Fort Dodge Invitational 2022

Fort Dodge, IA

Fort Dodge Invitational 2022 vs Fort Dodge Invitational 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -96 1387 1483
Overall Average +1:03.12 23:04.57 22:01.45
1st-10th Place +4.46 15:35.54 15:31.08
1st-25th Place +9.09 15:57.08 15:47.99
1st-50th Place +9.02 16:15.43 16:06.41
1st-100th Place +6.79 16:37.37 16:30.58
Common Athletes -- -- 765
Ran Faster -273 246 519
Ran Season Best 168 387 219
Average Time +1:43.15 22:54.56 21:11.42
Median Time +40.20 21:04.50 20:24.30
Middle 80% Times +29.55 21:19.79 20:50.24
Top 10% Times +26.70 16:50.79 16:24.09
Top 25% Times +30.77 17:47.83 17:17.06
Top 50% Times +31.33 18:57.10 18:25.76
Bottom 50% Times +2:54.69 26:48.44 23:53.75
Bottom 25% Times +5:19.53 31:27.27 26:07.74
Bottom 10% Times +12:43.36 41:33.97 28:50.61
Average Difference +1:43.15 -- --
Median Difference +27.20 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +28.74 -- --
Top 10% Difference +22.09 -- --
Top 50% Difference +27.14 -- --
Top 25% Difference +26.34 -- --
Top 50% Difference +27.14 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2:58.96 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +5:28.99 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +12:57.10 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Ethan Zuber Ankeny High School +52.30 16:02.40 15:10.10
Natnael Kifle Sioux City North High School +13.40 15:23.70 15:10.30
Aj Schermerhorn Ankeny Centennial HS +24.70 15:52.80 15:28.10
Tommy Hensley Urbandale +23.50 15:56.70 15:33.20
Bryant Keller Glenwood High School +39.30 16:14.00 15:34.70
Joseph Lawry Waukee +2:05.10 17:41.20 15:36.10
Max DeRocher Dowling Catholic High School +27.50 16:04.20 15:36.70
Jack Flori Dowling Catholic High School +17.70 15:58.00 15:40.30
Owen Marett Des Moines Roosevelt High School +40.90 16:24.00 15:43.10
Andrew Smith Glenwood High School +51.10 16:38.20 15:47.10
Noah Burrow Norwalk High School +44.20 16:33.20 15:49.00
Tony Anania Norwalk High School +47.20 16:42.50 15:55.30
Jake Bosch Ankeny High School +29.20 16:24.80 15:55.60
Jack Every Dallas Center-Grimes High School +27.80 16:23.50 15:55.70
Matthew Bootman Dowling Catholic High School +23.30 16:19.40 15:56.10
Ike Smith Ankeny High School +59.80 16:56.10 15:56.30
Owen Wolfe Dowling Catholic High School +40.40 16:37.40 15:57.00
Joel Bloomer Waukee Northwest +18.00 16:15.70 15:57.70
Elias Arbuckle Dallas Center-Grimes High School +49.20 16:47.20 15:58.00
Josh Mohan Dowling Catholic High School +1:17.90 17:17.30 15:59.40
Jackson Bergman Valley High School -14.70 15:59.80 16:14.50
Ben Neville Johnston High School +1:37.80 17:46.40 16:08.60
Brayden Picken Johnston High School +32.80 16:44.30 16:11.50
Zack Janulewicz Waukee Northwest +14.90 16:26.90 16:12.00
Jacob Forney Valley High School +10.90 16:24.00 16:13.10
Kellen Tuyls Waukee Northwest +49.10 17:03.20 16:14.10
Teegan Kralik Norwalk High School +18.90 16:35.60 16:16.70
Jack Coen Johnston High School +37.30 16:55.20 16:17.90
Colin Mandernach Dallas Center-Grimes High School +33.30 16:51.70 16:18.40
Calahan Rourke Johnston High School +1:15.30 17:35.10 16:19.80
Aiden Cooper Waukee Northwest +2.80 16:23.40 16:20.60
Brice McNeley Southeast Polk High School -9.00 16:21.60 16:30.60
Holden Schug Johnston High School +16.00 16:38.60 16:22.60
Blake Smith Urbandale +17.90 16:40.60 16:22.70
Kade Diercks Lewis Central High School -9.50 16:23.90 16:33.40
Jack Cavan Valley High School +52.70 17:17.90 16:25.20
Owen Martin Johnston High School +32.40 16:58.60 16:26.20
Nicholas Robie Ankeny High School +40.10 17:06.90 16:26.80
Garrett Ness Johnston High School +24.00 16:54.50 16:30.50
Reed Robbins Indianola High School +15.00 16:46.10 16:31.10
Torin Timmerman A-D-M High School +6.00 16:37.60 16:31.60
Kiefer Barnes Indianola High School +33.80 17:05.70 16:31.90
Ezra DeCleene Carlisle High School +48.00 17:21.70 16:33.70
Jonathan Owen Valley High School -50.80 16:34.40 17:25.20
Brayden Vander Wilt Ankeny Centennial HS +47.50 17:23.70 16:36.20
Brody Burr Dowling Catholic High School +1:36.20 18:12.40 16:36.20
Brendan Owens Ankeny Centennial HS +45.10 17:21.40 16:36.30
Kael Streeter Carlisle High School +8.40 16:45.10 16:36.70
Connor Schultz Sioux City North High School +58.00 17:35.20 16:37.20
Anthony Valles St. Edmond Catholic High School +2:25.10 19:04.80 16:39.70
Landon Hartley Urbandale +1:13.70 17:53.50 16:39.80
Tate Brownsberger Ankeny High School +3.50 16:45.00 16:41.50
Tay Ohr-Rottler Johnston High School +1:34.90 18:16.90 16:42.00
Sidney Shide Urbandale +16.60 17:00.50 16:43.90
Jan Luka Castillo Dowling Catholic High School +16:42:45.90 16:59:30.00 16:44.10
Grant Wallace Norwalk High School +31.90 17:16.70 16:44.80
Gavin Boliver Johnston High School +1:22.10 18:06.90 16:44.80
Abubekar Kumbi Sioux City North High School +12.60 16:57.70 16:45.10
Sam Parker Norwalk High School +56.10 17:41.60 16:45.50
Levi Stember Ankeny High School +6.60 16:52.30 16:45.70
AJ Angus Dallas Center-Grimes High School +6.80 16:53.20 16:46.40
Kamden Brown Carlisle High School -12.10 16:48.70 17:00.80
Aidan Farrell Ankeny High School -7.10 16:51.40 16:58.50
Owen Line Waukee Northwest +1:37.50 18:29.00 16:51.50
Erik Anderson Ames High School +13.10 17:04.60 16:51.50
Aj Acheson Des Moines Roosevelt High School +12.90 17:05.70 16:52.80
Brennen Bhave Ames High School +2.80 16:56.40 16:53.60
Frank McEvoy Valley High School +1:32.30 18:26.20 16:53.90
Zachary Lenkaitis Ames High School -1:35.90 16:54.50 18:30.40
Mark Nelson Ankeny Centennial HS +1:18.50 18:13.40 16:54.90
Liam Hays Glenwood High School +42.40 17:38.50 16:56.10
Ashton Hensley Urbandale +57.90 17:54.20 16:56.30
Zak Shlomi Waukee Northwest +59.20 17:56.00 16:56.80
Aydin McNeley Southeast Polk High School +15.80 17:12.70 16:56.90
Brett Gifford Dowling Catholic High School +1:43.70 18:40.70 16:57.00
Jack Brooks Johnston High School +1:20.20 18:17.30 16:57.10
Kellan Croatt Waukee Northwest +11.40 17:08.90 16:57.50
Chase Gach Carlisle High School -37.90 16:59.00 17:36.90
