Iowa State Qualifier - 4A - Southeast Polk 2024 vs Iowa State Qualifier - 4A - Southeast Polk 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -1 125 126
Overall Average -45.91 19:47.13 20:33.03
1st-10th Place -12.91 16:10.24 16:23.15
1st-25th Place -3.92 16:41.91 16:45.84
1st-50th Place -17.07 17:18.04 17:35.12
1st-100th Place -22.58 18:49.09 19:11.67
Common Athletes -- -- 34
Ran Faster 24 29 5
Ran Season Best -2 -- 2
Average Time -42.90 18:47.02 19:29.92
Median Time -56.00 18:50.60 19:46.60
Middle 80% Times -43.87 18:52.87 19:36.74
Top 10% Times -27.53 16:09.80 16:37.33
Top 25% Times -35.98 16:39.90 17:15.88
Top 50% Times -40.48 17:18.05 17:58.53
Bottom 50% Times -45.32 20:15.99 21:01.31
Bottom 25% Times -41.84 21:12.86 21:54.70
Bottom 10% Times -38.30 22:14.88 22:53.18
Average Difference -42.90 -- --
Median Difference -1:22.20 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -39.81 -- --
Top 10% Difference -25.93 -- --
Top 50% Difference -36.38 -- --
Top 25% Difference -36.13 -- --
Top 50% Difference -36.38 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -49.42 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -42.74 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:05.90 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Owen Marett Des Moines Roosevelt High School -18.20 15:50.10 16:08.30
Reed Robbins Indianola High School -51.30 16:02.30 16:53.60
Jack Crossland Johnston High School -28.70 16:04.30 16:33.00
Brock Johnson Southeast Polk High School -51.60 16:42.50 17:34.10
Holden Schug Johnston High School -5.50 16:48.90 16:54.40
Kiefer Barnes Indianola High School -46.20 16:53.90 17:40.10
Paxton Bloom Indianola High School -49.00 17:04.20 17:53.20
Isaiah Thomsen Indianola High School -1:30.20 17:16.30 18:46.50
Luke Bartlett Southeast Polk High School -47.10 17:16.60 18:03.70
Sam Appel Indianola High School -41.30 17:33.90 18:15.20
Josh Moberg Southeast Polk High School -27.60 17:35.00 18:02.60
Owen Welling Indianola High School -1:50.20 17:36.80 19:27.00
Sean Martin Des Moines Roosevelt High School +28.60 18:16.70 17:48.10
Nathan Moberg Southeast Polk High School -27.20 17:56.10 18:23.30
Isaiah Keller Des Moines Roosevelt High School +28.60 18:26.70 17:58.10
Braulio Garcia Des Moines North High School -1:35.40 18:18.10 19:53.50
Alyx Woodley Johnston High School -1:22.20 18:24.40 19:46.60
Ele Wharton Johnston High School -53.00 18:50.60 19:43.60
Ebenezer Yafeti Des Moines North High School -1:16.60 18:56.60 20:13.20
Grace Beasley Johnston High School -28.60 19:01.60 19:30.20
Payton Crabb Johnston High School -56.30 19:08.80 20:05.10
Xander Mielke Des Moines East High School -42.70 19:15.00 19:57.70
Audrey Dummermuth Johnston High School -29.30 19:18.50 19:47.80
Jordyn Brown Indianola High School -39.00 19:30.90 20:09.90
Jason Rivas Des Moines East High School -1:12.40 19:34.20 20:46.60
Josue Barahona-Alv Des Moines North High School -33.90 19:42.30 20:16.20
Meredith Gentry Des Moines Roosevelt High School -59.80 19:56.80 20:56.60
Charlotte McCoy Des Moines Roosevelt High School -3:14.70 20:08.30 23:23.00
Lilly Hoger Indianola High School +4.30 20:57.60 20:53.30
Leah Hartford Indianola High School -17.60 21:11.20 21:28.80
Alyssa Bartlett Southeast Polk High School +24.40 21:58.70 21:34.30
Jonah Oneal Des Moines North High School -38.50 21:41.70 22:20.20
Jonah Johnson Des Moines North High School +15.20 22:08.50 21:53.30
Emma Sherman Des Moines Roosevelt High School -45.60 23:10.60 23:56.20