Davis County Invitational 2022

Bloomfield, IA

Davis County Invitational 2022 vs Davis County CC Invite 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -63 62 125
Overall Average +13.13 25:33.31 25:20.18
1st-10th Place +1:02.97 20:51.96 19:48.99
1st-25th Place +1:39.09 22:25.44 20:46.35
1st-50th Place +2:36.27 24:22.01 21:45.74
1st-100th Place -7:52.29 15:50.65 23:42.94
Common Athletes -- -- 28
Ran Faster -6 11 17
Ran Season Best -- -- --
Average Time +1:03.43 24:51.99 23:48.57
Median Time +55.70 24:20.21 23:24.51
Middle 80% Times +1:03.82 24:57.36 23:53.54
Top 10% Times +45.69 20:17.98 19:32.29
Top 25% Times +32.92 21:24.71 20:51.79
Top 50% Times +34.74 22:26.36 21:51.62
Bottom 50% Times +1:32.11 27:17.63 25:45.52
Bottom 25% Times +1:31.71 28:49.47 27:17.76
Bottom 10% Times +1:13.39 30:09.91 28:56.52
Average Difference +1:03.43 -- --
Median Difference -1:30.27 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +52.00 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:07.31 -- --
Top 50% Difference +4.42 -- --
Top 25% Difference +19.90 -- --
Top 50% Difference +4.42 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2:02.44 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +2:15.36 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +16.66 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Coby DeRaad PCM High School +1:38.81 20:43.38 19:04.57
Troy Klett Sigourney +32.80 19:37.51 19:04.71
Gavin SHIVELY Davis County High School +1:10.33 21:37.91 20:27.58
Chandler Bachman Davis County High School -2:01.40 20:33.04 22:34.44
Cole Wilson Albia High School +7:30.51 28:58.10 21:27.59
Euan Lechtenberg Centerville High School +3.32 21:43.70 21:40.38
Charlie Ford PCM High School +1:37.48 23:46.05 22:08.57
Wyatt Vannoy PCM High School +1:02.45 23:11.59 22:09.14
Kole Drummond Davis County High School +4:34.45 27:04.49 22:30.04
Cam Swarts Moulton-Udell High School +5:08.61 27:44.49 22:35.88
Abi Teeter PCM High School -7.03 22:46.19 22:53.22
Noelle Craver Centerville High School -1:38.33 22:51.23 24:29.56
Addison Yates Sigourney +3:38.54 26:45.78 23:07.24
John Erp Davis County High School +2:43.66 25:51.39 23:07.73
Allen Pace Moulton-Udell High School +4:04.20 27:15.76 23:11.56
Ellie Yates Sigourney High School -48.12 23:18.10 24:06.22
Kaison Heemsbergen Davis County High School -21.56 23:20.10 23:41.66
Kallee Nebel Davis County High School -20.37 23:22.00 23:42.37
Gavin Klaus Davis County High School +1:33.57 24:58.08 23:24.51
Raegan VANNOY PCM High School -1:20.11 23:34.07 24:54.18
Morgan Schultz Davis County High School -1:30.27 23:44.15 25:14.42
Alyssa Rudd Davis County High School -5:27.95 24:20.21 29:48.16
Kaydon Leadon Moravia High School +3:43.63 29:07.07 25:23.44
Layla Strode Centerville High School -1:08.27 25:26.28 26:34.55
Bradi Houston Davis County High School +24.28 25:54.29 25:30.01
Owen KLAUS Davis County High School +4:08.37 30:55.10 26:46.73
Bella Morrissey Davis County High School -1:25.22 27:18.19 28:43.41
Lexi Fagg PCM High School +2:09.57 30:27.56 28:17.99