Western Christian XC Invitational 2023 vs Western Christian Invitational 2020

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -7 236 243
Overall Average +37.42 23:35.68 22:58.26
1st-10th Place +34.14 17:51.22 17:17.08
1st-25th Place +53.53 18:40.84 17:47.31
1st-50th Place +1:03.57 19:28.40 18:24.83
1st-100th Place +1:04.82 20:35.67 19:30.84
Common Athletes -- -- 26
Ran Faster 6 16 10
Ran Season Best 2 3 1
Average Time -50.43 23:01.89 23:52.32
Median Time -59.09 22:08.82 23:07.91
Middle 80% Times -56.61 22:47.43 23:44.04
Top 10% Times -31.89 19:07.89 19:39.78
Top 25% Times -25.44 19:46.25 20:11.69
Top 50% Times -33.92 20:30.62 21:04.54
Bottom 50% Times -1:06.93 25:33.17 26:40.10
Bottom 25% Times -27.64 27:57.57 28:25.21
Bottom 10% Times -4.61 30:51.53 30:56.14
Average Difference -50.43 -- --
Median Difference -1:59.86 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:00.64 -- --
Top 10% Difference -3.69 -- --
Top 50% Difference -20.43 -- --
Top 25% Difference -12.88 -- --
Top 50% Difference -20.43 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:20.43 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -43.66 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:22.55 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Nicholas Dahm Sioux Center High School -3:08.28 18:56.11 22:04.39
Logan Foltz Sioux Center High School -55.94 18:56.25 19:52.19
Ben Blum Boyden-Hull High School +13.49 19:31.31 19:17.82
Kellen Dean Sioux Center High School -1:04.78 19:37.77 20:42.55
Jesse Huisman Unity Christian High School +31.37 20:20.69 19:49.32
Chase Duin George-Little Rock High School +55.02 20:51.47 19:56.45
Mary Schriever George-Little Rock High School -32.18 20:25.19 20:57.37
Aaron Springer George-Little Rock High School -37.12 20:36.46 21:13.58
Easton Kroese Sioux Center High School +40.53 21:26.70 20:46.17
Mya Romero Sioux Center High School -1:59.86 21:08.05 23:07.91
Kate Van Der Werff MOC-Floyd Valley High School -6:06.14 21:09.63 27:15.77
Andrew Haverdink MOC-Floyd Valley High School -4:40.42 21:40.28 26:20.70
Jesus Martinez George-Little Rock High School +32.28 22:24.90 21:52.62
Lexi Landis George-Little Rock High School +3.32 21:58.10 21:54.78
Aidan Jenning West Lyon High School -24.43 22:08.82 22:33.25
Kendra Zeutenhorst Sioux Center High School -38.86 22:19.68 22:58.54
Charlie Moeller MOC-Floyd Valley High School -3:19.80 22:43.64 26:03.44
Olivia Kraayenbrink Sioux Center High School -2:24.67 23:16.86 25:41.53
Emalee Vermeer Sioux Center High School -2:53.90 23:34.26 26:28.16
Payge Bahrke MOC-Floyd Valley High School -2.08 24:02.96 24:05.04
Ella Jager George-Little Rock High School +6.91 24:33.93 24:27.02
Megan Mulder Western Christian High School +4:34.30 29:45.17 25:10.87
Ashley Fedders Western Christian High School +2:58.30 28:10.68 25:12.38
Ashtyn Kelderman Boyden-Hull High School -3:11.51 26:20.82 29:32.33
Aria Rensink Boyden-Hull High School +39.80 30:48.13 30:08.33
Jozephine Kaufman Boyden-Hull High School -1:06.46 32:01.30 33:07.76