Cascade Invitational 2022 vs Cascade Invitational 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +9 316 307
Overall Average -38.83 24:02.57 24:41.40
1st-10th Place -16.21 17:24.89 17:41.10
1st-25th Place -16.02 18:05.98 18:22.00
1st-50th Place -13.54 18:46.65 19:00.19
1st-100th Place -14.06 19:46.85 20:00.91
Common Athletes -- -- 81
Ran Faster -29 26 55
Ran Season Best -- -- --
Average Time +40.82 23:38.94 22:58.12
Median Time +49.40 22:30.60 21:41.20
Middle 80% Times +46.13 23:20.05 22:33.92
Top 10% Times +46.09 18:53.62 18:07.53
Top 25% Times +1:00.12 19:49.90 18:49.78
Top 50% Times +1:05.08 20:50.57 19:45.50
Bottom 50% Times +15.56 25:52.70 25:37.14
Bottom 25% Times -4.09 29:10.61 29:14.70
Bottom 10% Times -22.77 32:12.73 32:35.50
Average Difference +40.82 -- --
Median Difference +1:50.50 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +47.79 -- --
Top 10% Difference +30.58 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:00.14 -- --
Top 25% Difference +40.46 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:00.14 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +23.19 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +8.60 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:04.44 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jayden Brookins Dubuque Wahlert +48.30 17:42.20 16:53.90
Aedan Althoff Monticello +1:31.60 19:06.80 17:35.20
Caleb Bohlmann Tipton +27.40 18:24.70 17:57.30
Nathan Pint Jesup High School +1:04.10 19:05.00 18:00.90
Karsten Nuehring Jesup High School +3:52.80 22:12.00 18:19.20
Seth Countryman Anamosa +2.30 18:24.50 18:22.20
Lane Cook Cascade +50.20 19:15.50 18:25.30
Kenyon Baker Maquoketa Valley +3:11.10 21:56.90 18:45.80
Mace Schnoor Monticello +2:26.40 21:14.40 18:48.00
Braeden Keister Anamosa +2:07.30 20:59.70 18:52.40
Andrew Schlarmann Beckman Catholic +1:23.50 20:18.30 18:54.80
Caleb Olson Benton Community -18.90 18:55.70 19:14.60
Race Starr Durant +1:03.70 20:17.20 19:13.50
Nick Klapatauskas Dubuque Wahlert -10.90 19:13.60 19:24.50
Liam Adelfinger Wilton High School +3:16.80 22:34.00 19:17.20
Reeve Graver Monticello +33.80 19:56.90 19:23.10
Zander Hagen Tipton +1:16.60 20:46.00 19:29.40
Mason Mohr Calamus-Wheatland +1:05.10 20:36.50 19:31.40
Will Nesbit Jesup High School +21.10 19:54.60 19:33.50
Nick Moroney Dubuque Wahlert +2:24.80 22:03.50 19:38.70
Owen Boldt Tipton +4:03.20 23:47.60 19:44.40
Danny Dudzik Beckman Catholic +2:15.70 22:04.90 19:49.20
Rylan Bertling Monticello +8.40 20:06.20 19:57.80
Nolan Williams Durant +3:36.20 23:43.60 20:07.40
Adam Gaul Beckman Catholic +27.80 20:38.40 20:10.60
Luke Lange Benton Community +27.10 20:38.90 20:11.80
Andrew Kaalberg Cascade -6.50 20:14.30 20:20.80
Mackenzie WILSON Jesup High School +17.90 20:40.60 20:22.70
