Williamsburg Invitational 2021 vs Williamsburg Invitational 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -35 205 240
Overall Average -13.39 24:28.52 24:41.91
1st-10th Place -0.13 18:16.24 18:16.37
1st-25th Place +17.40 19:16.04 18:58.64
1st-50th Place +19.70 20:04.66 19:44.96
1st-100th Place +24.70 21:14.89 20:50.19
Common Athletes -- -- 85
Ran Faster -35 25 60
Ran Season Best 17 17 --
Average Time +21.90 24:00.43 23:38.53
Median Time +1:09.28 23:50.08 22:40.80
Middle 80% Times +31.49 23:44.21 23:12.72
Top 10% Times +58.33 19:49.82 18:51.49
Top 25% Times +51.78 20:31.45 19:39.68
Top 50% Times +45.50 21:30.09 20:44.58
Bottom 50% Times -2.21 25:57.28 25:59.49
Bottom 25% Times -44.23 28:23.15 29:07.38
Bottom 10% Times -1:28.99 30:43.19 32:12.18
Average Difference +21.90 -- --
Median Difference -16.15 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +37.13 -- --
Top 10% Difference +56.73 -- --
Top 50% Difference +39.61 -- --
Top 25% Difference +46.69 -- --
Top 50% Difference +39.61 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +3.31 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -39.14 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:08.34 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Wes Hulseberg Williamsburg +30.73 18:41.73 18:11.00
Landon Menninga Newton High School +42.37 19:10.17 18:27.80
Jack Stamp Springville +1:16.55 19:44.85 18:28.30
Will Roach Oskaloosa High School +2:23.02 21:05.72 18:42.70
Leo Friedman Newton High School +1:10.71 20:02.01 18:51.30
Calvin Seeman Williamsburg +1:47.62 20:57.92 19:10.30
Reid Luck Oskaloosa High School +1:00.96 20:15.16 19:14.20
Evan Robertson Springville +1:21.00 20:39.30 19:18.30
Collin Buchli Newton High School +28.47 19:47.97 19:19.50
Christian Buchli Newton High School +1:41.17 21:01.97 19:20.80
Devin Busch Williamsburg +1:23.37 20:44.47 19:21.10
Presley Arnold Newton High School +1:25.71 21:01.91 19:36.20
Luke Abrahamson Oskaloosa High School +1:45.76 21:23.06 19:37.30
Jesus Murillo Newton High School +1:40.01 21:42.31 20:02.30
Jaison Anderson Oskaloosa High School -2:18.10 20:04.90 22:23.00
Lawson Morris Oskaloosa High School +36.37 20:48.97 20:12.60
Reed Peterson Oskaloosa High School -1:16.44 20:13.16 21:29.60
Carter McKee Montezuma High School +41.47 20:57.67 20:16.20
Elliott Nelson Oskaloosa High School +1:00.00 21:21.30 20:21.30
Sutton Shively Davis County High School +2:01.35 22:28.15 20:26.80
Mark Shirley Davis County High School -37.86 20:28.44 21:06.30
Jayden Ross Montezuma High School +1:12.67 21:53.47 20:40.80
Drake Hamm Davis County High School +19.93 21:08.83 20:48.90
Cole Walter Newton High School -28.04 20:57.16 21:25.20
Jack Erselius Montezuma High School +1:13.28 22:15.18 21:01.90
Andrew Stodghill Oskaloosa High School +4.00 21:07.30 21:03.30
Grant Chrisman Springville +3:58.84 25:03.24 21:04.40
Dylan Patzel Oskaloosa High School +1:12.52 22:19.72 21:07.20
Daniel Oliver Davis County High School +1:32.95 22:43.65 21:10.70
Asher Wood Newton High School +1:04.46 22:15.26 21:10.80
Ian Wilde Williamsburg -9.79 21:11.11 21:20.90
Andrew Otto Oskaloosa High School +4.61 21:35.71 21:31.10