Davis Johnson Ankeny Centennial HS +1:29.40 18:28.80 16:59.40
Charlie Leto Dowling Catholic High School -1:32.90 17:00.40 18:33.30
Rylan Altof Southeast Polk High School +35.00 17:36.10 17:01.10
Cael Ramsey Dallas Center-Grimes High School +4.00 17:05.80 17:01.80
Sean Thomas Ankeny Centennial HS +1:18.60 18:20.90 17:02.30
Cohen Moll Ankeny Centennial HS +1:35.50 18:38.20 17:02.70
Jalen Taha Waukee +1:24.30 18:28.10 17:03.80
Corbin Oswald Norwalk High School +22.50 17:27.50 17:05.00
Shay Holdmeyer A-D-M High School +1:54.70 19:01.90 17:07.20
Will Beaumont Des Moines Roosevelt High School -11.50 17:07.50 17:19.00
Paxton Bloom Indianola High School +12.00 17:19.70 17:07.70
Aammin Hassan Ankeny Centennial HS -2.80 17:08.40 17:11.20
Jack Behrens Ankeny Centennial HS +54.60 18:05.50 17:10.90
Zach Riley Ankeny High School +56.10 18:09.80 17:13.70
Henry Strauss Johnston High School -4.10 17:13.80 17:17.90
Dashiell Coyier Waukee -2.30 17:14.20 17:16.50
Landon Menninga Newton High School -3.50 17:14.40 17:17.90
Luke Bartlett Southeast Polk High School -46.40 17:14.50 18:00.90
Richard Selken Lewis Central High School +58.80 18:14.00 17:15.20
Brody Roth Carlisle High School -0.30 17:16.20 17:16.50
Blake Grask Dowling Catholic High School +1:28.50 18:44.90 17:16.40
Steven Kling Sioux City North High School -1:34.40 17:17.30 18:51.70
Alex Pries Dallas Center-Grimes High School +37.10 17:55.70 17:18.60
Nick Kessler Dallas Center-Grimes High School -1:15.10 17:24.30 18:39.40
Maverick Mixan Glenwood High School +40.70 18:05.90 17:25.20
Porter Russell Johnston High School +1:08.80 18:34.20 17:25.40
Buck Pattinson Johnston High School +1:11.60 18:37.90 17:26.30
Owen Palmer Dowling Catholic High School +9.90 17:36.40 17:26.50
Will Johnson Urbandale -11.90 17:27.30 17:39.20
Harry Abbott Waukee +1:04.10 18:32.70 17:28.60
Carson Ibeling Dallas Center-Grimes High School +54.70 18:24.40 17:29.70
Brock Johnson Southeast Polk High School +10.70 17:40.50 17:29.80
Adam Ruehling Waukee Northwest +24.00 17:55.30 17:31.30
Michael Wagner Fort Dodge High School +50.90 18:23.30 17:32.40
Reece Thompson Des Moines Roosevelt High School +1:10.80 18:43.40 17:32.60
Javin DOLAND Newton High School +28.00 18:01.60 17:33.60
Nate Hammerand Urbandale -1:37.50 17:33.80 19:11.30
Jackson Kaiser Ankeny High School +2:31.00 20:04.80 17:33.80
Weston Wise Des Moines Roosevelt High School +31.80 18:05.70 17:33.90
Carter Cabanaya Waukee Northwest -56.80 17:34.50 18:31.30
Ryan Sample Waukee Northwest +1:36.50 19:11.00 17:34.50
Juan Reyes Waukee Northwest +50.80 18:25.60 17:34.80
Bradley Sage Ballard High School +36.60 18:12.20 17:35.60
Sean Martin Des Moines Roosevelt High School +38.80 18:14.60 17:35.80
Logan Brustkern Johnston High School -22.30 17:36.30 17:58.60
Isaac Chapman A-D-M High School +7.40 17:44.20 17:36.80
Brennan Lesko Ankeny High School +15.60 17:53.40 17:37.80
Noah Reese Johnston High School -0.90 17:38.60 17:39.50
Elliot Liesland Valley High School +33.20 18:13.20 17:40.00
Cameron Reagan Des Moines Roosevelt High School +5.80 17:45.90 17:40.10
Hunter Landphair A-D-M High School +3.40 17:45.30 17:41.90
Johnny Reynolds Valley High School +1:46.80 19:30.40 17:43.60
Talan Walstrom Carlisle High School +17.40 18:01.10 17:43.70
Jake Dahlmer Ankeny High School +36.50 18:20.30 17:43.80
Andrew Anderson Ames High School +2:03.70 19:47.80 17:44.10
Justice Rathje Ankeny High School -19.60 17:44.50 18:04.10
Robbie Hall A-D-M High School +1:50.60 19:35.80 17:45.20
Josh Moberg Southeast Polk High School +1:39.20 19:26.30 17:47.10
Isaiah Keller Des Moines Roosevelt High School -31.60 17:47.70 18:19.30
Sam Peters A-D-M High School -12.50 17:47.90 18:00.40
Atticus Schleusner Waukee Northwest +53.40 18:42.40 17:49.00
Gavin Moore Urbandale +22.80 18:12.20 17:49.40
Olivia Verde Johnston High School +19.50 18:09.70 17:50.20
Ben Imhoff Carlisle High School +58.00 18:48.80 17:50.80
Jesus Murillo Newton High School +40.30 18:32.10 17:51.80
Maciah Shultz Sioux City East High School +58.20 18:51.10 17:52.90
Nick Wellet Waukee -1:15.60 17:53.10 19:08.70
Thatcher Oswald Manson-Northwest Webster High School +1:40.20 19:35.90 17:55.70
Liam Shannon St. Edmond Catholic High School +43.40 18:40.80 17:57.40
Will Weydert Dallas Center-Grimes High School +1:00.50 18:58.50 17:58.00
Aidan Friedel Waukee Northwest +39.10 18:37.80 17:58.70
Lance Zaabel Newton High School +1:15.60 19:14.50 17:58.90
Claire Helmers Ames High School +32.50 18:31.70 17:59.20
Lane Osterloh Norwalk High School +1:37.30 19:36.70 17:59.40
Nathan Moberg Southeast Polk High School +56.60 18:57.30 18:00.70
Willie Zhao Johnston High School +37.60 18:39.80 18:02.20
Noah Yeager Ankeny High School +1:06.40 19:09.30 18:02.90
Even Tesfaselassie Sioux City North High School +20.70 18:24.10 18:03.40
Christian Buchli Newton High School +40.70 18:44.90 18:04.20
Aydean Bejtovic Johnston High School +1:20.20 19:24.40 18:04.20
Sammy Ross Indianola High School -20.70 18:05.70 18:26.40
Blake Glennon Johnston High School +2:42.40 20:49.80 18:07.40
Mattix Benefiel Carlisle High School +5.50 18:13.30 18:07.80
John Widtfelt Johnston High School -3.80 18:08.90 18:12.70
Ian Hurley Johnston High School -2.40 18:09.00 18:11.40
Brian Ly Johnston High School +1:00.40 19:09.50 18:09.10
William Giles Urbandale +1:11.70 19:22.20 18:10.50
Charlie Wilterdink Southeast Polk High School +7.50 18:19.20 18:11.70
Braxton Cleveland Waukee +49.80 19:01.50 18:11.70
Harper Gessman Dallas Center-Grimes High School +1:25.30 19:37.90 18:12.60
Presley Arnold Newton High School +27.20 18:40.00 18:12.80
Ellis Coyier Waukee +1:04.20 19:17.20 18:13.00
Asher Wood Newton High School +1:25.30 19:38.60 18:13.30
Carson Fenster Norwalk High School +15.40 18:29.50 18:14.10
Owen Kouba Valley High School +12.20 18:26.50 18:14.30
Quinn Dow Ankeny High School +18.80 18:33.30 18:14.50
Noah Kjellberg Indianola High School -13.30 18:14.90 18:28.20
Mitchell Cook Dowling Catholic High School +53.90 19:09.80 18:15.90
