English Valleys CC Invite 2024 vs English Valleys Cross Country Invitational 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +49 114 65
Overall Average +5:13.96 26:04.97 20:51.01
1st-10th Place +2:06.54 19:13.48 17:06.94
1st-25th Place +2:09.31 20:21.25 18:11.93
1st-50th Place +1:58.24 21:43.44 19:45.20
1st-100th Place +11:01.81 24:34.97 13:33.16
Common Athletes -- -- 32
Ran Faster -28 2 30
Ran Season Best -17 6 23
Average Time +2:19.09 23:17.72 20:58.64
Median Time +1:30.70 22:28.90 20:58.20
Middle 80% Times +2:18.61 23:14.10 20:55.49
Top 10% Times +1:47.55 19:27.35 17:39.81
Top 25% Times +1:43.26 19:57.97 18:14.72
Top 50% Times +1:49.19 20:46.66 18:57.47
Bottom 50% Times +2:48.98 25:48.78 22:59.80
Bottom 25% Times +3:40.15 28:05.39 24:25.23
Bottom 10% Times +4:02.71 30:04.30 26:01.59
Average Difference +2:19.09 -- --
Median Difference +53.71 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +2:16.59 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:01.72 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:46.98 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1:32.53 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:46.98 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2:51.20 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +4:17.76 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +4:18.66 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Race Starr Durant +1:58.68 19:13.00 17:14.32
Troy Klett Sigourney High School +1:24.75 18:56.60 17:31.85
Micah Gerber Hillcrest Academy +2:38.94 20:23.70 17:44.76
Jesse Blossom Hillcrest Academy +2:41.11 20:49.40 18:08.29
Keiran Luitjens WACO High School +3:47.46 22:18.10 18:30.64
Brock Nebergal Lone Tree High School +1:50.43 20:29.10 18:38.67
Payton Roth H-L-V High School +49.65 19:53.30 19:03.65
Tristan Luitjens WACO High School +2:39.64 21:45.20 19:05.56
Nolan Williams Durant +1:02.87 20:12.20 19:09.33
Maddox Purk Belle Plaine High School +2:19.01 21:31.80 19:12.79
Isaac Beachy Hillcrest Academy +2:03.79 21:36.90 19:33.11
Drew Thys H-L-V High School +1:33.33 21:11.20 19:37.87
Mason Schuett Durant +3:17.86 23:02.70 19:44.84
Liam Adelfinger Wilton High School -6.22 19:46.50 19:52.72
Kincaid Mitchell North Mahaska High School +2:41.27 22:28.90 19:47.63
Oaklan Jirak Wilton High School +1:04.04 21:27.50 20:23.46
Will Parsons Wapello High School +2:54.40 23:52.60 20:58.20
Wynja Maddox North Mahaska High School +2.88 21:01.30 20:58.42
Chase Hickenbottom Highland High School +5:24.88 26:25.00 21:00.12
Bradon Hartsock Hillcrest Academy +2:11.14 23:48.80 21:37.66
Grayson Hartung Wilton High School +53.71 22:35.90 21:42.19
Jack Krotz Highland High School +4:46.86 26:34.90 21:48.04
Royce Richman Durant -1:53.39 21:50.80 23:44.19
Brayden Zywiec Highland High School +3:10.48 25:08.20 21:57.72
Kyle Neuschwander Hillcrest Academy +3:45.19 26:17.80 22:32.61
Jeremiah Danker Hillcrest Academy +1:23.39 24:01.60 22:38.21
Ian Davis Belle Plaine High School +4:51.30 27:31.70 22:40.40
Briggs OIEN Wilton High School +1:06.38 23:52.50 22:46.12
Chamberlin-Johnston Wapello High School +1:23.61 24:34.40 23:10.79
Sawyer Neuhaus Belle Plaine High School +7:08.99 30:56.90 23:47.91
Derek Bral Iowa Valley High School +1:30.85 29:14.50 27:43.65
Holden Helmig Wapello High School +3:43.49 32:34.10 28:50.61