Tri-Center Neola Invitational 2023 vs Tri-Center Neola Invitational 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +69 181 112
Overall Average +44.96 23:42.64 22:57.68
1st-10th Place -43.18 17:42.22 18:25.40
1st-25th Place -45.41 18:23.71 19:09.12
1st-50th Place -54.95 19:13.97 20:08.92
1st-100th Place -1:18.34 20:43.07 22:01.41
Common Athletes -- -- 51
Ran Faster -17 17 34
Ran Season Best -6 1 7
Average Time +31.95 22:19.73 21:47.78
Median Time +24.97 21:55.97 21:31.00
Middle 80% Times +34.56 22:04.61 21:30.05
Top 10% Times -9.69 18:39.81 18:49.50
Top 25% Times -0.71 19:12.21 19:12.92
Top 50% Times -0.24 19:57.61 19:57.85
Bottom 50% Times +1:02.91 23:50.33 22:47.42
Bottom 25% Times +1:33.73 26:42.96 25:09.23
Bottom 10% Times +1:21.12 28:57.12 27:36.00
Average Difference +31.95 -- --
Median Difference +2:05.90 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +35.24 -- --
Top 10% Difference -14.34 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1.72 -- --
Top 25% Difference -0.28 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1.72 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:05.79 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +2:02.04 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:45.45 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Brennan Boden Tri-Center High School -1:33.44 17:36.56 19:10.00
Jacob Hoden Missouri Valley High School -33.76 18:17.24 18:51.00
Jeyden Farr Treynor High School +4.87 18:40.87 18:36.00
Caleb Hatch A-H-S-T High School +58.45 19:46.45 18:48.00
Adam Meadows Missouri Valley High School +2.20 18:54.20 18:52.00
Nic Dahir Tri-Center High School +19.12 19:13.12 18:54.00
Caden Geraghty A-H-S-T High School +1:09.15 20:05.15 18:56.00
Connor Brummett Underwood High School +14.98 19:19.98 19:05.00
Aidan Rangel Missouri Valley High School -37.13 19:16.87 19:54.00
Wyatt Hawkins Logan-Magnolia High School +30.20 20:00.20 19:30.00
Hunter Kellogg Shenandoah High School -30.01 19:30.99 20:01.00
Simeon Weers Tri-Center High School -1:15.21 19:34.79 20:50.00
Christian Dahir Tri-Center High School +1.34 19:38.34 19:37.00
Jack Carley Treynor High School +30.53 20:16.53 19:46.00
Sporrer Madison Logan-Magnolia High School +47.49 20:36.49 19:49.00
Eli Deist Audubon High School -2:07.10 19:51.90 21:59.00
Kyle McDonald Tri-Center High School -9.60 19:57.40 20:07.00
Davin Holste Shenandoah High School -45.24 19:59.76 20:45.00
Andrew Lawrence Shenandoah High School -2:17.90 20:00.10 22:18.00
Keaton Voster Missouri Valley High School +2:05.90 22:09.90 20:04.00
Dalton Kellogg Shenandoah High School +12.87 20:30.87 20:18.00
Stefi Beisswenger Audubon High School +3:54.10 24:17.10 20:23.00
Micah McCarty Tri-Center High School -46.79 20:29.21 21:16.00
Brady Dingus Heartland Christian School +1:17.55 21:58.55 20:41.00
Haley Egbert Shenandoah High School -1:29.54 20:47.46 22:17.00
Lilly Irwin Underwood High School +1:50.30 22:46.30 20:56.00
Jacob Barry West Harrison High School +33.44 21:31.44 20:58.00
Lyrick Stueve Logan-Magnolia High School +13.10 21:39.10 21:26.00
Gavin Thacker Missouri Valley High School -23.10 21:26.90 21:50.00
Rafe Rodewald Shenandoah High School +24.97 21:55.97 21:31.00
Carter Forbush Underwood High School +4:08.92 25:47.92 21:39.00
Grace Steinmetz Heartland Christian School +34.84 22:25.84 21:51.00
Lilly Yochum Treynor High School +34.46 22:33.46 21:59.00
Jackson Harrison Missouri Valley High School +1:47.87 24:01.87 22:14.00
Mariah Falkena Boyer Valley High School +19.29 22:38.29 22:19.00
Andyn White Treynor High School +2:06.97 24:26.97 22:20.00
Matt Eikenberry Tri-Center High School +45.40 23:08.40 22:23.00
Xavier Rangel Missouri Valley High School +2.11 22:26.11 22:24.00
Lauryn Muff Boyer Valley High School +1:53.45 24:31.45 22:38.00
Abby Mandel Boyer Valley High School -1.12 22:39.88 22:41.00
James Kraft West Harrison High School +3:09.62 25:50.62 22:41.00
Elijah Lewis Heartland Christian School -9.98 23:00.02 23:10.00
Quincey Schneckloth Tri-Center High School +7.38 23:09.38 23:02.00
Lily Heistand Boyer Valley High School +2:52.59 26:13.59 23:21.00
Bella Boruff Missouri Valley High School -17.15 23:33.85 23:51.00
Kaylee Lopez Tri-Center High School +1:14.32 25:19.32 24:05.00
Michael Holtmyer Heartland Christian School +48.22 25:11.22 24:23.00
McCool Soleil Tri-Center High School +1:29.61 26:53.61 25:24.00
Hendrix Palmer Shenandoah High School -56.07 28:43.93 29:40.00
Abby Kutzli Shenandoah High School -29.00 30:28.00 30:57.00
Carter Phipps Shenandoah High School +4:25.95 35:32.95 31:07.00