Anika Mohrhauser Ankeny Centennial HS +23.70 18:40.50 18:16.80
Julius Wiegand Ankeny High School +0.60 18:18.10 18:17.50
Shawn Roberts Fort Dodge High School +37.00 18:54.70 18:17.70
Tanner Simpson Waukee Northwest +46.70 19:05.50 18:18.80
Jamison Bice Norwalk High School -10.80 18:19.40 18:30.20
Drew Beason Ankeny High School +38.20 18:58.40 18:20.20
Ben Meier Valley High School +1:16.80 19:37.00 18:20.20
Michelle Mcconkey Waukee +44.90 19:05.40 18:20.50
Merhawe Reda Sioux City North High School -24.40 18:22.20 18:46.60
Isaac Porter Ankeny Centennial HS +1:48.40 20:12.30 18:23.90
Fabian Jarabek Dowling Catholic High School +59.40 19:23.70 18:24.30
Cooper Smith Urbandale +16.90 18:41.40 18:24.50
Din Terzic Urbandale +1:14.90 19:39.80 18:24.90
Jonathan Ryken Ames High School +44.80 19:10.20 18:25.40
Caden Koepke Sioux City East High School -6.30 18:25.80 18:32.10
Eli Smithberg Des Moines Roosevelt High School +1:51.50 20:17.70 18:26.20
Drew Klemesrud Waukee -1:21.10 18:26.40 19:47.50
Victor Njane Waukee +3:05.40 21:31.80 18:26.40
Rishab Patel Waukee +2:26.50 20:54.50 18:28.00
Luke Hayes Waukee +29.90 18:58.50 18:28.60
Samuel McAlister Johnston High School -1:25.20 18:30.60 19:55.80
Andres Gonzalez Bishop Heelan Catholic High School +4.40 18:35.80 18:31.40
Porter Kimble Urbandale +29.20 19:00.80 18:31.60
Kenny Uitermarkt Urbandale +28.50 19:00.10 18:31.60
Judah DeCleene Carlisle High School +1:38.50 20:11.00 18:32.50
Callen Ripley Ankeny High School -12.20 18:34.30 18:46.50
Carson Tracy Johnston High School +45.10 19:21.10 18:36.00
Matthew Hawkinson Sioux City North High School +35.10 19:11.90 18:36.80
Warren Eaves Waukee Northwest -38.60 18:37.00 19:15.60
Arthur Chen Johnston High School +45.30 19:22.70 18:37.40
Ben Hames Sioux City North High School +1:08.90 19:46.90 18:38.00
Logan Woolworth Sioux City North High School -7.00 18:38.30 18:45.30
Ben Cheese Johnston High School +14.10 18:54.00 18:39.90
Thomas Cosgrove St. Edmond Catholic High School -38.70 18:40.00 19:18.70
Mason Stevermer Valley High School +30.00 19:11.20 18:41.20
Parker Peters Southeast Polk High School +1:08.10 19:49.40 18:41.30
Mark Behr A-D-M High School +48.20 19:31.00 18:42.80
Ben Walsh Bishop Heelan Catholic High School -50.80 18:43.70 19:34.50
Boston Shaw Waukee Northwest -24.30 18:44.70 19:09.00
Luke Yanacheak A-D-M High School +12.00 18:56.70 18:44.70
Griffin Messer A-D-M High School -6.00 18:45.20 18:51.20
Joey Zambreno Des Moines Roosevelt High School +59.60 19:44.80 18:45.20
Gracie Foster Indianola High School +37.40 19:24.40 18:47.00
Conner Hansen Carlisle High School +1:40.50 20:27.50 18:47.00
Zane Hastich Southeast Polk High School +1:19.60 20:06.60 18:47.00
Silvio Hermann Des Moines Roosevelt High School +1:13.00 20:00.50 18:47.50
Hudson Carder Waukee +1:04.20 19:52.60 18:48.40
Alyx Woodley Johnston High School -27.90 18:49.50 19:17.40
Harrison Bice Norwalk High School +30.40 19:20.40 18:50.00
Eli Hardy Waukee Northwest +3:01.90 21:54.00 18:52.10
Lillian Sundet Waukee Northwest +25.30 19:18.60 18:53.30
Lauren Risdal Ames High School +53.00 19:46.70 18:53.70
Ryan Rushing Carlisle High School +23.10 19:16.90 18:53.80
Alyssa Richman Manson-Northwest Webster High School +33.70 19:28.70 18:55.00
Payton Mizer Waukee -14.80 18:55.50 19:10.30
Jr Maddy Stevens Dallas Center-Grimes High School +33.50 19:30.00 18:56.50
Carson Widlund Manson-Northwest Webster High School +16.90 19:13.60 18:56.70
Ian Smith Ankeny Centennial HS +53.30 19:50.80 18:57.50
Cohen Kooker Valley High School +1:08.20 20:06.00 18:57.80
Brandon Stahl Waukee Northwest +41.80 19:39.70 18:57.90
Zachary Malone Ankeny Centennial HS +26.10 19:24.60 18:58.50
Logan Rolling Ankeny High School +36.50 19:35.00 18:58.50
Haidyn Cox Lewis Central High School +57.80 19:57.40 18:59.60
Taylor Barbour Southeast Polk High School -1:17.90 19:02.90 20:20.80
Jacob Zimmerman Waukee Northwest +1:05.80 20:09.00 19:03.20
Parthiv Rengarajan Valley High School +2:18.10 21:22.60 19:04.50
Danny Cleveland Sioux City East High School -16.70 19:04.80 19:21.50
Blake Bybee Ankeny Centennial HS +4:32.90 23:38.60 19:05.70
Will Ackelson Southeast Polk High School +47.40 19:53.40 19:06.00
Wyatt Guely Indianola High School +10.20 19:17.70 19:07.50
Logan Kessler Norwalk High School +9.00 19:17.00 19:08.00
Eli Heckert Norwalk High School +41.40 19:51.60 19:10.20
Jimmy Baumhover Dowling Catholic High School +13.80 19:25.50 19:11.70
Lewis Lentsch Dowling Catholic High School -1:27.40 19:13.30 20:40.70
Bella Hodges Ankeny Centennial HS -9.40 19:13.90 19:23.30
Nolan Harder Waukee +3:04.30 22:18.20 19:13.90
Jack Imoehl Waukee Northwest -12.20 19:14.10 19:26.30
Luke Wagner Johnston High School +1:26.90 20:41.00 19:14.10
Hank McGuire Dowling Catholic High School +24.90 19:40.00 19:15.10
Alex Argotsinger Urbandale +13.40 19:28.60 19:15.20
Klaire Lietz Valley High School +36.30 19:51.60 19:15.30
Gideon Miller Ankeny High School +1:28.80 20:45.20 19:16.40
Annika Larson Ballard High School -26.10 19:16.80 19:42.90
Eli Mezger Carlisle High School +2:23.00 21:40.20 19:17.20
Gabriel Brannon Ankeny High School +3:10.60 22:28.00 19:17.40
Kael Lawler Ankeny Centennial HS -14.00 19:17.70 19:31.70
Ava Vance Ballard High School +35.90 19:53.90 19:18.00
Max Young Waukee +1:23.10 20:41.30 19:18.20
Alton Ladd Valley High School +1:11.20 20:31.20 19:20.00
Sophia Graber Ankeny High School +1:21.80 20:42.70 19:20.90
Addison Dooley Dallas Center-Grimes High School +1:00.50 20:21.40 19:20.90
Nevin Bissell Dallas Center-Grimes High School +29.10 19:50.00 19:20.90
Sydney Burrier Waukee +32.60 19:53.80 19:21.20
Jackson Foy Dallas Center-Grimes High School -23.10 19:22.20 19:45.30
Tyson Hathaway Valley High School +1:03.40 20:25.70 19:22.30
Logan Plourde Norwalk High School -20.10 19:22.40 19:42.50
Autumn Mills Valley High School +37.30 20:02.10 19:24.80
Andrew Bogue Johnston High School -31.00 19:25.20 19:56.20
Marley McMahon Valley High School +53.00 20:18.60 19:25.60
Nathan Tischer Johnston High School +1:28.80 20:54.40 19:25.60
