Marshalltown Bobcat Invitational 2024 vs Marshalltown Bobcat Invitational 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -1195 294 1489
Overall Average +10:24.11 33:53.05 23:28.94
1st-10th Place -44.18 15:11.54 15:55.72
1st-25th Place -41.98 15:30.78 16:12.76
1st-50th Place -38.83 15:50.49 16:29.32
1st-100th Place -36.99 16:19.11 16:56.10
Common Athletes -- -- 62
Ran Faster 56 59 3
Ran Season Best 21 27 6
Average Time -2:37.76 17:57.73 20:35.49
Median Time -2:47.20 17:07.90 19:55.10
Middle 80% Times -2:38.63 17:43.51 20:22.13
Top 10% Times -1:50.94 15:31.77 17:22.71
Top 25% Times -2:05.78 15:49.89 17:55.67
Top 50% Times -2:23.50 16:14.98 18:38.47
Bottom 50% Times -2:52.02 19:40.48 22:32.50
Bottom 25% Times -3:14.86 21:10.97 24:25.83
Bottom 10% Times -3:40.37 22:55.66 26:36.03
Average Difference -2:37.76 -- --
Median Difference -41.80 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -2:33.39 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:20.90 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:55.31 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:34.66 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:55.31 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -3:20.21 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -3:28.91 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -4:48.06 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Owen Marett Des Moines Roosevelt High School -2:44.20 15:09.00 17:53.20
Kieran DeGroote Cedar Falls -4:35.60 15:14.20 19:49.80
Connor Martin Cedar Falls -5:49.20 15:20.60 21:09.80
Zack Janulewicz Waukee Northwest -1:59.00 15:35.20 17:34.20
John Moellers Marshalltown High School -3:54.70 15:43.20 19:37.90
Sidney Shide Urbandale -4:03.20 15:44.90 19:48.10
Blake Smith Urbandale -1:14.30 15:55.30 17:09.60
Jack Perry Pleasant Valley -4:04.10 15:56.30 20:00.40
Jonas VanDis Waukee -2:23.30 16:00.30 18:23.60
Jonathan Owen Valley High School -2:33.20 16:01.30 18:34.50
Holden Schug Johnston High School -4:49.70 16:02.60 20:52.30
Grant Wallace Norwalk High School -1:52.60 16:03.70 17:56.30
Brennen Bhave Ames High School -2:22.70 16:05.40 18:28.10
Jacob Haug Dubuque Senior -2:13.20 16:06.00 18:19.20
John Ferguson Cedar Falls -2:36.20 16:06.80 18:43.00
Justice Rathje Ankeny High School -2:02.80 16:13.50 18:16.30
Danny Rothert Dubuque Senior -4:11.80 16:14.00 20:25.80
Nicholas Robie Ankeny High School -2:20.30 16:19.40 18:39.70
Brock Johnson Southeast Polk High School -4:19.80 16:24.80 20:44.60
Noah Reese Johnston High School -2:19.70 16:29.10 18:48.80
Sean Bendinger Valley High School -4:23.60 16:30.40 20:54.00
Corbin Oswald Norwalk High School -48.30 16:36.60 17:24.90
Carter Gearhart Johnston High School -3:23.80 16:40.70 20:04.50
Garrett Ness Johnston High School -1:33.90 16:42.50 18:16.40
Henry Groos Norwalk High School +6.50 16:51.30 16:44.80
Parker Gooding Marshalltown High School -9:25.30 16:49.60 26:14.90
Cameron Gotto Pleasant Valley -54.40 16:52.70 17:47.10
Luke Bartlett Southeast Polk High School -1:24.50 16:53.10 18:17.60
Zach Riley Ankeny High School -2:10.70 16:56.20 19:06.90
Owen Leitzen Dubuque Hempstead -2:13.80 16:58.00 19:11.80
Dashiell Coyier Waukee +1:05.60 18:10.80 17:05.20
William Giles Urbandale -2:30.00 17:07.60 19:37.60
Cooper Smith Urbandale -2:48.50 17:07.90 19:56.40
Brandon Kass Dubuque Hempstead -2:11.90 17:09.50 19:21.40
Nick Wellet Waukee -2:28.40 17:12.80 19:41.20
Elliot Liesland Valley High School -3:00.10 17:17.60 20:17.70
Cayden White BCLUW High School -2:15.90 17:26.50 19:42.40
Kenny Uitermarkt Urbandale -2:50.70 17:39.60 20:30.30
Nathan Moberg Southeast Polk High School -2:45.90 17:52.10 20:38.00
Marley Turk Ames High School -52.50 18:07.00 18:59.50
Jordyn Brown Indianola High School -2:25.70 18:14.10 20:39.80
Evie Henneberry Dubuque Hempstead -1:23.00 18:26.60 19:49.60
Drew Beason Ankeny High School -56.00 18:33.00 19:29.00
Autumn Mills Valley High School -3:21.60 19:04.80 22:26.40
Molly O'Halloran Dowling Catholic High School -41.80 19:13.30 19:55.10
Lauren Risdal Ames High School +11.70 19:26.70 19:15.00
Finley Hancock Valley High School -2:51.80 19:23.90 22:15.70
Ethon Downes Des Moines Lincoln High School -7:23.60 19:30.80 26:54.40
Emily Meyer Cedar Falls -3:27.60 19:37.60 23:05.20
Mylee Lange Dubuque Hempstead -2:10.10 19:38.40 21:48.50
Hunter Miller Iowa Falls - Alden High School -2:40.70 19:39.90 22:20.60
Sophia Graber Ankeny High School -1:33.90 19:44.70 21:18.60
Lauren Jackson Ankeny High School -35.40 19:51.60 20:27.00
Klaire Lietz Valley High School -3:45.10 20:03.10 23:48.20
Kalia Stover BCLUW High School -3:32.80 20:53.10 24:25.90
Jacob Castell BCLUW High School -4:18.50 20:53.20 25:11.70
Alyssa Bartlett Southeast Polk High School -40.70 20:54.80 21:35.50
Abby Kemp BCLUW High School -2:40.00 21:17.80 23:57.80
Andie Davitt Norwalk High School -28.50 22:54.70 23:23.20
Annika Nelson Iowa Falls - Alden High School -2:31.00 24:21.20 26:52.20
Lydia Nachazel Iowa Falls - Alden High School -6:08.60 24:36.70 30:45.30
Caitlyn Archer Iowa Falls - Alden High School -16.60 25:31.20 25:47.80