Hallie Kelchen Cascade +49.80 21:14.20 20:24.40
Lucy Murphy Dubuque Wahlert +1:01.90 21:39.70 20:37.80
Sam Kennedy Dubuque Wahlert +1:15.90 21:54.20 20:38.30
Leah Koehler Monticello +43.50 21:25.80 20:42.30
Royce Kiburz Monticello +32.50 21:20.50 20:48.00
Grant Gassman Monticello +1:50.50 22:41.70 20:51.20
Kristofo Sundstrom Anamosa +1:26.30 22:23.20 20:56.90
Ava Remley Anamosa +1:21.10 22:30.70 21:09.60
Trenten Topping Cascade -1:18.00 21:12.30 22:30.30
Walter Freund Dubuque Wahlert +17.70 21:30.30 21:12.60
Laura Owen Tipton +39.70 22:04.70 21:25.00
Jacob Naab Maquoketa -2:36.50 21:26.10 24:02.60
Duncan Freund Dubuque Wahlert -1:17.40 21:34.00 22:51.40
Camden Fueling Jesup High School +1:45.50 23:20.00 21:34.50
Madelyn Reiter Beckman Catholic +46.60 22:24.60 21:38.00
Bradley Dolphin Cascade +1:29.10 23:10.30 21:41.20
Alex Rickertsen Calamus-Wheatland +3:22.10 25:04.40 21:42.30
Cole Luensmann Beckman Catholic +3:15.80 25:00.60 21:44.80
Grayson Hartung Wilton High School +1:12.60 23:06.40 21:53.80
Sam Nelson Dubuque Wahlert +1:26.90 23:23.30 21:56.40
Royce Richman Durant +3:53.20 25:52.00 21:58.80
William Fitzpatrick Dubuque Wahlert +35.50 22:37.70 22:02.20
Griffin Embree Anamosa +23.10 22:30.60 22:07.50
Ava Capron Monticello -51.30 22:09.60 23:00.90
Briggs OIEN Wilton High School -1:16.60 22:27.70 23:44.30
Audra COSS Wilton High School -7.70 22:28.70 22:36.40
Josh Van Otterloo Dubuque Wahlert -2:32.50 22:36.40 25:08.90
Jason Ruley Midland -10.00 22:40.40 22:50.40
Isaac Spangler Tipton +35.70 23:50.40 23:14.70
Karli Hines Tipton +1:14.60 25:03.30 23:48.70
Lilyan Tuthill Dubuque Wahlert +3:40.50 27:49.10 24:08.60
Liam Darsidan Prince of Peace Prep -1:19.60 24:17.90 25:37.50
Lilly Supple Cascade -1:18.20 24:24.30 25:42.50
Saidee Hamilton Tipton -10.50 24:42.70 24:53.20
Koda Fogg Tipton -47.70 24:46.40 25:34.10
Leah Schemmel Monticello +1:49.60 26:56.20 25:06.60
Kaiser Sands Calamus-Wheatland -2:49.50 25:16.30 28:05.80
Annie Trumm Cascade -54.20 25:29.90 26:24.10
Zoey Hagen Tipton +2:40.60 28:11.00 25:30.40
Bri Kearney Monticello +1:34.50 27:20.80 25:46.30
McKenna Bush Maquoketa Valley +4:07.80 30:28.10 26:20.30
Audrey Fort Anamosa -1:24.00 26:42.30 28:06.30
Zach Helle Beckman Catholic -4:30.50 27:14.60 31:45.10
Nate Becker Benton Community +56.10 28:33.80 27:37.70
Annabelle Cearlock Dubuque Wahlert -3:54.30 28:17.90 32:12.20
Cece Mensching Jesup High School -2:10.20 30:38.40 32:48.60
Evelyn Nelson Maquoketa +24.20 31:19.50 30:55.30
Andrew Hines Benton Community +5:17.20 36:16.30 30:59.10
Sarah WRIGHT Benton Community -1:29.40 31:08.40 32:37.80
Lydia Virtue Dubuque Wahlert -35.60 31:51.30 32:26.90
Alli MAHR Jesup High School -49.60 32:20.30 33:09.90
Chloe Goedken Beckman Catholic -1:09.70 32:53.80 34:03.50
Marie Grebner Beckman Catholic -17.90 32:58.50 33:16.40