Adam Embrock Sioux City North High School +59.00 20:25.50 19:26.50
Henry Krug A-D-M High School +5.90 19:33.00 19:27.10
Audrey Dummermuth Johnston High School +27.80 19:55.70 19:27.90
Brandon Birech Carlisle High School +1:21.80 20:49.80 19:28.00
Hayden Beyer Waukee +15.70 19:44.20 19:28.50
Aiden Recker Fort Dodge High School +2:31.20 22:00.00 19:28.80
Obadiah Northway Ames High School +10.50 19:39.60 19:29.10
Carson Menke Norwalk High School +22.30 19:52.10 19:29.80
Nik Hudak Urbandale +14.20 19:44.40 19:30.20
Krissy Spear Johnston High School +37.60 20:08.20 19:30.60
Marie Daggett Carlisle High School +13.20 19:43.90 19:30.70
Jordyn Brown Indianola High School +1:34.90 21:05.60 19:30.70
Makenna Madetzke Ankeny High School +50.60 20:21.40 19:30.80
Peter LaMasters Valley High School +13.90 19:44.80 19:30.90
Eli McGee Johnston High School +23.60 19:54.70 19:31.10
Grayson Sutter A-D-M High School -26.90 19:31.30 19:58.20
Liv Hall Dowling Catholic High School -36.40 19:32.40 20:08.80
Micah Fitzgerald Johnston High School -17.40 19:33.60 19:51.00
Logan Corwin Des Moines Roosevelt High School +11.00 19:45.30 19:34.30
Trey Jackson Des Moines Roosevelt High School +42.70 20:17.60 19:34.90
Cora DenHartog Ankeny Centennial HS +25.50 20:00.50 19:35.00
Clay Elfers Waukee Northwest +1:18.20 20:53.30 19:35.10
Caleb Carratt Ankeny High School -38.80 19:35.50 20:14.30
Thomas Knobbe St. Edmond Catholic High School +1:35.30 21:10.80 19:35.50
Parker Davis Ankeny High School +5:26.00 25:02.00 19:36.00
Jacob Rowland Johnston High School +2:39.00 22:15.00 19:36.00
Avery Muller Dowling Catholic High School -11.40 19:36.20 19:47.60
Brady Major Fort Dodge High School +15.10 19:52.60 19:37.50
Evan Moon Ames High School +5.90 19:44.00 19:38.10
Maya Bergstrom Carlisle High School -12.50 19:38.60 19:51.10
Kate Vogel Valley High School +1:19.80 20:58.50 19:38.70
Gavin Haroldson Sioux City North High School +47.40 20:26.60 19:39.20
Essey Reda Sioux City North High School +35.90 20:15.30 19:39.40
Haley Hveem Ankeny Centennial HS +1:47.50 21:27.10 19:39.60
Abbey Angus Dallas Center-Grimes High School +1:16.50 20:56.80 19:40.30
Elias Thompson Ames High School +8.90 19:50.10 19:41.20
Marissa Pewe Johnston High School +50.30 20:31.80 19:41.50
Colin Klinkenborg Waukee Northwest +2:39.00 22:20.50 19:41.50
Parker Stevens Valley High School -30.50 19:42.70 20:13.20
Ben Couvillon Johnston High School -20.10 19:43.20 20:03.30
Johnathan Reibe Waukee Northwest +3:55.30 23:38.60 19:43.30
Buck Mcclaflin Southeast Polk High School +40.50 20:24.00 19:43.50
Finley Habgood Waukee Northwest -26.60 19:44.60 20:11.20
Molly O'Halloran Dowling Catholic High School +1:49.00 21:35.50 19:46.50
Caden Shockey Waukee Northwest -1:09.00 19:46.80 20:55.80
Xander Bingaman Waukee Northwest -17.30 19:47.90 20:05.20
Carter Lacinia Ankeny High School +2:30.40 22:18.90 19:48.50
Colton Waterhouse Carlisle High School -44.70 19:48.70 20:33.40
Ike Evans Ankeny High School +1:00.40 20:49.40 19:49.00
Libby Hartz Southeast Polk High School -8.60 19:49.60 19:58.20
Cory Crall Carlisle High School +3:05.90 22:55.80 19:49.90
Meredith Gentry Des Moines Roosevelt High School +48.80 20:38.80 19:50.00
Anja Peck Ankeny Centennial HS -7.00 19:51.10 19:58.10
Owen Royer A-D-M High School +1:19.70 21:10.90 19:51.20
Anson Miller Indianola High School -36.70 19:51.30 20:28.00
Nathan Scanlan A-D-M High School -32.60 19:51.70 20:24.30
Tate Truitt A-D-M High School +31.30 20:23.00 19:51.70
Kaden Klootwyk Valley High School +1:29.20 21:21.20 19:52.00
Elias Flanery Bishop Heelan Catholic High School -3.80 19:52.10 19:55.90
Silas Erickson Ames High School +10.00 20:02.10 19:52.10
Raegan Prendergast Ankeny High School -17.20 19:52.60 20:09.80
Max Weis Valley High School +45.10 20:37.80 19:52.70
Evan Siskow Urbandale +5.60 19:59.10 19:53.50
Lexie Wisham Johnston High School +27.70 20:21.40 19:53.70
Michael Westendorf Johnston High School +1:40.30 21:34.80 19:54.50
Braden Kubichek Ballard High School -4.10 19:55.40 19:59.50
Carson Colton Johnston High School +2:40.00 22:35.70 19:55.70
Tallie Plueger Ankeny Centennial HS -16.40 19:55.80 20:12.20
Nathan Mauro Dowling Catholic High School +28.40 20:25.40 19:57.00
Sam Vicker Dowling Catholic High School +29.90 20:26.90 19:57.00
Anthony Beneke Dowling Catholic High School +1:16.20 21:14.60 19:58.40
Larson De Boer Urbandale +11.60 20:11.00 19:59.40
Patrick Lee A-D-M High School +10.00 20:10.80 20:00.80
Evan Tollari Southeast Polk High School -27.90 20:00.90 20:28.80
Ryland Moss A-D-M High School +2:32.30 22:33.30 20:01.00
Owen Hovick Ankeny Centennial HS -58.70 20:01.30 21:00.00
Lauren Jackson Ankeny High School +1:24.10 21:26.00 20:01.90
Ethan Guild Urbandale +45.90 20:47.90 20:02.00
Scarlett Walsh Bishop Heelan Catholic High School +1:01.90 21:04.00 20:02.10
Nathan Poag Ames High School -12.90 20:03.90 20:16.80
Aidan Sash Dowling Catholic High School +12.60 20:17.30 20:04.70
Mateo Holcomb Urbandale -1:06.70 20:04.90 21:11.60
Clara Olson Waukee Northwest +32.10 20:38.70 20:06.60
Karson Johnson Waukee +7.70 20:15.60 20:07.90
Anna Lursen St. Edmond Catholic High School -53.10 20:09.10 21:02.20
Tillie Smith Ankeny Centennial HS +7.50 20:16.70 20:09.20
Parker O'Neall Des Moines Roosevelt High School +2:53.50 23:03.50 20:10.00
August Vance Des Moines Roosevelt High School +9.50 20:20.20 20:10.70
Jamison Reinders Waukee Northwest +39.10 20:50.20 20:11.10
Alex Mackie Urbandale +24.10 20:35.40 20:11.30
Jackson Warren Norwalk High School -1:08.70 20:11.50 21:20.20
Emerson McDermott Dallas Center-Grimes High School -1:25.20 20:12.10 21:37.30
Brooklyn Stanley Bishop Heelan Catholic High School -42.30 20:12.20 20:54.50
Brynn Wilson Ballard High School +1:18.50 21:31.40 20:12.90
Tyson Jones Waukee Northwest +25.10 20:38.20 20:13.10
Jr Drew Every Dallas Center-Grimes High School +17.70 20:30.80 20:13.10
Bodee Krob Dallas Center-Grimes High School +1:23.40 21:36.70 20:13.30
Ava Bussey Lewis Central High School +1:35.60 21:50.20 20:14.60
