney Iowa City West +2.80 23:10.00 23:07.20
Jessie Cheung Southeast Polk High School +10.90 23:43.30 23:32.40
Anna Moore Iowa City West +1:29.10 25:09.90 23:40.80
Grace Porath Ankeny High School -1:38.20 23:55.10 25:33.30
Hannah Loftus Ankeny High School -13.10 24:12.20 24:25.30
Eva Van De Mortel Ankeny High School -2:12.90 24:31.20 26:44.10
Madie Parker Ankeny High School -5:33.70 24:32.70 30:06.40
Ella Anderson Carlisle High School -51.40 25:05.90 25:57.30
Ethan Butler Southeast Polk High School +30.10 26:01.70 25:31.60
Kaisa Whittaker Iowa City West -5:04.10 25:39.40 30:43.50
Carly Phipps Southeast Polk High School +20.20 26:33.90 26:13.70