Clear Lake Invitational 2024 vs Clear Lake Invitational 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -43 321 364
Overall Average -9.95 24:14.41 24:24.36
1st-10th Place +7.47 17:55.60 17:48.13
1st-25th Place +7.36 18:26.05 18:18.69
1st-50th Place +6.57 19:00.38 18:53.81
1st-100th Place +9.43 19:54.66 19:45.23
Common Athletes -- -- 35
Ran Faster 23 29 6
Ran Season Best 5 11 6
Average Time -1:30.56 22:24.71 23:55.27
Median Time -1:04.95 22:21.00 23:25.95
Middle 80% Times -1:42.98 22:10.28 23:53.25
Top 10% Times -1:22.87 18:26.20 19:49.07
Top 25% Times -1:27.25 19:04.30 20:31.55
Top 50% Times -1:40.99 19:55.10 21:36.09
Bottom 50% Times -1:15.11 23:39.61 24:54.72
Bottom 25% Times -1:10.61 26:37.34 27:47.95
Bottom 10% Times -12.80 28:56.53 29:09.32
Average Difference -1:30.56 -- --
Median Difference -21.98 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:47.86 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:05.25 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:19.98 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:40.36 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:19.98 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:37.34 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:13.26 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2:27.08 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Zach Flatebo Garner-Hayfield High School -3:10.77 17:06.30 20:17.07
Joseph Payton Ames High School -49.35 18:21.40 19:10.75
Gavin Ryner Central Springs High School -3:06.81 18:57.30 22:04.11
Adam Henrich Newman Catholic High School -13.11 19:19.80 19:32.91
Owen Smith Clear Lake -2:51.37 19:23.50 22:14.87
Alex Almelien North Butler High School -3:53.75 19:32.20 23:25.95
Weston Conway Clear Lake -2:41.95 19:34.10 22:16.05
Dawson Sharp Forest City High School -1:06.76 19:36.20 20:42.96
Noah O'Connell Newman Catholic High School -3:34.74 19:47.90 23:22.64
Sam Steidl Newman Catholic High School -7:07.49 19:52.40 26:59.89
Tate Jackson Belmond-Klemme High School -4:32.52 20:01.50 24:34.02
Addison Doughan Clear Lake -55.34 20:05.00 21:00.34
Justin Ash Humboldt High School -2:43.55 20:07.80 22:51.35
Peyton Kafoot Hampton-Dumont High School +7:56.85 28:12.40 20:15.55
Isaac Vosburg Hampton-Dumont High School -7.78 20:34.20 20:41.98
Jaden Himrod Humboldt High School -1:38.77 20:52.10 22:30.87
Claire Rye Central Springs High School -3:52.13 21:22.10 25:14.23
Obadiah Northway Ames High School +2:18.09 23:46.00 21:27.91
Elias Thompson Ames High School +48.34 22:22.80 21:34.46
Chase Sorenson Forest City High School -3:22.72 21:37.00 24:59.72
Jacob Weber Ames High School -36.34 22:21.00 22:57.34
Hudson Uetz Clear Lake +46.36 23:08.90 22:22.54
Cooper Wymore Central Springs High School -4:33.26 22:56.80 27:30.06
Tiago Colton Ames High School -3:10.29 23:01.40 26:11.69
Jason Betts Forest City High School -21.98 23:27.60 23:49.58
Isaac Sauke Hampton-Dumont High School -3:06.36 23:45.00 26:51.36
Ben Schutt Newman Catholic High School -3:00.78 23:48.40 26:49.18
Hailey Hanson Garner-Hayfield High School -58.10 23:51.60 24:49.70
Meg Zweibohmer Humboldt High School +1:20.86 25:21.40 24:00.54
Isaiah Haveman Ames High School -2:33.66 24:08.50 26:42.16
Sienna Weiland West Hancock High School +10:15.33 34:53.20 24:37.87
Abbey Muller Saint Ansgar High School -2:59.76 25:03.10 28:02.86
Lily Hambly Hampton-Dumont High School -42.28 25:25.40 26:07.68
Lillyann Aguilera Belmond-Klemme High School -4:40.24 25:53.80 30:34.04
Allison Lensing Humboldt High School -3:43.63 26:46.70 30:30.33