John Schendel Ames High School +2:10.50 22:26.20 20:15.70
Maggie Burry Johnston High School +18.30 20:34.40 20:16.10
Sam Sparks Urbandale +1:06.60 21:23.10 20:16.50
Savannah Davis Mason City +56.30 21:13.80 20:17.50
Elise Dykstra Mason City +42.70 21:00.30 20:17.60
Jonah Rowland Johnston High School +1:59.00 22:16.60 20:17.60
Calvin Haag Ankeny Centennial HS +38.10 20:55.90 20:17.80
Michael Johnson Mason City +1:57.80 22:15.70 20:17.90
Logan Frink Waukee +30.80 20:48.90 20:18.10
Jayna Lamping Johnston High School +0.50 20:18.90 20:18.40
Drew Coleman Ankeny High School +54.20 21:12.70 20:18.50
Hanna Johnson Sioux City North High School +58.90 21:17.70 20:18.80
Ivy Glendenning Southeast Polk High School +40.50 20:59.40 20:18.90
Taylor LeBlanc Waukee +37.60 20:57.50 20:19.90
Finley Hancock Valley High School +40.80 21:00.70 20:19.90
Severo Rodriguez Dowling Catholic High School +4:41.10 25:01.30 20:20.20
James Donovan Bishop Heelan Catholic High School -41.50 20:20.30 21:01.80
Kellan Kreger Waukee +1:06.20 21:26.60 20:20.40
Leah Hartford Indianola High School +20.60 20:41.30 20:20.70
Atticus Pottratz Ankeny High School +8.40 20:30.00 20:21.60
Alec Hudson Dowling Catholic High School -2:40.60 20:21.80 23:02.40
Austin Larsen Bishop Heelan Catholic High School -12.40 20:22.00 20:34.40
Olivia Fehn Johnston High School +31.80 20:54.10 20:22.30
Sydney Berger Waukee +40.50 21:05.10 20:24.60
Taylor Hoger Indianola High School -1:02.40 20:25.60 21:28.00
Kaleb Dee Ballard High School +1:22.40 21:48.70 20:26.30
Tom Hook A-D-M High School +7.20 20:34.80 20:27.60
Braelon Decker Indianola High School +37.70 21:05.70 20:28.00
Jonas Robinson Ankeny Centennial HS +1:45.00 22:13.10 20:28.10
Jackson Grossnickle Ankeny High School +22.20 20:52.10 20:29.90
Seb Cooper Indianola High School -1:48.00 20:30.40 22:18.40
Kylee Patterson Ankeny Centennial HS -12.50 20:30.60 20:43.10
Owen Gruver Fort Dodge High School +13.30 20:44.10 20:30.80
Paige Mattes A-D-M High School +36.40 21:09.90 20:33.50
Lauren Reimer Ankeny Centennial HS -18.80 20:33.60 20:52.40
Meredith Frandsen Ames High School +30.00 21:05.40 20:35.40
Colin Huynh Dallas Center-Grimes High School +1:41.50 22:17.60 20:36.10
Ruhan Gupta Johnston High School +10.10 20:46.70 20:36.60
Kayden Tritz A-D-M High School +17.30 20:54.60 20:37.30
Carson Mears Waukee Northwest +1:45.70 22:23.10 20:37.40
Evan Allen Waukee Northwest -1:20.40 20:38.70 21:59.10
Elise Huegerich Dowling Catholic High School +28.40 21:07.10 20:38.70
Abby Ziegert Dowling Catholic High School +12.20 20:51.40 20:39.20
Jesse Hutson Ames High School +33.30 21:13.20 20:39.90
Adam Klocke Dowling Catholic High School -2:45.40 20:40.20 23:25.60
Trent Paugh Ankeny High School +7.50 20:48.60 20:41.10
Jon Hudak Urbandale +45.00 21:26.60 20:41.60
Carli Bennett Southeast Polk High School -54.60 20:41.80 21:36.40
Miguel Ranfeld Dallas Center-Grimes High School -37.20 20:42.80 21:20.00
Caleb Whaley Ankeny Centennial HS +1:18.30 22:01.50 20:43.20
Ava Richardson Ballard High School -1.80 20:44.00 20:45.80
Brody Proctor Manson-Northwest Webster High School -48.20 20:44.40 21:32.60
Emma Scott Sioux City East High School -40.00 20:44.80 21:24.80
Piper Zeman Ankeny Centennial HS -7.20 20:45.00 20:52.20
Will Morain A-D-M High School +1:10.60 21:55.60 20:45.00
Ivy Wiegand Ankeny High School -8.60 20:45.30 20:53.90
Luke Patterson Southeast Polk High School +1:16.60 22:02.20 20:45.60
Alyssa Bartlett Southeast Polk High School +27.20 21:14.70 20:47.50
Jacob Weber Ames High School -7.40 20:47.80 20:55.20
Evelynne Gauthier Valley High School +58.20 21:50.00 20:51.80
Ella Schulz Ankeny High School +10.70 21:02.70 20:52.00
Kylie Lincoln Ankeny Centennial HS +1:20.50 22:13.40 20:52.90
Gage Boersma Indianola High School +28.20 21:23.00 20:54.80
Taylor Porter Ankeny Centennial HS +1:51.40 22:46.90 20:55.50
Michaela Leiting St. Edmond Catholic High School +32.40 21:28.00 20:55.60
Kylie Heaberlin Dallas Center-Grimes High School +1:23.50 22:19.90 20:56.40
Lexi Alliss Waukee Northwest +47.90 21:45.10 20:57.20
Taryn Begley Waukee Northwest +24.20 21:22.20 20:58.00
James Bridenstein Ankeny High School +56.60 21:54.90 20:58.30
Michaela Appel Indianola High School +4:12.80 25:11.60 20:58.80
Remy Sivertsen Indianola High School +17.00 21:16.00 20:59.00
Audrina Jones Valley High School +36.00 21:36.30 21:00.30
Ian Schlak Dallas Center-Grimes High School +1:19.40 22:20.60 21:01.20
Maya Butler Norwalk High School +9.00 21:10.80 21:01.80
Owen Caldwell Ames High School -15.90 21:02.20 21:18.10
Madisyn Gholson Ankeny High School +1:30.40 22:32.60 21:02.20
Ethan Pham Sioux City North High School +2:40.90 23:43.10 21:02.20
Maddox Wajda Valley High School +2:57.00 23:59.50 21:02.50
Hannah Landwehr St. Edmond Catholic High School +51.90 21:55.00 21:03.10
Jack Franks Des Moines Roosevelt High School +5:45.60 26:49.10 21:03.50
Alyx Purvis Waukee Northwest -1:54.80 21:03.60 22:58.40
MaKenna Teel Johnston High School -59.40 21:04.50 22:03.90
Ellie Knox St. Edmond Catholic High School +46.60 21:51.40 21:04.80
Jackson Temple Waukee Northwest -15.50 21:05.10 21:20.60
Carlos Guzman Urbandale +3:14.20 24:19.40 21:05.20
Grace Rueber Southeast Polk High School -37.80 21:06.50 21:44.30
Hannah Desmarais A-D-M High School -8.70 21:06.50 21:15.20
Jonah Carlson St. Edmond Catholic High School -15.10 21:07.40 21:22.50
Finn Graziano Waukee +1:13.30 22:21.30 21:08.00
Camryn Johnson Ankeny Centennial HS +1:38.30 22:46.80 21:08.50
Grace Roerig Bishop Heelan Catholic High School -23.50 21:08.80 21:32.30
Abel Cerda Southeast Polk High School +2:40.50 23:50.70 21:10.20
Khloee Weitzel Sioux City East High School -2:40.90 21:11.60 23:52.50
Hudson Evans Ankeny High School +1:40.50 22:52.80 21:12.30
Raegan Behrens Ankeny High School +23.60 21:36.80 21:13.20
Paul Giles A-D-M High School -46.10 21:17.50 22:03.60
Kenzi Dray Waukee Northwest +2.60 21:20.30 21:17.70
Peyton Hoffman Waukee -50.50 21:20.10 22:10.60
Henry Zou Johnston High School +31.50 21:52.20 21:20.70