Michael Biddle Oskaloosa High School +1:55.80 23:45.20 21:49.40
Chandler Bachman Davis County High School +35.09 22:28.19 21:53.10
Joel Lewis Newton High School -47.44 22:08.56 22:56.00
Kaison Heemsbergen Davis County High School +29.59 22:42.69 22:13.10
Oliver Smith Oskaloosa High School +9.86 22:26.16 22:16.30
Cooper Rupprecht Oskaloosa High School +17.95 22:34.55 22:16.60
Creston Cordes Springville +2:45.00 25:06.80 22:21.80
Maddox Purk Belle Plaine High School +5.54 22:33.44 22:27.90
Zada Buchholtz Williamsburg +38.95 23:10.15 22:31.20
Maelyn Parsons Williamsburg +1:49.23 24:21.13 22:31.90
Natalie Bemer Williamsburg -17:42.55 22:32.25 40:14.80
Hadley Kruse Newton High School +1:56.77 24:29.67 22:32.90
Colton Benson Montezuma High School -55.32 22:34.98 23:30.30
Bryson Stockman Montezuma High School +1:14.58 23:55.38 22:40.80
Tori Yunggebauer Williamsburg +1:39.81 24:23.31 22:43.50
Carson Taylor PCM High School +3:08.49 25:52.49 22:44.00
Reagan McMenomy Williamsburg +1:29.08 24:19.78 22:50.70
Kennedy Moore Springville +4:21.90 27:21.10 22:59.20
Bryson Benge Davis County High School +3:22.40 26:25.10 23:02.70
Kohen Holland Montezuma High School +3:30.36 26:58.36 23:28.00
Max Mccoy Davis County High School -39.30 23:39.00 24:18.30
Colin Cummins Newton High School +48.65 24:37.75 23:49.10
Landon Fetcho Davis County High School -2:05.32 23:50.08 25:55.40
Emmalee Wells-Stout Oskaloosa High School -3:22.80 23:50.10 27:12.90
Madison Johannes Montezuma High School -16.15 23:52.35 24:08.50
John Erp Davis County High School -35.41 23:54.99 24:30.40
Jacob Smith Newton High School +58.18 24:57.08 23:58.90
Karston Nebel Davis County High School +3.90 24:05.70 24:01.80
Jusiah Wetering Montezuma High School +1:25.69 25:30.89 24:05.20
Gabe Gerritson Davis County High School -1:45.55 24:13.35 25:58.90
April Phillips Williamsburg -15.40 24:22.20 24:37.60
Mia Boulton Montezuma High School +7.18 24:50.48 24:43.30
Tayler Long Williamsburg +1:03.05 25:51.05 24:48.00
Mari Stevenson Williamsburg +1:11.04 26:00.34 24:49.30
Jillian Fairbanks PCM High School +20.26 25:11.06 24:50.80
Bella Winther Newton High School -2:05.23 24:52.07 26:57.30
Austin Vanhamme H-L-V High School -2:06.36 25:36.34 27:42.70
Alyssa Rudd Davis County High School +1:02.79 26:54.89 25:52.10
Riley Devore PCM High School -33.75 26:00.95 26:34.70
Lydia Singleton Montezuma High School -20.71 26:01.09 26:21.80
Harry SINGH Belle Plaine High School -1:31.52 26:13.98 27:45.50
Ashlee Eilander Montezuma High School +1:31.87 28:16.77 26:44.90
Molly Thomas Williamsburg +44.92 28:26.42 27:41.50
Abi Stejskal Springville +4.58 28:01.68 27:57.10
Lydia Morrissey Davis County High School -5.08 28:02.92 28:08.00
Makenna Johannes Montezuma High School +18.20 28:41.30 28:23.10
Camryn Brennan Montezuma High School -59.52 28:50.68 29:50.20
Morgan Drost Oskaloosa High School -1:03.55 28:56.45 30:00.00
Alyce Engle PCM High School +4:29.88 33:34.08 29:04.20
Alison Arellano Oskaloosa High School +1:11.34 30:43.14 29:31.80
Grace Ryan Iowa Valley High School -22.42 29:38.98 30:01.40
Nicole Derby Davis County High School -6:14.52 32:49.38 39:03.90
Aryssa Hinderberger Newton High School +1:08.05 34:48.25 33:40.20