Montezuma XC 2024 vs Montezuma Invitational XC Meet 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -13 84 97
Overall Average -51.57 22:44.53 23:36.09
1st-10th Place -22.72 17:47.54 18:10.26
1st-25th Place -23.09 18:51.88 19:14.96
1st-50th Place -10.89 20:14.13 20:25.02
1st-100th Place -3:47.41 19:06.20 22:53.61
Common Athletes -- -- 35
Ran Faster 17 26 9
Ran Season Best 2 7 5
Average Time -27.54 22:08.94 22:36.48
Median Time -16.00 21:45.20 22:01.20
Middle 80% Times -36.53 22:01.57 22:38.09
Top 10% Times -45.98 17:04.40 17:50.38
Top 25% Times -1:03.49 17:54.78 18:58.27
Top 50% Times -58.83 19:15.16 20:13.99
Bottom 50% Times +5.28 23:48.90 23:43.62
Bottom 25% Times +26.13 27:27.99 27:01.86
Bottom 10% Times +1:09.95 29:34.70 28:24.75
Average Difference -27.54 -- --
Median Difference -4:14.10 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -37.55 -- --
Top 10% Difference -44.23 -- --
Top 50% Difference -59.30 -- --
Top 25% Difference -52.61 -- --
Top 50% Difference -59.30 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -8.36 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +17.43 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:52.05 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Gage Heyne English Valleys High School -1:18.70 16:00.80 17:19.50
Barrett Jesina South Tama County High School -1:16.30 16:44.00 18:00.30
Luke Eichhorn Belle Plaine High School -14.00 17:39.10 17:53.10
Payton Roth H-L-V High School -1:07.90 17:53.70 19:01.60
Troy Klett Sigourney High School -7.90 18:00.70 18:08.60
Grady Dieleman G-M-G High School -1:36.00 18:11.10 19:47.10
Sullivan Wilkins Colfax-Mingo High School -4:14.10 18:11.30 22:25.40
Jovanie PEREZ South Tama County High School -1:19.20 19:07.80 20:27.00
Maddox Purk Belle Plaine High School +2.70 19:24.50 19:21.80
Drew Thys H-L-V High School -2:03.00 19:39.20 21:42.20
Owen Ament Colfax-Mingo High School -56.20 19:49.20 20:45.40
Henry Dieleman G-M-G High School -1:45.40 19:55.90 21:41.30
Cael Cheney Montezuma High School -1:28.00 19:57.70 21:25.70
Jusiah Wetering Montezuma High School -51.90 20:08.80 21:00.70
Drayson Stephensons G-M-G High School -16.60 21:07.30 21:23.90
Bryson Stockman Montezuma High School +56.00 22:06.70 21:10.70
Addison Achenbach English Valleys High School -2.00 21:25.60 21:27.60
Linkyn Bru Montezuma High School -58.50 21:31.00 22:29.50
Aubrey Achenbach English Valleys High School +1:30.00 23:04.10 21:34.10
Addison Yates Sigourney High School -45.90 21:45.20 22:31.10
Rayden Hill South Tama County High School +50.90 22:52.10 22:01.20
Kaylee Frazier English Valleys High School -8.90 22:09.90 22:18.80
Ellen Cook Montezuma High School -4.90 22:24.70 22:29.60
Sawyer Neuhaus Belle Plaine High School -3:06.20 22:50.40 25:56.60
Kailor Lown English Valleys High School -1:12.10 22:52.60 24:04.70
Shae Wilkins Colfax-Mingo High School -26.70 23:07.80 23:34.50
Ian Davis Belle Plaine High School +13.90 24:08.70 23:54.80
Mallory Sipma Colfax-Mingo High School -1:57.50 24:31.30 26:28.80
Livia Smith South Tama County High School +1:46.90 26:36.80 24:49.90
Clair Manatt B-G-M High School +3:03.60 28:07.20 25:03.60
Jenny Manzo South Tama County High School -1:02.50 26:38.10 27:40.60
Wilson Cloee Sigourney High School -32.00 26:58.20 27:30.20
Haileah EICHENBERGER Montezuma High School +2:59.90 30:18.70 27:18.80
Allie Blankenship B-G-M High School +2:36.30 30:35.10 27:58.80
Elle Jacobi Belle Plaine High School -1:11.60 29:17.80 30:29.40