Midland XC 2024 vs Midland Invitational 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +19 70 51
Overall Average +1:02.56 25:41.00 24:38.43
1st-10th Place -33.80 19:36.39 20:10.19
1st-25th Place -39.44 20:34.14 21:13.59
1st-50th Place -1:18.85 22:53.74 24:12.58
1st-100th Place +5:24.70 17:58.70 12:34.00
Common Athletes -- -- 26
Ran Faster 4 15 11
Ran Season Best 18 19 1
Average Time +9.83 24:30.39 24:20.56
Median Time -28.20 24:12.70 24:40.90
Middle 80% Times -4.80 24:20.31 24:25.12
Top 10% Times -20.33 19:36.00 19:56.33
Top 25% Times -23.53 20:16.79 20:40.31
Top 50% Times -34.42 21:07.37 21:41.78
Bottom 50% Times +54.08 27:53.41 26:59.33
Bottom 25% Times +1:55.53 30:07.48 28:11.96
Bottom 10% Times +3:01.30 32:28.77 29:27.47
Average Difference +9.83 -- --
Median Difference -5:40.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1.95 -- --
Top 10% Difference -40.30 -- --
Top 50% Difference -24.57 -- --
Top 25% Difference -11.44 -- --
Top 50% Difference -24.57 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +44.23 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:41.69 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +3:01.30 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jonathan Juarez West Liberty High School -1:59.80 19:04.10 21:03.90
Parker Messerich Northeast -11.80 19:37.60 19:49.40
Clancey VanOort North Cedar +10.70 20:06.30 19:55.60
Carter Willms Midland +1:01.80 21:05.80 20:04.00
Christian Bielema Easton Valley -5:40.00 20:13.00 25:53.00
Gregory Huffman Easton Valley -1:38.60 20:49.80 22:28.40
Weston Dircks North Cedar -8.10 21:00.90 21:09.00
James Troughton North Cedar -2.90 21:10.90 21:13.80
Austin Thompson Easton Valley -10.00 21:16.50 21:26.50
Cameron Sturtz North Cedar -30.30 21:53.50 22:23.80
Jason Ruley Midland -48.70 21:56.00 22:44.70
Cameron Elizondo West Liberty High School +3:57.80 26:01.60 22:03.80
Teryn Hansen Northeast -2:33.10 22:24.40 24:57.50
Braden Sissel North Cedar +2:23.60 25:58.30 23:34.70
Wesley Heath West Liberty High School -2:44.30 23:57.00 26:41.30
Rieley Burken Northeast +1:41.40 25:47.00 24:05.60
Madelyn Deahr West Liberty High School -3:06.80 24:12.70 27:19.50
Addison Guerra West Liberty High School -2:35.70 24:15.00 26:50.70
Michael Redhage North Cedar +2:21.80 27:02.70 24:40.90
Kalyn Skrivseth Marquette Catholic -10.00 25:27.30 25:37.30
Otis Welch Northeast +3:57.60 29:35.20 25:37.60
Ben Tharp West Liberty High School +2:03.70 28:50.80 26:47.10
Bailey Sullivan Easton Valley -6.60 27:57.40 28:04.00
Mathias Kroymann Northeast +2:06.40 30:10.80 28:04.40
Ben Flathers North Cedar +1:47.80 30:30.50 28:42.70
Haley Samson Northeast +5:09.70 36:45.00 31:35.30