Grinnell Invitational 2024 vs Grinnell Invitational 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -77 175 252
Overall Average -1:16.56 23:44.06 25:00.62
1st-10th Place -1:27.77 17:35.96 19:03.73
1st-25th Place -1:25.00 18:19.83 19:44.82
1st-50th Place -1:12.84 19:13.81 20:26.65
1st-100th Place -44.63 20:40.63 21:25.26
Common Athletes -- -- 16
Ran Faster 8 12 4
Ran Season Best -- 4 4
Average Time -48.28 22:51.83 23:40.11
Median Time -46.68 22:58.70 23:45.38
Middle 80% Times -44.21 23:00.05 23:44.26
Top 10% Times -3:01.22 18:12.95 21:14.18
Top 25% Times -2:33.31 18:47.63 21:20.94
Top 50% Times -1:34.90 20:17.00 21:51.90
Bottom 50% Times -1.65 25:26.66 25:28.32
Bottom 25% Times +36.71 27:05.85 26:29.14
Bottom 10% Times +1:08.95 28:26.65 27:17.70
Average Difference -48.28 -- --
Median Difference +3.28 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:08.44 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:23.83 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:39.22 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:44.61 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:39.22 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2.67 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -0.44 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:48.74 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Harrison Laug Grinnell High School -4:09.20 17:38.20 21:47.40
Christian Buchli Newton High School -2:26.20 18:47.70 21:13.90
Beaux Blanchard Grinnell High School -2:17.53 19:14.10 21:31.63
Luke Lange Benton Community -1:53.27 19:30.50 21:23.77
Ethan Russell Knoxville High School -21.45 20:53.00 21:14.45
Billy Lopatto Grinnell High School -20.68 21:35.40 21:56.08
Olivia Norrish Lynnville-Sully High School -2:57.72 22:02.10 24:59.82
Jason Krasko Knoxville High School +2:35.57 24:49.80 22:14.23
Maelyn Parsons Williamsburg -1:10.38 22:35.00 23:45.38
Anthony Bailey Knoxville High School -35.02 22:58.70 23:33.72
Bella Winther Newton High School -2:32.53 23:10.80 25:43.33
Luis Araiza Benton Community +3.28 24:10.60 24:07.32
Hadley Kruse Newton High School +41.95 25:39.40 24:57.45
Diego Garcia Knoxville High School +4:44.98 30:22.80 25:37.82
Judith Perez Valen Grinnell High School -1:06.69 25:50.70 26:57.39
Janie Maasdam Knoxville High School -1:07.51 26:30.50 27:38.01