Athlete Interview
Maddie Rouw, senior, Waukee HS
PR’s: HJ – 5’6”, 100H – 14.88

1. When & how did you get started in track & field?
When I was in 7th grade, I really wanted to go out for track; so I joined the team.
2. Person/people most influential to your success in track & field
My coaches Jesse Hunt, Erica Douglas, Jessica Zittergruen, my Athletic Director Jim Duea, and my family.
3. Your favorite track & field event(s)?
Hurdles and high jump
4. Your track & field event coach(es)?
Jesse Hunt, Erica Douglas, Jessica Zittergruen
5. Keys to your successful track & field training program?
I train a lot in the off season, and work very hard as well in season. I have amazing coaches and a supportive team and family.
6. Your favorite track & field meet(s)?
My favorite track meets are at Drake Stadium (Drake Relays and State).
7. Track & field athlete(s) you most enjoy competing against?
I like competing against athletes that challenge me and make me work harder.
8. Most memorable experience in track & field so far?
The State track meet in 2012 was full of amazing accomplishments for myself and my team. My shuttle won first and beat our state record for the second year. I took first in the high jump, and my team won the state meet.
9. Greatest accomplishment(s) in track & field so far?
Winning state as a team, and also winning high jump and the shuttle hurdle relay.
10. Goals for the 2013 track & field season?
To win the state meet as a team, the shuttle hurdle relay, high jump, and 100m hurdles.
11. If a senior, college/university you will attend, or schools you are considering?
University of Iowa.
12. Long-term goals in track & field?
Be a significant contributor to the University of Iowa track team.
See Maddie’s IOWATFXC.COM webpage at .