Grinnell Invitational 2024 vs Grinnell Invitational 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -133 175 308
Overall Average -3:11.90 23:44.06 26:55.96
1st-10th Place +55.25 17:35.96 16:40.71
1st-25th Place +57.83 18:19.83 17:22.00
1st-50th Place +1:15.58 19:13.81 17:58.23
1st-100th Place +1:43.96 20:40.63 18:56.67
Common Athletes -- -- 50
Ran Faster 24 37 13
Ran Season Best 13 14 1
Average Time -53.62 22:07.62 23:01.24
Median Time -15.10 21:35.40 21:50.50
Middle 80% Times -48.60 21:50.18 22:38.78
Top 10% Times -54.74 17:15.72 18:10.46
Top 25% Times -55.93 17:59.92 18:55.85
Top 50% Times -57.72 18:58.30 19:56.02
Bottom 50% Times -49.52 25:16.94 26:06.46
Bottom 25% Times -1:16.12 27:34.48 28:50.59
Bottom 10% Times -1:32.66 29:19.02 30:51.68
Average Difference -53.62 -- --
Median Difference -12.50 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -51.36 -- --
Top 10% Difference -36.32 -- --
Top 50% Difference -40.38 -- --
Top 25% Difference -47.05 -- --
Top 50% Difference -40.38 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:06.86 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:38.02 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:29.02 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Isaac Rankin Knoxville High School -35.40 16:33.40 17:08.80
Cadel Conner Grinnell High School -1:00.50 17:06.10 18:06.60
Barrett Jesina South Tama County High School -2:20.30 17:07.00 19:27.30
Harrison Laug Grinnell High School -2:11.10 17:38.20 19:49.30
Liam Crites Grinnell High School -11.70 17:53.90 18:05.60
Javin DOLAND Newton High School -34.40 18:07.70 18:42.10
Caleb Olson Benton Community -39.60 18:09.60 18:49.20
Hendrick LOWRY Lynnville-Sully High School -54.10 18:10.20 19:04.30
Lance Zaabel Newton High School -2:09.70 18:11.00 20:20.70
Hayes Arwine Williamsburg -2:40.90 18:43.30 21:24.20
Nile Busch Williamsburg -4:29.50 18:45.10 23:14.60
Finn Brummel Williamsburg -1:07.90 18:45.70 19:53.60
Christian Buchli Newton High School -3.20 18:47.70 18:50.90
Ezra Schmidt Knoxville High School -18.90 18:57.20 19:16.10
Beaux Blanchard Grinnell High School -6.40 19:14.10 19:20.50
Ethan Dunsbergen Lynnville-Sully High School -3:26.40 19:17.90 22:44.30
Tyler McMullin Williamsburg -8.20 19:23.50 19:31.70
Reid Sinclair Knoxville High School -1:17.50 19:28.00 20:45.50
Luke Lange Benton Community -56.60 19:30.50 20:27.10
Keller Thompson Grinnell High School -16.40 19:55.20 20:11.60
Ethan Russell Knoxville High School +15.60 20:53.00 20:37.40
Jovanie PEREZ South Tama County High School -2:17.70 20:42.70 23:00.40
Nolan Kent Williamsburg +13.00 20:59.20 20:46.20
Smith Skouson Grinnell High School -29.70 20:48.40 21:18.10
Colin Reiners Benton Community -49.60 21:08.90 21:58.50
Billy Lopatto Grinnell High School +14.60 21:35.40 21:20.80
Jase Koester Grinnell High School +23.10 22:01.20 21:38.10
Maelyn Parsons Williamsburg +56.20 22:35.00 21:38.80
Hadley Kruse Newton High School +3:53.40 25:39.40 21:46.00
Luis Araiza Benton Community +2:20.10 24:10.60 21:50.50
Britten BRANDT South Tama County High School -3:50.30 22:17.50 26:07.80
Ashlyn Hoffman Williamsburg -22.40 22:18.70 22:41.10
Diego Garcia Knoxville High School +8:02.80 30:22.80 22:20.00
P.J. Carey Williamsburg -12.50 22:25.60 22:38.10
Anthony Bailey Knoxville High School +33.00 22:58.70 22:25.70
Will Conover Lynnville-Sully High School -5:14.90 22:35.00 27:49.90
Anya Rivera Williamsburg -6:11.00 23:02.30 29:13.30
Bella Winther Newton High School -2:20.20 23:10.80 25:31.00
Jason Krasko Knoxville High School +33.60 24:49.80 24:16.20
Zoe Hulseberg Williamsburg -38.90 24:24.40 25:03.30
Judith Perez Valen Grinnell High School -9.70 25:50.70 26:00.40
Luke Kleinmeyer Williamsburg -2:44.10 26:15.80 28:59.90
Clair Manatt B-G-M High School -2:05.80 26:17.80 28:23.60
Janie Maasdam Knoxville High School -1:00.80 26:30.50 27:31.30
Abbie PRESTON Newton High School +30.20 28:12.50 27:42.30
Nate Becker Benton Community -2:49.10 28:16.60 31:05.70
Sarah WRIGHT Benton Community +41.00 28:58.90 28:17.90
Talia Osera Grinnell High School +30.60 29:16.70 28:46.10
Allie Blankenship B-G-M High School -4.40 28:46.20 28:50.60
Andrew Hines Benton Community -6:58.40 29:10.50 36:08.90