Predict The State Meet
Predict the top ten individual and/or team finishers in one or more divisions of the Iowa State HS XC Meet, Fort Dodge, Saturday, October 29 and you could win a FREE one-year subscription to IOWATFXC.COM. (Ed - IOWATFXC.COM is already free, so there’s no value involved; but it will be fun!!) Win two or more categories, and the prize is doubled. All ages, status, and locations eligible.
To play - The eight categories included are divisions 1A, 2A, 3A, & 4A; individuals and teams. To play - in an email to (before 10/29), indicate the categories that you wish to predict and your 1-10 predictions in each. You may play as many or few categories as you wish. In the individual categories, give names and respective teams. Tie breakers - predict the name-team-time of the fastest overall girl and boy across divisions.
Scoring - Each category will be scored separately. Each placer (1-10) will be scored as the difference between the actual place and your prediction. For example, if you predict a given individual/team to finish 1st and they finish 10th, you receive 9 points. If you predict 10th and they finish 1st, you receive 9 points. If an individual/team places in the top 10 and you didn’t include them in your predictions, you get 10 points. We will add your individual predictions together for your total score in that category. Then cross country scoring, of course. A perfect score (predict exactly all 10 places) = 0 points. A perfect failure (none of your predictions in top 10) = 100 points.
Announcing Prize Winners - Final results and prizes will be announced on IOWATFXC.COM sometime the week following the State Meet. Make sure to include your real or factitious name on your entry. Your mother, or grand children, will want to know how you did.
PS - We’ll also let you know how we and IATC did based on our final top 10 rankings!!!