Larry Li Waukee Northwest -3.40 21:21.50 21:24.90
Magnus Pottratz Ankeny High School +55.20 22:17.90 21:22.70
Tess Meggison Dallas Center-Grimes High School +6.60 21:30.00 21:23.40
Jonathan Moser Dowling Catholic High School +3:45.20 25:08.80 21:23.60
Luke Gragg Johnston High School +2:01.60 23:26.50 21:24.90
Elizabeth Marsh Dowling Catholic High School -23.50 21:28.20 21:51.70
Donovan Mathis Johnston High School +12.00 21:40.30 21:28.30
McKenzie Dee Ballard High School -1:59.10 21:30.10 23:29.20
Lauren Schultz Valley High School -2:27.10 21:30.30 23:57.40
Ashleigh Jochum Bishop Heelan Catholic High School -22.80 21:31.10 21:53.90
Sarah Webster Urbandale -11.10 21:31.80 21:42.90
Isaiah Haveman Ames High School +1:26.50 23:00.70 21:34.20
Cahill Kirkpatrick Bishop Heelan Catholic High School -24.60 21:36.30 22:00.90
Gus Sanders Des Moines Roosevelt High School +1:25.00 23:03.10 21:38.10
Haydn Little Dallas Center-Grimes High School +37.40 22:15.70 21:38.30
Blake Schimonitz Valley High School +1:30.10 23:08.60 21:38.50
Maren Manning Waukee Northwest -2.80 21:39.00 21:41.80
Brycen Timmer A-D-M High School +1:38.10 23:17.80 21:39.70
Declan Briggs Indianola High School -3:46.20 21:41.20 25:27.40
Cameron Seitz Des Moines Roosevelt High School +2.90 21:46.00 21:43.10
Anna Van Kooten Southeast Polk High School +20.70 22:04.20 21:43.50
Kate Rastetter Johnston High School -1:02.10 21:44.80 22:46.90
Sam Schwarz Mason City +2:33.70 24:19.00 21:45.30
Joslyn Vogt Sioux City North High School -55.20 21:46.60 22:41.80
Eva Fleming Waukee Northwest +1:26.90 23:13.80 21:46.90
Arjun Mittra Des Moines Roosevelt High School -10.70 21:47.00 21:57.70
Bennet Neipert Des Moines Roosevelt High School +8.90 21:55.90 21:47.00
Kiersten Van Horn Urbandale +13.90 22:03.90 21:50.00
Naomi Kieffer Bishop Heelan Catholic High School +41.20 22:31.60 21:50.40
Trudy Haag Ankeny Centennial HS +1:20.40 23:10.90 21:50.50
Sophie Nguyen Waukee Northwest +1:55.90 23:46.50 21:50.60
Finn Huggins Des Moines Roosevelt High School +1:34.60 23:25.80 21:51.20
Jack Theis Dowling Catholic High School -14.80 21:51.60 22:06.40
Ashlyn Nelson Southeast Polk High School -1:23.50 21:51.80 23:15.30
Vince Merrill Carlisle High School -4:50.00 21:53.60 26:43.60
Alex Eichorn Ames High School +23.80 22:18.00 21:54.20
Quincy Cooper Waukee Northwest +1:57.90 23:53.70 21:55.80
Joel Chan Des Moines Roosevelt High School +30.00 22:25.80 21:55.80
Maria Wilcox Johnston High School +4.10 22:02.00 21:57.90
Alex Pochernich Ankeny High School -1:53.30 21:58.20 23:51.50
Mikey Halbach Dowling Catholic High School +2:23.00 24:21.20 21:58.20
Claudia SEWELL Mason City -13.50 21:58.70 22:12.20
Cael Fahrmann Ankeny High School +2:57.80 24:56.50 21:58.70
Bella Winther Newton High School +42.10 22:41.70 21:59.60
Charlotte McCoy Des Moines Roosevelt High School +21.00 22:22.00 22:01.00
Owen Anderson Southeast Polk High School +21.20 22:22.40 22:01.20
Nabil Sajid Waukee -1:04.70 22:02.30 23:07.00
Emily Evison Ankeny Centennial HS +1:25.30 23:28.10 22:02.80
Conan Kirkpatrick Bishop Heelan Catholic High School +34.60 22:37.60 22:03.00
Ben Hemmer Waukee Northwest +2:29.70 24:33.70 22:04.00
Piper Dahl Indianola High School -26.10 22:06.10 22:32.20
Amelia Holter Johnston High School +1:37.50 23:43.60 22:06.10
Dean Landis Ankeny Centennial HS +1:25.20 23:32.00 22:06.80
Nathan Wanat Dallas Center-Grimes High School -24.90 22:07.00 22:31.90
Ella Chuapoco Dowling Catholic High School +13.10 22:20.70 22:07.60
Ada Bogdanski Des Moines Roosevelt High School -1:47.90 22:07.70 23:55.60
Annie Smith Dowling Catholic High School -8.70 22:08.50 22:17.20
Dhruv Chatterjee Waukee -35.70 22:09.70 22:45.40
Evan Lorenzen Sioux City North High School +2:36.10 24:47.90 22:11.80
Evan Nelson Ames High School -33.90 22:11.90 22:45.80
Maxime Janelle Ankeny Centennial HS -2:27.40 22:14.60 24:42.00
Anna Blanchard Indianola High School +9.50 22:25.20 22:15.70
Haley Nelson A-D-M High School -40.50 22:17.70 22:58.20
Riley Gach Carlisle High School -0.10 22:18.50 22:18.60
Alex Imig Valley High School -43.60 22:20.60 23:04.20
Natalie Nelson Waukee Northwest +1:07.20 23:28.30 22:21.10
Cambell Crabb Southeast Polk High School +31.60 22:53.70 22:22.10
Cece Thompson Valley High School -1:10.40 22:22.40 23:32.80
Sidny Pohlman Johnston High School -55.80 22:22.60 23:18.40
Kellen King Dowling Catholic High School +13.90 22:36.50 22:22.60
Marcella Palmer Sioux City North High School +2:47.40 25:11.20 22:23.80
Olivia Petersen Ankeny Centennial HS -33.80 22:25.40 22:59.20
Carter Mitchell Des Moines Roosevelt High School +2:36.60 25:02.50 22:25.90
Owen Congdon Des Moines Roosevelt High School -7.70 22:26.00 22:33.70
Sophie Miller Waukee Northwest +13.00 22:39.00 22:26.00
Abby Drosieko Ankeny Centennial HS +2.30 22:30.00 22:27.70
Caraline Hertz Ames High School +1:12.90 23:40.70 22:27.80
Reese Bleeker Bishop Heelan Catholic High School +26.70 22:57.60 22:30.90
Dylan Porter Dowling Catholic High School +43.30 23:14.70 22:31.40
Kayla Etnyre Indianola High School -1:09.90 22:32.00 23:41.90
Cooper Stein Valley High School +38.50 23:11.10 22:32.60
Grace Buch Ankeny High School -29.80 22:32.70 23:02.50
Sophie Meekma Dallas Center-Grimes High School -17.00 22:32.80 22:49.80
Sara Beckwith Norwalk High School -52.80 22:34.00 23:26.80
Daniel Bonilla Urbandale -15.00 22:35.30 22:50.30
Aiden Kempers Waukee Northwest +2:57.60 25:34.90 22:37.30
Paige Strawn Southeast Polk High School -3:22.30 22:38.60 26:00.90
Audrey Patkin Ankeny Centennial HS +1:28.10 24:06.90 22:38.80
Kaiden Wacker Waukee Northwest +1:16.60 23:55.50 22:38.90
Ava Scott Des Moines Roosevelt High School -1:47.20 22:40.20 24:27.40
Hannah Varangkounh Ankeny Centennial HS -8.00 22:43.90 22:51.90
Bria Kelly Ankeny Centennial HS +1:10.00 23:54.50 22:44.50
Katelyn Cook Sioux City North High School -1:25.00 22:44.70 24:09.70
Isabel Makovec Ankeny Centennial HS -48.10 22:45.20 23:33.30
Sophia Carney Carlisle High School +1:04.90 23:50.30 22:45.40
