Greene County CC Invite 2024 vs Green County Cross Country Invitational 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +64 124 60
Overall Average -1:16.28 24:08.53 25:24.82
1st-10th Place -2:00.92 18:09.28 20:10.20
1st-25th Place -2:27.24 19:03.40 21:30.64
1st-50th Place -3:46.62 20:04.76 23:51.38
1st-100th Place +7:10.31 22:25.20 15:14.89
Common Athletes -- -- 22
Ran Faster 16 19 3
Ran Season Best 16 17 1
Average Time -2:24.04 23:52.42 26:16.45
Median Time -3:15.23 23:03.77 26:19.00
Middle 80% Times -2:35.26 24:11.36 26:46.61
Top 10% Times -1:12.07 18:47.93 20:00.00
Top 25% Times -1:43.07 19:06.10 20:49.17
Top 50% Times -2:06.85 20:13.06 22:19.91
Bottom 50% Times -2:41.23 27:31.77 30:13.00
Bottom 25% Times -2:33.25 29:46.58 32:19.83
Bottom 10% Times -2:31.18 31:39.49 34:10.67
Average Difference -2:24.04 -- --
Median Difference -6:28.72 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -2:36.16 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:06.67 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:47.12 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:43.07 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:47.12 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -3:00.96 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -3:48.85 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -3:30.95 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Noah Hinote Greene County High School -1:06.40 18:27.60 19:34.00
Brady Carstensen Greene County High School -58.14 18:49.86 19:48.00
Lincoln Akins Southwest Valley High School -2:51.68 19:06.32 21:58.00
Carter Hinote Greene County High School -1:55.74 19:11.26 21:07.00
Owen Nuss Southwest Valley High School -1:15.47 19:22.53 20:38.00
Ethan Tucker Southwest Valley High School -2:11.00 19:39.00 21:50.00
Raymond Bauer Greene County High School -6:28.72 20:13.28 26:42.00
Jayden Koller Greene County High School -1:55.24 21:08.76 23:04.00
Eli Carstensen Greene County High School -1:59.66 21:19.34 23:19.00
Kiernan Hutton West Central Valley High School -2:43.70 22:05.30 24:49.00
Maddox Carstensen Greene County High School -3:17.59 23:00.41 26:18.00
Caden Kaltschnee Southwest Valley High School -8:20.23 23:03.77 31:24.00
Cadyn Guisinger West Central Valley High School +36.29 23:50.29 23:14.00
Katie Field Southwest Valley High School -2:46.05 24:40.95 27:27.00
Evan Kuhn Southwest Valley High School -4:35.45 26:05.55 30:41.00
Collin Darrah West Central Valley High School +2:47.58 29:06.58 26:19.00
Evelyn Snyder Greene County High School -2:52.59 26:29.41 29:22.00
Dexter Ritter Greene County High School -5:01.91 26:54.09 31:56.00
Autumn Jones-Popp Southwest Valley High School -57.64 27:40.36 28:38.00
Hailey Rees Southwest Valley High School +35.40 29:53.40 29:18.00
Abbi Tucker Southwest Valley High School -2:52.89 31:40.11 34:33.00
Leah McCormick Greene County High School -2:38.04 33:24.96 36:03.00