Iowa State Qualifier - 4A - Marshalltown 2024 vs Iowa State Qualifier - 4A - Southeast Polk 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -6 120 126
Overall Average -55.69 19:37.34 20:33.03
1st-10th Place -28.76 15:54.39 16:23.15
1st-25th Place -29.28 16:16.55 16:45.84
1st-50th Place -30.62 17:04.49 17:35.12
1st-100th Place -31.47 18:40.20 19:11.67
Common Athletes -- -- 22
Ran Faster 22 22 --
Ran Season Best 9 10 1
Average Time -1:21.67 19:37.89 20:59.56
Median Time -1:16.50 18:48.20 20:04.70
Middle 80% Times -1:27.98 19:54.75 21:22.73
Top 10% Times -54.53 15:56.50 16:51.03
Top 25% Times -48.32 16:21.97 17:10.28
Top 50% Times -58.62 17:15.41 18:14.03
Bottom 50% Times -1:44.72 22:00.37 23:45.09
Bottom 25% Times -2:04.57 23:15.22 25:19.78
Bottom 10% Times -2:01.17 23:58.77 25:59.93
Average Difference -1:21.67 -- --
Median Difference -1:40.30 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:27.98 -- --
Top 10% Difference -54.53 -- --
Top 50% Difference -56.45 -- --
Top 25% Difference -48.32 -- --
Top 50% Difference -56.45 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:46.88 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:18.08 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:40.70 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Teegan Kralik Norwalk High School -1:11.00 15:38.40 16:49.40
Tony Anania Norwalk High School -39.00 15:58.60 16:37.60
Sam Parker Norwalk High School -53.60 16:12.50 17:06.10
Grant Wallace Norwalk High School -59.30 16:15.40 17:14.70
Henry Groos Norwalk High School -30.50 17:02.80 17:33.30
Corbin Oswald Norwalk High School -36.50 17:04.10 17:40.60
Elian Funes Des Moines Lincoln High School -1:39.70 17:46.80 19:26.50
Jonatan Villatoro Ottumwa High School -1:40.30 18:24.40 20:04.70
Hudson Wheelock Des Moines Lincoln High School -55.60 18:25.40 19:21.00
Waulfret Morales Ottumwa High School -22.10 18:27.90 18:50.00
Warren Meade Des Moines Lincoln High School -1:27.10 18:33.20 20:00.30
Michael Todhunter Des Moines Lincoln High School -1:06.60 18:48.20 19:54.80
GAREK LINDBERG Ottumwa High School -1:25.60 19:36.80 21:02.40
Pearl Brown Norwalk High School -38.00 20:55.20 21:33.20
Maya Butler Norwalk High School -1:52.20 21:30.30 23:22.50
Ella Frost Des Moines Lincoln High School -4:04.30 21:42.30 25:46.60
Andie Davitt Norwalk High School -2:29.90 21:54.80 24:24.70
Silvie Monaghan Ottumwa High School -3:08.30 22:36.80 25:45.10
Kaelin Mcelderry Ottumwa High School -11.10 23:03.40 23:14.50
Audrey Felix Des Moines Lincoln High School -1:35.20 23:08.00 24:43.20
Eve Rust Ottumwa High School -1:41.30 23:09.70 24:51.00
Yasmin Guzman-Sego Des Moines Lincoln High School -49.50 25:38.60 26:28.10