Ana Gutierrez Waukee -31.10 22:46.70 23:17.80
Cailey Baker Indianola High School -7.20 22:46.90 22:54.10
Leo Klemm Dowling Catholic High School +1:16.40 24:04.90 22:48.50
Lilian Gyure Urbandale -11.80 22:48.70 23:00.50
Talula Schetzsle Ankeny Centennial HS +19.90 23:08.60 22:48.70
Kate Busby Dallas Center-Grimes High School -18.60 22:49.20 23:07.80
Macy Miller Johnston High School -39.70 22:50.30 23:30.00
Erin TerHark Mason City +1:15.20 24:07.60 22:52.40
Sara Brown Ankeny Centennial HS +3:36.30 26:31.00 22:54.70
Riley Plummer Southeast Polk High School -1:22.20 22:55.20 24:17.40
Katie Tollefson Ballard High School +25.50 23:20.80 22:55.30
Sasha Nanaziashvili Valley High School +2:01.10 24:57.60 22:56.50
Taylor Chapman Valley High School -2:47.70 22:57.10 25:44.80
Elizabeth Hyland Ankeny Centennial HS +13.00 23:10.30 22:57.30
Andie Davitt Norwalk High School +19.70 23:19.50 22:59.80
Lilin Kamm Sioux City East High School -28.10 22:59.90 23:28.00
Willow Jepson Dowling Catholic High School -40.70 23:00.20 23:40.90
Kate Baker Indianola High School -52.80 23:01.40 23:54.20
Madeline Meiners Johnston High School -59.40 23:02.20 24:01.60
Raygin Anderson Manson-Northwest Webster High School -4.60 23:04.50 23:09.10
Mary Gano Carlisle High School +2:08.40 25:12.90 23:04.50
Olivia Wait Lewis Central High School +13.10 23:17.70 23:04.60
Anna Schoessler Dowling Catholic High School +1.20 23:06.70 23:05.50
Nora Loveland Ballard High School +2:23.80 25:29.80 23:06.00
Hasom Park Ames High School -1:18.00 23:07.60 24:25.60
Reagan Duffy Waukee Northwest -24.80 23:08.40 23:33.20
Kate Kotta Mason City +34.00 23:45.50 23:11.50
Jacob Hoben A-D-M High School +33.30 23:45.90 23:12.60
Kira Fisk Carlisle High School -19.60 23:14.80 23:34.40
Kathleen Loder Des Moines Roosevelt High School -57.20 23:16.10 24:13.30
Peter Hardee Mason City +1:01.10 24:17.80 23:16.70
Samantha Palmer Ames High School -40.20 23:20.30 24:00.50
Eden Schuchart Ankeny High School -53.40 23:21.40 24:14.80
Rhyan Miller A-D-M High School -22.20 23:21.40 23:43.60
David Mendoza Bishop Heelan Catholic High School +1:04.20 24:27.00 23:22.80
Kailey Waterbeck Johnston High School +1:06.20 24:29.90 23:23.70
Oscar Kellen Des Moines Roosevelt High School +1:38.70 25:03.00 23:24.30
Kinsley Theobaold Johnston High School +1:00.30 24:25.70 23:25.40
Ella Breueer Ankeny High School -25.30 23:26.40 23:51.70
Reece Denahey Des Moines Roosevelt High School +1:27.50 24:54.70 23:27.20
Ainsley Brown Valley High School -50.60 23:27.50 24:18.10
Kristin Rutz Johnston High School -36.70 23:27.60 24:04.30
Mya Christensen Dallas Center-Grimes High School +15.60 23:43.20 23:27.60
Colin Cummins Newton High School +2.20 23:30.50 23:28.30
Grant Guiter Johnston High School -1:02.60 23:29.70 24:32.30
Adelae Johnson Ames High School -38.60 23:30.00 24:08.60
Sloan Hoskinson Waukee -8.80 23:30.40 23:39.20
Jacob Goodman Ames High School +1:35.70 25:07.70 23:32.00
Abby Hall Sioux City North High School +36.00 24:09.30 23:33.30
Shreyas Shrestha Johnston High School -28.90 23:33.80 24:02.70
Kaiya Kralik Norwalk High School +28.10 24:02.10 23:34.00
Kannon Mitchell Ankeny Centennial HS +3:05.80 26:41.50 23:35.70
Arcenia Burrack Sioux City North High School -2:12.60 23:35.80 25:48.40
Kenzie McConville Norwalk High School +23.10 24:00.40 23:37.30
Maria Gutierrez Sioux City North High School -50.00 23:38.40 24:28.40
Cece Martins Waukee Northwest +18.60 23:57.50 23:38.90
Emma Goode Waukee Northwest +40.10 24:21.00 23:40.90
Adam Olinger Carlisle High School +2:50.70 26:31.60 23:40.90
Aleah Port Waukee -6.50 23:41.00 23:47.50
Ben Baier Ballard High School +1:25.10 25:09.20 23:44.10
Blake Riker Bishop Heelan Catholic High School +28.80 24:15.00 23:46.20
Kylie Ireland Waukee Northwest +7.10 23:54.10 23:47.00
Matthew Hammerand Urbandale -6.60 23:48.80 23:55.40
Ian CAROLUS Mason City -2:07.70 23:49.00 25:56.70
Anya Jorgensen Ballard High School +42.70 24:35.50 23:52.80
Cade Taylor Ames High School +2:36.10 26:29.00 23:52.90
Cameron Sharp Newton High School +3:52.10 27:45.10 23:53.00
Paige Nelson Ankeny Centennial HS +1:27.80 25:20.90 23:53.10
Meredith Lipova A-D-M High School +46.30 24:39.50 23:53.20
Lila Blake Ankeny Centennial HS +2:29.30 26:22.50 23:53.20
Kayla Quach Waukee -1:25.20 23:55.90 25:21.10
Kaylee Spurbeck Johnston High School +54.50 24:50.50 23:56.00
Quinn Pohlman Johnston High School +26.00 24:24.90 23:58.90
Izzy Konkol Norwalk High School +43.70 24:44.00 24:00.30
Brooke Thompson Waukee +30.50 24:32.10 24:01.60
Ava Clayton Waukee Northwest +1:01.40 25:03.10 24:01.70
Veronica Melo Dowling Catholic High School +1:54.60 25:58.10 24:03.50
Andee Barwin St. Edmond Catholic High School +3.00 24:06.60 24:03.60
Campbell Bowen Dallas Center-Grimes High School +1:05.10 25:09.50 24:04.40
Allison Barber Bishop Heelan Catholic High School +24.00 24:28.70 24:04.70
Ella Huber Ankeny High School -17.40 24:05.90 24:23.30
Anna Thompson Urbandale +52.40 24:59.60 24:07.20
Sydney Ehresman Ballard High School +42.30 24:50.40 24:08.10
Tessa Bitner Des Moines Roosevelt High School -22.90 24:09.70 24:32.60
Libbie Verba Indianola High School +1:02.50 25:14.90 24:12.40
Donny Westendor A-D-M High School +1:36.20 25:50.00 24:13.80
Isabel Crabbs Ankeny High School -7.60 24:15.40 24:23.00
Kale Briggs Indianola High School +29.90 24:50.30 24:20.40
Paxton PANADA Newton High School -2:45.50 24:20.70 27:06.20
Mara Redenius Dallas Center-Grimes High School -59.20 24:20.90 25:20.10
Emerson Sup Norwalk High School -12.40 24:21.80 24:34.20
Olivia Welch Norwalk High School -1:44.20 24:24.30 26:08.50
Anna Lundy Des Moines Roosevelt High School -1:09.60 24:27.30 25:36.90
Evelyn Horgen A-D-M High School -5.40 24:27.60 24:33.00
Ahana Devadas Johnston High School +27.60 24:55.90 24:28.30
Rita Danner Waukee +1:17.20 25:47.10 24:29.90
Lila Wince Valley High School -2:09.90 24:30.30 26:40.20
Carter Garcia Ankeny High School +55.30 25:26.00 24:30.70
Kenneth Bai Ames High School +43.90 25:17.00 24:33.10
Jozeph Hansen Ballard High School -34.60 24:34.50 25:09.10
Audrey Zielke Ballard High School -27.90 24:35.20 25:03.10
Caroline Ramsey Des Moines Roosevelt High School +2:02.10 26:38.30 24:36.20
Michael Kennedy Ankeny High School -6.90 24:37.10 24:44.00
Gracyn Baldwin Waukee Northwest +2:03.80 26:41.40 24:37.60
Lydia Smith Des Moines Roosevelt High School +1:01.10 25:39.60 24:38.50
Ella Gibson Carlisle High School +3:35.50 28:14.50 24:39.00
Braden Kammerer Fort Dodge High School -1:05.50 24:39.10 25:44.60
Halle Olson Dallas Center-Grimes High School -55.80 24:41.50 25:37.30
Logan Oswald Indianola High School -25.10 24:47.40 25:12.50
Isa Dejoode Des Moines Roosevelt High School -4:21.90 24:49.40 29:11.30
Allie Rutledge Dowling Catholic High School -25.00 24:49.90 25:14.90
Maddie Kinney Waukee +1:06.60 25:56.60 24:50.00
Brittany Hall Indianola High School -1:22.00 24:56.40 26:18.40
Elijah Sheldon Ames High School +51.60 25:48.50 24:56.90
Paige Lewis Fort Dodge High School +50.10 25:48.00 24:57.90
Ava Norem Norwalk High School +35.10 25:33.40 24:58.30
Addison Lundahl Ankeny Centennial HS +56.30 25:55.80 24:59.50
Aidan Matney Ankeny Centennial HS -30.20 25:03.80 25:34.00
Armaan Meher Waukee -41.70 25:04.70 25:46.40
Sasha Bennink Waukee Northwest +21.10 25:26.30 25:05.20
Leah Carr Southeast Polk High School -36.70 25:06.10 25:42.80
Elise Garay Sioux City North High School -5:27.50 25:10.90 30:38.40
Isabella Larsen Waukee +26.40 25:37.50 25:11.10
Gigi Garcia Waukee Northwest -9.70 25:13.90 25:23.60
Madeline Stephan Fort Dodge High School +1:15.40 26:30.00 25:14.60
Lauren Sayler Waukee Northwest -46.20 25:18.00 26:04.20
Bella Brinson Ankeny Centennial HS +24.30 25:46.30 25:22.00
Emma Semrow Ankeny Centennial HS +13.50 25:39.00 25:25.50
Camryn Stewart Norwalk High School +2:37.00 28:02.70 25:25.70
Rachel Coon Waukee Northwest +41.70 26:07.40 25:25.70
Soila Winter A-D-M High School +1:42.00 27:10.90 25:28.90
Hilary Paulson Ankeny Centennial HS -1:19.30 25:36.20 26:55.50
Bianca Aquino Manson-Northwest Webster High School -1:07.10 25:37.20 26:44.30
Emily Fredericks Waukee -42.80 25:38.70 26:21.50
Lily Spahr Waukee Northwest -3:53.30 25:38.90 29:32.20
Olivia Hahn Des Moines Roosevelt High School +12.80 25:52.40 25:39.60
Paige Scudder Urbandale -4.10 25:42.00 25:46.10
Jonah Gerjets Ankeny Centennial HS +1:24.20 27:14.10 25:49.90
Ella Beals Southeast Polk High School +10.20 26:02.20 25:52.00
Isabelle Rahn Waukee Northwest -46.90 25:57.40 26:44.30
Millie Brooks Ankeny Centennial HS -30.50 26:06.90 26:37.40
Sage Sivertsen Indianola High School +30.30 26:39.90 26:09.60
Elizabeth Duncan Ames High School -48.90 26:11.60 27:00.50
Defne Tekinalp Waukee -3:09.90 26:12.80 29:22.70
Catherine Polle Dowling Catholic High School +39.80 26:53.30 26:13.50
Maggie Dillon Urbandale +2:24.40 28:39.80 26:15.40
Rosie Howieson Ankeny Centennial HS +2:49.80 29:08.80 26:19.00
Ally Klinefeldt Waukee -3:18.50 26:19.30 29:37.80
Darylinn Cook Fort Dodge High School -2.50 26:19.90 26:22.40
Abbie PRESTON Newton High School -27.40 26:23.80 26:51.20
Madison Elg Des Moines Roosevelt High School -12.60 26:28.90 26:41.50
Sophia Schneide Ames High School -1:06.00 26:29.60 27:35.60
Adrienne Hodges Waukee Northwest +1:13.30 27:45.30 26:32.00
Tessa Blocher Valley High School -11.60 26:33.50 26:45.10
Josefina Willkom Ankeny Centennial HS -7.20 26:35.60 26:42.80
Scarlett Brown Des Moines Roosevelt High School +44.20 27:20.60 26:36.40
Brenna Emerson Bishop Heelan Catholic High School +32.60 27:11.70 26:39.10
Lily Fleming Waukee Northwest -0.70 26:42.40 26:43.10
Mya Frisk Ames High School +3:03.90 29:57.00 26:53.10
Kaley Swanson Ankeny Centennial HS +1.10 26:55.20 26:54.10
Kaylee Clevenger Waukee -10:28.50 26:55.20 37:23.70
Katelyn Thierry Ankeny Centennial HS +1:09.80 28:08.10 26:58.30
Clare Leto Dowling Catholic High School -1:06.00 27:07.10 28:13.10
McKenna Walker Urbandale -17.40 27:09.50 27:26.90
Mais Homedan Waukee -34.40 27:10.40 27:44.80
Anjali Thattankandy Waukee -5:07.80 27:12.80 32:20.60
Alexa Frye Dowling Catholic High School -51.10 27:16.30 28:07.40
Aracely Aguilar Sioux City North High School +3:35.50 30:53.70 27:18.20
Felicity Young Bishop Heelan Catholic High School +1:31.70 28:49.90 27:18.20
Payton Hunter Norwalk High School +48.00 28:10.70 27:22.70
Kira Malloy Ankeny High School +1:07.90 28:38.00 27:30.10
Ella Fortmann Ankeny High School -2:37.40 27:32.00 30:09.40
Zoey Moon Des Moines Roosevelt High School +6:00.70 33:40.10 27:39.40
Sophie Taylor-H Dowling Catholic High School -28.90 27:40.70 28:09.60
Shannon Bigelow Dowling Catholic High School +2:25.20 30:06.30 27:41.10
Katie Rodamaker Fort Dodge High School +4.40 27:58.20 27:53.80
Carol SANDER Newton High School -2:16.80 27:55.20 30:12.00
Jillian Scroggs Ankeny Centennial HS -1:05.30 28:20.70 29:26.00
Emma Oleson Sioux City North High School -5.30 28:35.50 28:40.80
Karla Martinez Des Moines Roosevelt High School -3:50.40 28:59.20 32:49.60
Ella Rouse Waukee +1:37.40 30:44.10 29:06.70
Nealy Bodin Southeast Polk High School -27.40 29:28.30 29:55.70
Emma Adair Dallas Center-Grimes High School +29.60 30:05.60 29:36.00
Avery Bacon Ankeny High School -3:02.70 29:51.30 32:54.00
Sritha Devarapu Waukee -37.70 29:54.80 30:32.50
Audrey Naumann Des Moines Roosevelt High School +3:26.00 33:41.20 30:15.20
Brenna Fast Ankeny High School +47.80 31:12.40 30:24.60
Annie McKenzie Des Moines Roosevelt High School +10.50 30:53.60 30:43.10
Madison Braun Waukee -57.10 30:54.50 31:51.60
Audrey Schaeffe Ankeny Centennial HS -2:22.10 31:16.60 33:38.70
Mesa Worley Dallas Center-Grimes High School +50.40 32:32.40 31:42.00
Halley Beaudet Dallas Center-Grimes High School +1:07.60 32:56.80 31:49.20
Alexis DIRKSEN Newton High School +30.20 32:30.00 31:59.80
Grace Amadeo Dowling Catholic High School +17.30 36:46.60 36:29.30
Mackenzie Branstad Dowling Catholic High School -6:01.70 36:46.40 42:48.10
Htoo Bauerly Sioux City North High School -51.40 37:09.00 38:00.40
Bjorn ROEN Mason City +3:40.10 47:23.00 43:42.90